Thursday, November 28, 2019
Hitlers Willing Executioners Essays (276 words) -
Hitler's Willing Executioners Hitler's Willing Executioners This book explains why the Holocaust occured. The cause of the Holocaust is found in the beliefs of the Germans. This book tells non-Jewish Germans that the Holocaust did not begin in the gas chambers and was not perpetrated solely by SS officials in the death camps. He says that the persecution began in schools, at the workplace, in stores, at every street corner. Germans tortured and killed the Jews not because they were ordered to but because they wanted to. Two parts of the book analyze the specific nature of German anti-Semitism from the Reformation to the rise of Nazism. A third part of the book describes the consequences of what he defines as eliminationist antisemitism during the implementation of the so-called final solution. In this third part, the part of the book which contains the empirical research, Goldhagen analyses three case studies connected to three different aspects of the history of the genocide. He examines the treatment of Jews in concentration camps, the behavior of Battalion 101 of the Order Police in Poland, and the story of one of the many death marches enacted in the last six months of the war. The author wrote in a remembering way, he wrote so you wouldn't forget anything that had happened to the Jews. I thought he wrote this way so everyone that read his book would see how terrible something like the Holocaust was and not to let anything like that happen again. I would consider this book to be most useful for the general college audience because the Holocaust contained alot of graphic material and may not be understood by junior high school students. The sources used by the author are very dependable references. History Essays
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
What Were The Costs And Benefits Of Cultural Interaction And Trade Spurred By The Crusades essays
What Were The Costs And Benefits Of Cultural Interaction And Trade Spurred By The Crusades essays The Crusades had a major impact on the history of Europe. The costs and benefits of the Crusades were many and many things changed because of the Crusades. The balance of power in Europe changed dramatically during the time of the Crusades. In this paper I shall tell you about these changes produced by the costs and benefits of the Crusades. One effect the Crusades had was the change in the balance of power between nobles and monarchs. The nobles united during the time of the Crusades to fight against a common enemy but during that time the monarchs slowly undermined the power of the nobles. The reason was because the Crusades were a series of wars monarchs had the ever-present excuse to tax the nobles heavily and create an army out of the nobles wealth. Another reason is because many nobles died during the Crusades so many lines of nobles ended and the monarchs usually seized a deceased nobles land. As you can see the Crusades cost the nobles dearly and the monarchs greatly benefited from them. The Crusades also had a major economical impact. The peasants and some businessmen suffered greatly due to the crusades while certain areas and people got rich. The peasants suffered because they were taxed heavily to support the armies. Many businesses that depended on loaning went bankrupt because the pope cancelled debts for people who participated in the Crusades. The people and places that got rich were Italy and shipping companies. The shipping companies made fortunes moving troops and supplies while Italy got truckloads of money because it was perfectly situated between Europe and the Middle East and intercepted all the traffic. The Crusades had a major impact on European technology. Europe learned many things from the Islamic people. The Europeans learned about gunpowder, the crossbow, pigeons as messengers, siege tactics, and catapults. The Europeans were strengthened by the Crusades even though ...
Sunday, November 24, 2019
How to Use Sociology to Counter Claims of Reverse Racism
How to Use Sociology to Counter Claims of Reverse Racism A former student recently asked me how one can use sociology to counter claims of â€Å"reverse racism.†The term refers to the idea that whites experience racism due to programs or initiatives that are designed to benefit people of color. Some claim that organizations or spaces that are exclusive to say, black people or Asian Americans, constitute â€Å"reverse racism,†or that scholarships open only to racial minorities discriminate against whites. The big point of contention for those concerned with â€Å"reverse racism†is Affirmative Action, which refers to measures in applications processes for employment or college admission that take race and the experience of racism into account in the evaluation process. To counter claims of â€Å"reverse discrimination,†let’s first revisit what racism actually is. Per our own glossary definition, racism serves to limit access to rights, resources, and privileges on the basis of essentialist notions of race (stereotypes). Racism can take a variety of forms in achieving these ends. It can be representational, manifesting in how we imagine and represent racial categories, like in costume at â€Å"Ghetto†or â€Å"Cinco de Mayo†parties, or in what kinds of characters people of color play in film and television. Racism can be ideological, existing in our world views and ideas premised on white superiority and the presumed cultural or biological inferiority of others. There are other forms of racism too, but most important to this discussion of whether or not affirmative action constitutes â€Å"reverse racism†are the ways that racism operates institutionally and structurally. Institutional racism manifests in education in the tracking of students of color into remedial or special ed courses, while white students are more likely to be tracked into college prep courses. It also exists in the educational context in the rates at which students of color are punished and reprimanded, versus white students, for the same offenses. Institutional racism is also expressed in biases teachers reveal in doling out praise more so to white students than to students of color. Institutional racism in the educational context is a key force in reproducing long-term, historically rooted structural racism. This includes racial segregation into poor communities with underfunded and understaffed schools, and economic stratification, which overwhelmingly burdens people of color with poverty and limited access to wealth. Access to economic resources is a significant factor that shapes one’s educational experience, and the extent to which one is prepared for admission to college. Affirmative Action policies in higher education are designed to counteract the near 600-year history of systemic racism in this country. A cornerstone of this system is undeserved enrichment of whites based on historical theft of land and resources from Native Americans, theft of labor and denial of rights of Africans and African Americans under slavery and its Jim Crow aftermath, and denial of rights and resources to other racial minorities throughout history. The undeserved enrichment of whites fueled the undeserved impoverishment of people of color- a legacy that is painfully alive today in racialized income and wealth disparities. Affirmative Action seeks to redress some of the costs and burdens born by people of color under systemic racism. Where people have been excluded, it seeks to include them. At their core, Affirmative Action policies are based on inclusion, not exclusion. This fact becomes clear when one considers the history of legislation that laid the groundwork for Affirmative Action, a term first used by former President John F. Kennedy in 1961 in Executive Order 10925, which referenced the need to end discrimination based on race, and was followed three years later by the Civil Rights Act. When we recognize that Affirmative Action is premised on inclusion, we see clearly that it is not consistent with racism, which uses racial stereotypes to limit access to rights, resources, and privileges. Affirmative Action is the opposite of racism; it is anti-racism. It is not â€Å"reverse†racism. Now, some might claim that Affirmative Action limits access to rights, resources, and privileges for whites who are thought to be displaced by people of color who are granted admission instead of them. But the fact is, that claim simply doesn’t stand up to scrutiny when one examines historical and contemporary rates of college admission by race. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, between 1980 and 2009, the number of African American students enrolled in college annually more than doubled, from about 1.1 million to just under 2.9 million. During that same period, Hispanic and Latino enjoyed a huge jump in enrollment, multiplying by more than five, from 443,000 to 2.4 million. The rate of increase for white students was much lower, at just 51 percent, from 9.9 million to about 15 million. What these jumps in enrollment for African Americans and Hispanic and Latinos show is the intended outcome of Affirmative Action policies: increased inclusion. Importantly, the inclusion of these racial groups did not harm white enrollment. In fact, data released by the Chronicle of Higher Education in 2012 show that white students are still slightly over-represented in terms of their presence in that year’s freshmen class at 4-year schools, while black and Latino students are still underrepresented.* Further, if we look beyond the Bachelor’s degree to advanced degrees, we see percentages of white degree earners rise as does level of degree, culminating in a stark underrepresentation of black and Latino recipients of degrees at the level of Doctor. Other research has shown clearly that university professors demonstrate a strong bias toward white male students who express interest in their graduate programs, much to the expense of women and students of color. Looking at the big picture of longitudinal data, it is clear that while Affirmative Action policies have successfully opened access to higher education across racial lines, they have not limited the ability of whites to access this resource. Rulings from the mid-1990s that have outlawed Affirmation Action at public educational institutions lead to a fast and sharp drop in enrollment rates of black and Latino students at those institutions, quite notably in the University of California system. Now, let’s consider the bigger picture beyond education. For â€Å"reverse racism,†or racism against whites, to exist in the U.S., we would first have to reach racial equality in systemic and structural ways. We would have to pay reparations to make up for centuries upon centuries of unjust impoverishment. We would have to equalize wealth distribution and achieve equal political representation. We would have to see equal representation across all job sectors and educational institutions. We would have to abolish racist policing, judicial, and incarceration systems. And, we would have to eradicate ideological, interactional, and representational racism. Then, and only then, might people of color be in a position to limit access to resources, rights, and privileges on the basis of whiteness. Which is to say, â€Å"reverse racism†does not exist in the United States. *I base these statements on 2012 U.S. Census population data, and compare the category â€Å"White alone, not Hispanic or Latino†to the White/Caucasian category used by the Chronicle of Higher Education. I collapsed the Chronicle’s data for Mexican-American/Chicano, Puerto Rican, and Other Latino into a total percentage, which I compared to the Census category â€Å"Hispanic or Latino.â€
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Hook †Your Magic Tool for Grabbing Reader`s Attention
Hook – Your Magic Tool for Grabbing Reader`s Attention How to Write a Hook for Essay A successful essay introduction should include the following elements – background information, thesis statement and, of course, an attention grabber or a hook. It is a wonderful tool, with the use of which you will be able to make your readers want to read on. A hook is like a bridge that will transport your reader into the world of your essay. In the era of excessive information, it is very important to make the first sentences of your paper really catching and exciting. That is why you need a great essay hook. Types of Hooks and Their Examples Use the literary quote that inspires you. It is a great choice if the subject of your essay is literature. For example: "You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view...Until you climb inside of his skin and walk around in it." - Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird Make a startling statement. Impress your audience with the unexpected thought. For example: â€Å"You cannot shake hands with a clenched fist†or â€Å"To read without reflecting is like eating without digesting†Provide your readers with shocking numbers and statistics. Prove that the issue you are investigating is global in character. For example: â€Å"800 Million people go to beds without eating anything†or â€Å"850 Million don’t have access to clean water and 2.5 Billion do not have proper sanitation†Ask your readers a rhetorical question. Make them think about some problems. For example: â€Å"If humans evolved from apes or chimps, why are the chimps and apes still here?†or â€Å"How can you mend a broken heart?†Use contradictions in your essay to build complexity. For example: â€Å"The same people who assert never to have stolen all their lives, download thousands of dollars worth of pirated software and media over the Internet†or â€Å"The same people who've spent more time than most of us flying around the earth are proportionately more likely to insist fossil fuel consumption is a very grave problem†Use a famous metaphor to make your readers interested in your essay. For example: â€Å"Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life†or â€Å"If you want a love message to be heard, it has got to be sent out. To keep a lamp burning, we have to keep putting oil in it†Definition can also be a good essay hook. For example: â€Å"Tolerance is a sympathy or indulgence for beliefs or practices differing from or conflicting with one's own†Reveal a common misconception to surprise your readers. For example: â€Å"All humans learn in similar ways. There is no evidence that people have different learning styles, nor that different teaching styles improve information retention†or â€Å"In addition to sight, smell, taste, touch, and hearing, humans can sense at least 20 things including balance, acceleration, position, pain, temperature, pressure, and thirst†Tips on How to Write a Good Hook for Essay The type of essay hook you choose should be appropriate and relevant. Your hook should look natural in the context. The transition from the hook to the thesis statement should be smooth. It is important to consider your audience before you decide which type of hook is better for your essay. Do some planning before writing a strong essay hook. A good hook should fir your style, tone and writing frame. Your hook should sound thought-provoking. You should remember that writing a good hook means writing well from the very start. But what to do if you still have troubles with these attention grabbers? In such cases we recommend you to read essay writer reviews and choose the writing service that would help you make your essay truly interesting and worth reading.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Is the world more or less stable after the end the cold war Essay - 1
Is the world more or less stable after the end the cold war - Essay Example Particularly, both Russia and United States broke underlying war tensions that they suffered for over four decades. Shortly after World War II, the Cold War became inevitable as both Eastern and Western blocs expressed their bid to become superpowers. Massive investments in this respect crippled social, economic, and political developments around the world. As a result, rival countries focused on their enemies at the expense of the local population. After the Cold War, concerns and interests for local populations heightened. An economically crippled Russia had to strategize on social and economic growth as financial crisis loomed in the country. On the other hand, United States and her NATO allies mobilized resources for both domestic and international progress. These domestic interests and subsequent bids for global economic and political transformation changed international relations in diverse and dynamic ways. An end to the Cold War came with the dissolution of the Soviet Union (Hogan, 1992). This marked the start of a long process of diplomatic relationships among global countries. For the United States, it was time to influence global political developments as the only standing superpower. To do this, United States installed military alliances and posted troops in different countries around the world. In so doing, United States pushed for a more stable world in the post-Cold War era. The presence of U.S military in foreign states carried no war-like threats or intimidation. Rather, foreign nations welcomed the move because it favoured global peace and coherence. Critical to note, however, is that such a move was not expected to be plausible to every state that hosted U.S military personnel. The successful installation of military alliances and posting of military personnel in foreign countries was not without challenges. Amid critical underlying challenges, the presence of U.S troops around the
Cultural Dimensions Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Cultural Dimensions - Assignment Example Cultural dimensions Disparities and similarities exist in the cultural domains between the two countries. The two countries exhibit lower long-term orientation. They score normative in this dimension. Spanish people prefer keeping their lives normal without considering what the future entails. Americans treat changes that arise in the society with great suspicion. They tend to analyze emerging information to confirm its validity. Americans possess good analytical skills that give them a clear view whether particular information is good or disastrous. The foundation of businesses in America is short-term goals. America and Spain share individualism in the cultural domains. The members Interact freely with people from other parts of the world. Americans find it easy to interact and seek information from non-Americans. They exhibit free-spirited interactions amongst themselves simplifying their engagement that relates to business and other activities. In the power distance domain of culture, the countries perform differently. In contrast to Spanish, Americans do not appreciate the fact that people must be different in the society. They constantly struggle to address the inequality that exists among people. Most employees in America prefer to participate in the decision-making process and tend to question the actions of the authorities on issues that relate to them. In Spain, people accept the diversity prevalent in the society. They make little effort to breach the gap. Spanish people refer to the decisions made by the authorities as autocratic and rarely challenge the directives from the leaders. In uncertainty avoidance domain, the two countries exist on opposite sides of the divide. Spain scores highly in this domain while America performance is below average. Americans find it easy to incorporate new ideas than the Spanish people.Â
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Economics of International Finance(choosing a country) Essay
Economics of International Finance(choosing a country) - Essay Example The reason for choosing the US is the ready availability of data for this study, the reliability of the data collected. The sample size of the data collected was sufficient and realistic, hence, suitable for testing the hypotheses of this study. The report will be presented in an analytical and descriptive structure containing the summaries and analysis of the economic variables. The report thus gives recommendation of actions because of economic management policies that had projected economic growth of the debts of US to approximately US$ 430 Billion in the subsequent five years (Cohen 2007, p76). The ultimate purpose of the economy is to do cost and benefit analysis of the US, showing a roadmap to cost balancing between the exports and the imports in alignment with the US economic policies. There are four study questions, which this study intends to investigate. Using the economic variables, this study investigates whether there is any effect of consumer product demands on the consumer prices or not. It is hypothesized that there is a positive relationship between the two variables. Secondly, it investigates the trend of the consumer demands and consumer price index from the year 1994 to 2013. The hypothesis is that consumer demand decreases with the increase the rate of unemployment in the US. The third research question is to investigate the relationship that exists between the import and export, the hypothesis is that the more the export, the more the import volumes. The fourth study question is to investigate the relationship that exist between the unemployment level and the GDP, as well as the relationship between unemployment and the rate of economic inflation in the US. The hypothesis is that the level of unemployment negatively affects the percentage of GDP in the US economy. One of the economic reports and national survey of the US economy shows the objectives of the government to
Printing and Advertising Services Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Printing and Advertising Services - Essay Example As the paper declares the ad is clear and strategically positioned so that everyone can read it just from any angle. This strategy improves the ad's visibility. Even passengers in moving vehicles can see it and perhaps put their seat belts on (if they did not have them on). The ad will then have reminded them that road safety is paramount and is the collective responsibility of not just law enforcers, but the passenger's as well. The ad depicts a man seated comfortably at the back seat, with no seat belts on; perhaps oblivious of the potential danger he is exposing himself to. This helps to show that the notion that passengers sometimes have; they think the back seat is "safer†. As the report stresses the billboard portrays an effective message; it tells people or passengers what they must not do if they want to be safe on the roads. In case they do not wear seat belts, they will be victims of their mistakes and negligence. Perhaps the ad also reinstates the need to be responsible road users, whether as passengers, drivers or pedestrians. Looking at the current accident trends, statistics suggest that 50% of all road accidents are preventable, among them by using seat belts. What a better way to pass this message than through the three-dimensional and colorful billboard ad! Car manufactures place seat belts in cars for a good cause. They realize that in case of an accident action and reactions forces will be involved.
Monday, November 18, 2019
Diversity And Discrimination In the Work Place, Can It Ever Be Essay
Diversity And Discrimination In the Work Place, Can It Ever Be Overcome - Essay Example Therefore, to overcome this discrimination, diversity management policies should have a high focus on increasing awareness, sensitizing the staff and ensuring inclusive policies. Causes of Discrimination and Strategies to Overcome Awareness In the recent years, eliminating any discrimination due to diversity has been a topic that has received the attention of researchers and scholars. One of the main reasons because of which discrimination takes place in workplace is the lack of awareness that leads to insensitive and discriminatory behavior (Nishii and Wright, 2008). Hence, creating awareness should be one of the most important steps when it comes to diversity management. In addition, creating awareness does not mean having certain non-discriminatory policies at workplace, instead it means educating employees and making them understand how to acknowledge as well as accept the diversity that they would be experiencing. This is particularly crucial in a situation where the majority of employees belong to one particular group (age, gender, ethnic origin, sexual orientation and so on). In such a situation, discrimination can even happen in the form of isolation (Nishii and Wright, 2008). For example, most organizations have a policy of non-discrimination with regard to homosexuals, but due to the stigma associated with homosexuality, it is possible that the individual is looked at in a different manner because of the sexual orientation. Therefore, both the Human Resources team as well as the management should work in tandem through formal sessions, online trainings and need-based individual sessions to improve awareness. Acknowledgement and Acceptance According to Green, Lopez, Wysocki... The paper stresses that with rising competition and challenges related to economic recession, it is necessary for the organization to ensure that any form of discrimination is eliminated because it can result in not just the loss of productivity, but it can also compromise the ethical foundation of the organization. Across the world, the message of equality and acceptance is being propagated and hence, a good diversity management policy which is effectively implemented can help in overcoming the challenge of discrimination at workplace. The report makes a conclusion that , most organizations have a process called diversity training which aims at informing and educating the management as well as the staff about diversity and the advantages that a diverse workforce can provide to the organization. Additionally, some organizations have also implemented the policy of diversity audit. This audit is carried out through means such as surveys and personal interviews to understand if there are any hidden prejudices or discrimination that exists in the organization. A diversity audit can not only help in resolving any discrimination issues, but it can also provide information on how to improve the diversity management strategies from an employee’s perspective. The author declares that one of the major mistakes that organizations make with regard to diversity management is that they frame certain policies and implement it, but do not subject it to periodic review. This can be drawback because as trends related to divers ity change; the needs of diversity management also undergo a change. Hence, they should periodically review these policies to see if it suits their needs of the current set of employees that the organization has.
Sunday, November 17, 2019
A play written by J. B. Priestly Essay Example for Free
A play written by J. B. Priestly Essay An Inspector Calls, a play written by J. B. Priestly in 1945. He set his play in 1912 just before the First World War. It is a story of the visit by an Inspector to an apparently normal family, the Birlings. The Birlings are celebrating their daughter Shelias engagement to Gerald Croft. Mr. Birling a successful factory owner gets the ball rolling with a speech, which he gives to his son Eric, and Gerald Croft. J. B Priestly makes good use of dramatic irony in this speech because many events took place after 1912, which we the modern audience, know about but Mr. Birling doesnt. Mr. Birling mentioned that the miners came out on a strike and there would be possible labour trouble in the near future. He said that there wouldnt be any more worries about the strikes. But in 1926 we know that there was a General Strike in Britain. He talks about the Titanic being a spectacular ship with every luxury and it is absolutely unsinkable. But as we know in 1912 the Titanic sunk on maiden voyage and 1,513 lives were lost. He also mentioned about the wars not happening. He said that the Germans dont want war. But in 1914 the First World War broke out. He said that there would peace and prosperity and rapid progress everywhere but in 1917 there was revolution in Russia. In 1939 the Second World War broke out and in 1945 the atomic bombs were dropped on Japan. This makes the audience doubt Mr Birling early on in the play. When Mr. Birling finishes his speech the Inspector enters into the scene. The Inspector is at the Birlings because there was a death of a woman Eva Smith and he had come to ask questions about her. Mr. Birling was the first person that we were led to believe started off the train of events that ultimately led to the death of Eva Smith. Mr. Birling had sacked Eva Smith from his factory after she started to cause trouble demanding higher wages. Mr Birling says that any man in his position would have done the same. She was making trouble as Mr. Birling said, She had a lot to say far too much so she had to goi. But the only thing that Mr. Birling cared about was his family and the progress of his business. He didnt care about his workers and he didnt know them. As he says in Act 1 I have a couple of hundred workers under me, who keep changing. So there wasnt a personal relationship between these two until after the workers came back from their holidays that they were asking for a pay rise. As Mr. Birling wouldnt, he sacked the ringleaders and one of them was Eva Smith. Now that Eva was sacked she was out of work for two months. She had no money and she was half starved. She had no one to help her. Her parents had died so they couldnt offer any help and her friends had nothing to offer her. But then again it wasnt the end of the world and she was capable of getting another job as we find out.
Friday, November 15, 2019
Chinese And Americans Negotiations Style
Chinese And Americans Negotiations Style China has been becoming a key player in the world stage since last two decades for her rapid development of economy ¼Ã…’military force and so on. More and more countries regard China as an emerging market for her huge potential market and big amount of potential target customers; therefore, many countries want to operate business in China. According to the survey, America is one of the biggest business partners of China; it continues to maintain Chinas second largest trading partner, bilateral trade amounted to 102.34 billion U.S. dollars, an increase of 11.4%. Among them, Chinas exports to the U.S. $ 74,300,000,000, an increase of 6.9%,more than a quarter of accelerating 1.5 percentage points over the same period accounted for 17.5% of the total value of Chinese exports; imported 28.04 billion U.S. dollars from the United States, an increase of 25.6%, trade surplus of 46.26 billion U.S. Dollars. As trade increases, more and more American companies have chosen to develop the Chinese market. While the problem also appears, it is difficult to negotiate with the Chinese. With the 5,000 years Chinese traditional culture, many multinational firms realized that China has her own negotiation style. This issue was mentioned by Lucian Pye (1992, p.74, cited by Tian, 2007), the Chinese may be less developed in technology and industrial organization than we, but for centuries they have known few peers in the subtle art of negotiating . When measured against the effort and skill the Chinese bring to the bargaining table, American executives fall short. From the above background, we can see that if the foreign business people want to do business in China, learning Chinese negotiation style is very important. With inadequate knowledge and skills of Chinese negotiation style, it will be difficult for Americans to succeed in striking a desirable deal with Chinese partners and in developing business in China. For this aim, this essay will do a systematically analysis on how to negotiation with Chinese, particularly for the Americans. This essay aims for set out how to understand Chinese negotiation style and find out the differences of negotiation styles between Chinese and Americans, to provide useful information on how to achieve a win-win object. In this essay, the main body will be the analysis of Chinese negotiation style. Section one will introduce some fundamental information of negotiation; in section two, the Chinese culture roots will be illustrated; in section three, the comparison of negotiation style between Chinese and Americans will be indicated; in section four, the conclusion will be given which is even though there are many differences among negotiation styles, the common rules still existed among these countries. Negotiation Based on Tian (2007), there are two parts contribute to negotiation process, which are common interests and conflicting interests. However, many scholars hold divergent views from different perspectives. From the social exchange theory, it defines negotiation as a process, which focus on problem-solving communication for both parties aims for a win-win agreement (McCall and Warrington, 1984; Graham, 1986, cited by Tian, 2007). Which means it focuses on how to maximize the benefits accruing to all parties. Therefore, it can be seen there is a positive relationship between two parties without hurting each other, the conflicts will also be addressed in a way that benefits all. Specifically, social exchange theory insists on a cooperative strategy of negotiation. This implies that both parties need to collaborate with each other and unify the interests of all aim for achieve mutual benefits. The cooperative strategy is illustrated as principled negotiation. As a principled negotiation, it focuses on: separate the human from the problem; focus on benefits rather than positions; options for mutual benefits; insist on objective criteria and no tricks and posturing. In all, the negotiation parties can gain from negotiation in a decent and fair manner. (Tian, 2007). Another theory is the game theory. This theory emphasizes on a win or lose agreement. It considers negotiation as a process that both parties communicate with each other in a competitive manner. (Raiffa, 1982; Siebe, 1991, cited by Tian, 2007). It defines negotiation as each party wants to maximize its own benefits at the cost of the other side. During negotiation all the parties can fight with one another in order to maximize their own interests. Hence, we can see that game theory is based on a competitive strategy. The third theory is called cross-cultural theory. This theory focuses on a specific type of negotiation, which is the different culture background. It indicates that different cultures may lead to different negotiation styles. Based on Tian (2007), game theory and social exchange theory have few implications on negotiation process, while the most influential factor is negotiators from different culture backgrounds need to have a basic understanding of each others cultural environments and negotiation styles; this will very helpful on the success of negotiation. In this essay, we will focus on the cross-cultural negotiation style to analysis the Chinese and Americans negotiation. Cultural roots of the Chinese negotiation style Lots of scholars argued that Chinese culture can be divided into two aspects; one is traditional Chinese culture, the other one is contemporary Chinese political culture (Tian, 2007; Fang and Ghauri). Traditional Chinese culture Confucianism is one of the most influential factors on Chinese negotiation style. There are six basic Confucian values. Firstly it emphasizes on moral cultivation. It regards trust and sincerity as the most important qualities. Secondly, it thinks highly of interpersonal relationships. Guanxi is a major mechanism in the Chinese social psychology. Thirdly, Confucianism pays attention on family and group orientation. The fourth factor is the respect of the age and hierarchy. Being a Chinese who needs to show respect to the aged people; for hierarchy, people should does his duty to contribute to social harmony and stability. The fifth factor is harmony first. Confucianism highlighted the need aim for harmony in the whole society by moral conduct in all kinds of relationships. The last factor is face, Confucianism educated the people they all should have a sense of shame in their minds. Face is a fundamental moral mechanism on Chinese way of life. (Fang and Ghauri). Sun Tzus stratagems: which known as Ji or Chinese stratagems, has a huge impact on Chinese strategic business behaviour. Sun Tzus provides Chinese with various kinds of solutions when facing different situations; how to gain psychological and material advantage to achieve ones purpose. Chinese negotiator is often Sun-Tzu-like strategist, seldom wages a physical business war but rather might be keen on a psychological wrestling of wit to create a favourable situation to manipulate his/her counterpart into doing business his/her way. (Fang and Ghauri; Chas.W, 1999). The most popular part of Sun Tzus stratagems is the Thirty-six ancient Chinese stratagems. Agrarian mentalities: China has a large agrarian population fir over 4,000 years. Even during the Cultural Revolution during 1966-1976, millions of students in urban areas were sent to the countryside by Mao Zedong to let them re-educated by the peasants. Even though most of the students went back to the city they still passed their re-educated values gained from countryside to their off springs; which is completely different with western countries. Based on many scholars research, (Tian, 2007; Graham and Lam; Pye, 1992), thrift and endurance are the most outstanding characteristics of the agrarian mindset when Chinese negotiating. So the agrarian mentalities continue to have a big influence on the way of thinking of the Chinese. Political Culture Mao Zedongs bureaucratic heritage and Deng Xiaopings pragmatism are the most important political cultures in China. Mao Zedongs bureaucratic heritage: this political culture based on orthodox Marxist-Leninist ideology with three main features. Firstly, the leader of the party has the biggest power on political and personnel. Secondly, fragmented and stratified bureaucratic agencies. Different ministries, province governments, government departments and agencies bargain and compete with each other over allocation of limited resources. Bureaucrats typically have good skills of bargaining within the system. Thirdly, the art of survival in the bureaucracy was responsibility avoided. The reason for this is how the unique bureaucratic system works. In China, power means everything especially in political, therefore, everyone tried very hard to avoid mistakes so they can stay at the office as usual. Some of them do everything based on orthodox Marxist-Leninist doctrines, some shifting responsibilities onto the others. Deng Xiaopings pragmatism: Deng is the leader of China economy reform which begun with market-oriented economy reform. During the reform period, Deng had to overcome the political barriers left from the previous period. Therefore, Deng promoted a pragmatist ways of thinking within the Party leadership, which has fundamental changed the political beliefs, attitudes, values and feelings of Chinese society at larger ever since. Dengs theory emphasized on practice rather than theory means. Moreover, Deng also promoted that white or black, it is a good cat as long as it catches nice, in his view, as long as China can achieve economic development and modernization, no matter what kinds of the measures are, the measures should be taken. From the above analysis, we can say that China not only has her own traditional culture, but also has her complicated political culture. All of the factors have big impact on Chinese negotiation style. The differences between Chinese negotiation and Americans negotiation Politics influence ¼Ã… ¡Lots of scholars pointed that, China always has a huge negotiation team but with little power on decision-making. (Adair, et al, 2001; Ghauri and Fang). To be specific, this power refers to the negotiation team power. The key reason to this phenomenon is in China, it is hardly to separate business from politics. In the Chinese Communist culture, they think politics is all-pervasive while on the contrast, Americans believe that business and politics should be separated (Pye, 1992). Ghauri and Fang also pointed that, if you want to do business in China, you should pay enough attention to the Chinese government because the government is the biggest boss and Chinese enterprises are just their factories. Chinese economic structure is more centralized while Americans is more open and free. They also indicated foreign firms should be sensitive to the guiding principles of Chinas social and economic development set forth by the Chinese Communist Party and the Chines e government, and also, should make a careful study of the Chinese governments priorities and implementation policies. In the contrast, Americans regard business is business and politics is politics, which are totally different aspects in the negotiation process. Legal Influence: The Chinese consider the interpersonal relationship is more important than legal contract, which is totally different from Americans. As Pye (1992) mentioned, Chinese culture traditionally shuns legal considerations and instead stresses ethical and moralist principles, whereas Americans are thought to be highly legalistic. So historically, Chinese and western cultures has quite different views about the importance of legal process. The Chinese seem to be bound by their tradition non-legalistic practices. Tian (2007) also indicated that, the Chinese negotiators do not pay much attention to legal agreement as western people do. They focus more on interpersonal trust, friendship and guanxi. Some American businessmen argued that they learned that among Chinese it was a traditional way to seal agreements with only the oral commitment, a nod of the head, or a handshake (Pye, 1992). This Chinese negotiation style is closely related to the Confucianism that required people t o appreciate interpersonal relationships rather than laws and legal regulations; and also, it is a reflection of emphasizes on the harmony. In the contrast, Americans consider legal contract is much more persuasive than personal relationship. As Pye (1992) indicated that the majority of American negotiators are lawyers, which means that the Americans consider the contract is the most important part of negotiation. Holistic Thinking: Graham and Lam pointed that; the Chinese always consider the question from a whole picture; however, the Americans think sequentially and individualistically. Chinese negotiators always start negotiations on the general principles first and leave details to the later stages (Tian, 2007). Also, Pye (1992) pointed the Chinese seek agreement on generalities, dwelling on overall considerations, and avoiding specific details as much as possible, leaving, as they like to say concrete arrangements to later negotiations. But the Americans are more in favour of solve problems one by one. Why the Chinese like use this negotiation style? The reason can be considered consistent with Maos bureaucratic heritage; the party leaders always set the general principles and the followers had to agree upon before any details can be discussed. According to Pye (1992) and Tian (2007), some western businessmen argued this as a negotiating ploy. They argued that Chinese negotiators can take advantages of the signed general principles at the later stage of negotiations. This ploy is quite obvious when it comes to the specific details. Assume that both parties were arguing about details while at this moment, Chinese negotiators can attack the other side for not complying with the general principles signed earlier. Therefore this can be called one of the thirty-six stratagems-shut the door to catch the thief. Nevertheless, even the western businessmen consider this as a ploy it still has its advantages. Pye (1992) said that Chinese can quickly turn an agreement on principles into an agreement on goals and then insist that all discussion on concrete arrangement must foster those agree-upon goals. This measure is useful during negotiation process approved by a American: by making each agreement between us move from a more general to a more technical level, the Chinese can constantly argue that what they were insisting upon in operating procedures was logically consistent w ith all that had been agreed to before.they sure taxed out patience and always put us on the defensiveà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Information exchange (emotional aspect): the Americans pay more attention on the information exchange during negotiation process; they can accept the discussion as main method to solve the problems, even the discussion is very intensive. In contrast, the Chinese are focusing whether the counter party gives their face or not. In Chinese business culture, ones reputation and social standing rest on saving face. Assume that foreign businessmen cause the Chinese embarrassment or lose face, even unintentionally; it can be disastrous for negotiation process. Moreover, Tian (2007), Ghauri and Fang, found that face is extremely important for Chinese. They argued that if someone gives enough face to the Chinese negotiators, they will behave as a Confucian gentlemen otherwise they will return you back or set block in the negotiation process. Therefore, from this perspective we can see that compared with the Americans, the Chinese are thinking highly of face. Time issue: Americans in favour of fast meeting when negotiation, while the Chinese need much more time to build the trust with counter party before negotiation. The reason is influenced by Confucianism; Chinese only do business with someone they can trust; while trust building is a time-consuming issue. As one Chinese negotiator said they [western firms] want to come and sign the contract quickly and do not know that [if] we do not understand each otherà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦there is no business relationship first, we have to know and trust each other, and then we sign the contract!(Ghauri and Fang). Patience: Compared with the Chinese, Americans are more impatient. As long as an initial agreement has been reached, the American negotiators become more than ever impatient for the consummation of a deal, for they tend to assume that the step from general agreement to detailed substantive negotiations should be a short one (Adair et al, 2001). In many cases, the impatience of the Americans is fuelled by the fact that it is not convenient, or economical, to keep their entire negotiating team in China doing nothing (Pye, 1992). For the Chinese, however, this may be the time for substantial delay. The officials who have been talking with the Americans may not have the authority to go further and must wait for the further instructions. The Chinese are also short of expert talent and thus lower officials may have to await the clearing of bottlenecks in their own hierarchies. Also, Chinese cadres often seem genuinely to feel that once there has been an agreement in principle, congratulati ons are in order, and therefore, they are in no hurry to get into the potentially troublesome haggling over details. Negotiation team: the Chinese negotiation team tends to be a large one but indecisive compared with Americans. According to Tian (2007), a western businessman pointed that it is common that lots of people from carious government departments and commissions (such like planning, economic and foreign trade commissions and the like) get involved in the negotiation team. Apart from government officials, some representatives from various departments of the Chinese company are often also invited to participate in the negotiating team, aims for avoid possible non-collaboration in the long term. The feature of the Chinese negotiation style is related to Maos bureaucratic heritage. Economic planning has been playing a key role even after reform since 1978; consequently, fragmented bureaucratic institutions have to maintain control over specific resource, which is even true at the enterprise level. As a Chinese negotiator admitted when it comes to negotiation of a lager project in which various departments are involved, if you do not ask each of these departments to come, they will probably make complaints and wont support your work very much in the futureà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦therefore, in order to coordinate our work, we asked every department to send one representative to form our negotiating team (Fang, 1999, p.208, cited by Tian, 2007). Nothing is ever final: Americans hold the view that once the contract being signed, then all the parties should show up the expected behaviour in a fixed time; aims for perform the contract in time. The Chinese seem to have less feeling for the drama of agreement and little expectation that any formalized contract will end the process of negotiations. Lots of western negotiators argued that the Chinese brought up proposals for revising what had been agreed upon, right on the heels of signing a contract. Thus although they are reportedly scrupulous in adhering to agreements, they have no inhibitions in proposing changes. What is more, the Chinese officials do not seem troubled by the thought of suddenly terminating contracts; or in other words, the Chinese do not stick to the contracts as Americans do. As mentioned above, the Americans are more legalistic, but the Chinese think the sudden change or termination of the contract do not have influence on the relationship between the weste rners while this is completely different compared with the Americans. In Americans view, once the agreement being signed, the negotiation process is over while the Chinese always tend to continue the process with continuously new questions (Pye, 1992). Chinese stratagems: The Chinese more likely to use stratagems during the negotiation process, while the Americans always being honest and humorous. Lots of scholars pointed that the Chinese in favour of using stratagems (Ji) during negotiation, which is too hard for them to identify (Tian, 2007; Fang, 2006; Miles, 2003). For example, when Ericson entered China during pre-negotiation stage, the Chinese changed negotiators suddenly, was being regarded as steal the beams and change the pillars, as mentioned above, the Chinese only doing business with the people they can trust with, without solid trust it is hardly for them to be truly honest, therefore they will use stratagems. As one negotiator admitted that they used the stratagems unconsciously but the stratagems occupied more than 10% in the negotiation process. Using stratagems, for the Chinese, is deeply influenced by the traditional Chinese culture. Risk-taking: Americans are the risk-takers compared with the Chinese. They are often prepared to put forward new and innovative ideas, suggestions. This is often done without prior approval from headquarters and represents the risk the head of delegation is prepared to take, in order to reach consensus. This trait is widely recognized and highly respected by other delegations. Compared with the Americans, the Chinese negotiators are more conservative during negotiation, without any back guarantee or the higher direction from the upper level, the Chinese negotiators tend to be very careful, speak and act cautiously (Adler et al, 1992). Price-sensitive: the Chinese are sensitive to price. Lots of foreigner negotiators said that the Chinese often keep asking for lower price during the whole negotiation process. This difference compared with Americans discussed in almost all the influential studies on Chinese negotiation styles. Such like Tian (2007), Pye (1992). This sensitivity closely related to the Chinese agrarian mentalities, which emphasized thrift. It also related to Dengs pragmatism, based on the backward reality of China, which is, the resource is very limited that the Chinese have to pay attention to the cost issue. Moreover, the Chinese would think that we have provided you with a huge market with huge potential profits; you need to give us favour back. The similarities between Chinese negotiation and Americans negotiation Protectionism: some scholars argue that the Chinese always being protective to the local industries, especially for the national key industries, such like IT, telecommunication industry. It is probably the common phenomenon in every country. Lately Huawei, the Chinese telecommunication enterprise wanted entered America but rejected by the national security department for the reason that the telecommunication is a key industry and it also consistent with the national security (Xu, 2011). From this we can see that, no matter China or America, both of them pay special attention to the key industries. Pragmatic: The Americans tend to be very practical, pragmatic ones. They do not interest in high-flown rhetoric or speeches in the negotiation process. As the Chinese, they are very practical people as well. They have the clear purpose when negotiation, which is obtain the favour and reach the win-win result. Conclusion In this essay we mainly analyzed the differences and the similarities of the negotiation style between Chinese and Americans. It is hardly to give a definite conclusion which is better than the other one. But for China, there are four points for them to amend compared with the Americans in the negotiation process in the future. Firstly, the Chinese should learn from the Americans they prefer the legal contract rather than the personal relationships. Since nowadays, China is getting more involved in the world business, facing various kinds of counter negotiation parties, different cultures around the world, the business need to base on the legal contract. It should be seen as a secure for the business. With the rapid development of economic and culture, legal, is becoming a main method to protect the rights and interests between the people, the Chinese should recognize this. Secondly, the huge but indecisive negotiation team should be improved. Due to the unique culture of China burea ucracy, the Chinese negotiation team always bigger than its actual needed. This is a waste of human resource; also, each department of the government should be separate from each other, each performs its own functions, if so, the efficiency of negotiation will be enhanced better. But to achieve this target, it will take a long time and the joint efforts of all departments. Thirdly, the Chinese always behave nothing is ever final even the contract signed already. This is a performance of bad faith; it is harmful for the Chinese to continue doing business with the foreigner partners. In other words, the root cause of this phenomenon is the indifference of Chinese legal concept. For the Americans, they should learn from the Chinese being patient when negotiating, it is easy to make loss due to the decision made when lost impatience.
Affirmative Action in the United States Essay -- Affirmative Action Pr
Affirmative Action in the United States Affirmative Action in the United States consists of the active efforts that take into account race, sex and national origin for the purpose of remedying and preventing discrimination. Under the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the federal government requires certain businesses and educational institutions that receive federal funds to develop affirmative action programs. Such policies are enforced and monitored by both The Office of Federal Contract Compliance and The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) (Lazear 37). The most noteworthy criticism of affirmative action is that of the white male population who insists that such programs are forms of "reverse discrimination". In contrast to their view, the United States Commission on Civil Rights argued until 1983 that only if society were operating fairly would measures that take race, sex, and national origin into account be "preferential treatment." After the commission on civil rights was reorganized in late 1983, however, it took the opposite position. By January of 1984, it approved a statement that "racial preferences merely constitute another form of unjustified discrimination". In recent years, however, affirmative action has continued to grow, and the number of controversies surrounding its existence is consistently augmented. In 1978, in University of California Regents v. Bakke, the U.S. Supreme Court held (5-4) that fixed quotas may not be set for places for minority applicants for medical school if white applicants are denied a chance to compete for those places. The court, however, did say that professional schools may consider race as a factor in making decisions on admissions. More recently than the Regents decision, in United Steelworkers of America V. Weber (1979) and Fullilove v. Klutznick (1980), the court continued to hold for affirmative action. II. An Introduction to the Controversy The transformation of affirmative action over the years is generally considered a negative and socially unfair one. Although the original intention of such programs with regard to minority management was one of an undeniably just nature, my research has clearly indicated that over the years, various legal trends have drastically altered the socio-political implications of affirmative action often creating unfair situations for white males who are not part o... ...ope for in the current system is an augmentation in the number of companies educating their employees on multicultural human relations. Since the eventual long-term goal is to eliminate prejudice, the only way to do so in corporate America is to teach people about acceptance. Executive stereotyping only exists because mainstream stereotyping exists. Minorities can stop feeling like "inferior tokens" when whites stop regarding us as such and stereotyping us out of sheer ignorance. Affirmative action must exist at least as symbolism of this country's commitment to civil rights. The thick blood of prejudice will still continue to run through the veins of U.S. society, despite upbeat talk about the increasingly diversified work force. Government-mandated hiring preferences prod companies into integrating their work force, and in the past twenty-five years of affirmative action, blacks and other minorities have indeed benefitted both socially and economically. Individual businesses and the economy have profited, not lost. Until the United States conceives a better idea, it is most wise to maintain a policy that despite its flaws, is both a moral imperative and an economic necessity.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Learning to Speak: Reflections of a Learner in ENG 100 :: Essays Papers
Learning to Speak: Reflections of a Learner in ENG 100 This summer, after I was informed that I had been offered a teaching assistantship, I was terrified. I was not sure that I was capable of teaching students about a discipline in which I still possessed such a conscious doubt of my own abilities. For most of my life I was what you might call a non-achiever. When my parents strongly suggested that I enroll in college (the other option being to leave the house) everyone around me just sort of held their breath waiting for my inevitable failure. Then a strange thing happened. I passed my classes, and even enjoyed them. I had always wanted to be an English major. In high school it was the only class that I enjoyed. I loved reading and writing about literature. There was something in the words of struggle and sadness that so many authors wrote about that gave my life meaning through a context of the joy and sorrow that are inextricably linked to living. Despite this, when it came time to choose a major in college, I steered clear of English, my thoughts filled with the intimidating associations of stodgy professors who deconstructed every sentence on a page, bantered using esoteric verbs, and deemed students the flawed population, and that they, erudite and pristine, were socially obligated to instill a fraction of their wisdom into these malleable minds of the naÃâ€ve, or just plain stupid. I did not want to willingly submit myself to a major where I perceived I would be subjected to daily criticism of my intelligence. Throughout college, I changed majors several times, each time considering English, but turning away for fear of failure. When I graduated, after a period of complete indecision, I decided that I was going back to school and getting a degree in English. This strange, motivating desire to possess an English degree consumed me, and I knew that I had to prove to myself that I was capable of earning this degree. I had to prove to myself that I could overcome this hurdle. It is funny how one obstacle can create in our minds this wall of fear. So much of life is learning to overcome a fear that often dictates our decisions, desires and dreams.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Interpersonal Communication Skills Essay
Emotion: The word emotion includes a wide range of observable behaviors, expressed feelings, and changes in the body state. Emotions are feelings. Emotional communication, then, refers to the act of communicating your feelings. This is also known as â€Å"emotional intelligence†or â€Å"social intelligence.†There are six principles of emotion and emotional messages. 1. Emotions may be primary or blended: A primary emotion is a basic emotion. These would be the eight basic emotions: joy, acceptance, fear, surprise, sadness, disgust, anger and anticipation. Emotions that are close to each other on this wheel are also to close to each other in meanings. In this model there are also blends. These blended are the combinations of primary emotions. They are noted at the outside the wheel. For example, according to this model, love is a blend of joy and acceptance, whereas remorse is a blend of disgust and sadness. 2. Emotions are influenced by body, mind, and culture: Emotions involve at least three parts: bodily reactions, mental evaluation and interpretations and cultural rules and beliefs. Bodily reactions to emotions are pretty obvious and include things like blushing when you’re embarrassed, nervous habits, or sweaty palms. The mental and cognitive part of emotion experiences involves the evaluation and interpretations you make on the basis of what you experiences. For example, you may feel angry if someone is rude or insensitive to you on purpose. Culture also dictates how we should express and interpret our emotions as well. For example, Chinese students show respect by being quiet and passive. Asking questions would imply that the teacher was not clear on the lecture. 3. Emotions may be adaptive and maladaptive: Emotions are often adaptive that is, they can help you adjust appropriately to situation. For example, if you’re worried you won’t do well in something, you’ll work harder to prepare for that situation. Emotions may be maladaptive and may get in the way of your accomplishing your goals. For example, if you are so anxious about a situation that you don’t prepare for it. In other ways emotions can create problems is in a tendency that some theorists have cleverly called catastrophizing â€Å"taking a problem even a minor one and make it in to a catastrophe. 4. Emotions are communicated verbally and nonverbally: According to DeVito (2009), â€Å"Theorists do not agree over whether you can choose the emotions you feel. Some argue that you can; others argue that you cannot. You are, however, in control of the ways in which you express your emotions†. In some instances you determine whether you want to express your emotions in full, but with other times you censor your emotions. 5. Emotional expression is governed by display rules: We’ve talked about display rules before, but to refresh your mind it is what is and is not appropriate to do. The differences we see are in the emotional expression. Men and women also have gender display rules for what is and isn’t appropriate to express within his or her culture. For example, it’s appropriate in our culture for women to divulge a lot of their emotions and feelings; however, it is not seen in the same light when men divulge all of their emotions to other men. 6. Emotions are contagious: Emotions can be contagious. If you think of a time where one person starts laughing, and then the people around start laughing, you can see this theory working. Emotional contagion is defined as emotions passing from one person to another. Another form of emotional contagion deals with persuasions utilizing emotional appeals.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Juicy Couture Advertising Analysis Essay
Typical high fashion advertisements consist of a beautiful female model, wearing the most expensive clothing, looking classy and elegant. Somewhere there is usually a toned gorgeous man looking at her in awe, also wearing incredibly fashionable clothing. These ads, however effective on the minds of the masses, are not the same approach the infamous Juicy Couture brand takes. Bought by all types of women, from mothers to teenage girls, everyone wants to be part of the Juicy phenomenon. Juicy Couture’s image isn’t the stereotypical wealthy, high fashion kind of depiction. They show a more mainstream glamour and luxurious wealth. Their bedazzled track suits and terrier crowned logo shows their abnormal high end fashion. However, the brand is still very fabulous and expensive being â€Å"Made in Glamorous USA†(â€Å"JuicyDeals†). The advertisements of Juicy Couture try to show this same kind of image. The usual Juicy advertisements are displays of a picturesque suspended girl universe, by reflecting a modern, girlish, avant-garde display with a whimsical kind of spirit (Brown et al). Interesting and bizarre, they never fail to catch the eyes of women and girls of every age and race. Juicy couture has a different and outrageous kind of style that never fails to tap into the needs and desires of girls all over. According to their ads, with Juicy couture women can be prominent, can dominate, and can definitely get anything they want. In 2009, Juicy ran an ad campaign titled â€Å"Do the Dont’s. †Each ad depicted models breaking the rules, being rebellious, and going against what is expected by society. One of the ads shows a women dressed in business-like attire, pale skin, and hair done up in a boy-like style. She is leaning against a man dressed in complete contrast to her. He’s tan and dressed in a more feminine fashion with long shaggy hair, a tulle skirt, and carrying a purse. He stands causally like a female with his hip cocked out to the side. In the background you see a pink mansion like house, with beautiful plants and magnificent windows. Above them it says â€Å"Do the Dont’s. †Below that in light blue, the phrase â€Å"You can always get what you want†is written in messy-like handwriting. The items being advertised is everything from clothes, purses, jewelry, and perfumes. The purse and the fur coat, the socks, and the black dress are all Juicy Couture. Below their feet is the unmistakable â€Å"Juicy Couture†logo. In big, bold, fancy lettering, outlined in white. The overall name for the campaign is a striking small simple phrase that catches the eyes and can hook audiences in. On the ad it’s in black block lettering, at the top of the picture in a small type of font. To say do what is unexpected of you is something Juicy already does however, for this campaign, they are saying if girls want to be a part of this fun, superficial, girly, unrealistic world, you have to be different. When the line first came out it was different kind of high fashion that no one had seen before. They then incorporated that into their whole theme of their ads by showing a more unrealistic view of the wealthy with a forward-thinking view of fashion The house is a girly fantasy, being that it is pink, but it also shows how the pair are probably rich, and the rest of the house is just as wonderfully exotic as the two in front of them. It’s like they are a part of this beautiful world that only a few are able to see and to be like those in the picture it is necessary to be just as unrealistic as them. â€Å"You can always get what you want†is the main concept of the advertisement. In a bright blue color and it look as if it was hastily written on top with a paint brush, it is the first thing to notice. The phrase is big, bright, and takes up most of the page making it truly stand out. The two phrases correspond with each other. If you â€Å"do the dont’s†â€Å"you can always get what you want. †Or â€Å"you can always get what you want†by doing the â€Å"dont’s. †The phrase implies that with juicy couture you can get whatever you want. The models in the background give the message even more of a meaning with how they look. They give off the air that they truly can and do have whatever they want. It is even written like the person who wrote it, didn’t care about what people think. Who wouldn’t want to have everything? Jib Fowles in an article wrote about how advertising use different types of appeals in advertising. Fowles says as a â€Å"need for dominance†and a â€Å"need for prominence†is one of the ways that advertisers pull people in. This advertisement feeds the desire for women â€Å"enjoy prestige and high social status†(65). Women aspire to control and want to be admired. These appeals are shown in just the catchphrase of the advertisement, never mind the photo behind them. Although the writing may be the first thing seen behind it is an abstract photo Juicy is famous for. The female model is in control, and strongly dominates the photo. Her direct gaze toward the camera is confrontational showing she is unafraid of power, her smirk saying she already knows she’s got it all. She stands in a firm yet casual pose showing she’s comfortable with her status, even though to some people it could be unsettling. She’s happy and at ease with her life and wouldn’t change a thing. These aspects make her more of a conformist which is opposite of what a women in fashion should look like. She causally has her arm on his shoulder further showing her dominance. He is like her pet, or maybe her play toy (Brown et al). She is prime example as to what Fowles says about prominence and dominance. This model obviously shows both with her strong contrast to her male counterpart emphasizes this fact even more. Dressed casually like a girl the male model’s chest is bare showing to the audience that he’s not trying to be a girl but he’s not afraid feminine side (Brown et al). They differences between our very strange couple also leads into the â€Å"Do the Dont’s†aspect of the campaign. A man dressing like a woman is definitely going against the grain. In most advertisements men are shown as the strong leader of the person who dominates, but here it is quite clear that he couldn’t care less about being in control or anything. He is perfectly happy with his life and how he is dresses. This isn’t what is expected of a man today, not in the least. The point of the ad is to sell the viewer not a single commodity but to convince the consumer that wearing their clothing will lead them to a new lifestyle (Fowles 62). The ads instruct them to do whatever it takes to get the glamorous life they want, doing the â€Å"dont’s†and â€Å"making a mess. †However, it also emphasizes the fact that Juicy Couture is â€Å"Doing the dont’s†with their actually clothing line. With outlandish fashion rules they are trying to get audiences to remember fashion doesn’t have rules, and Juicy took that idea to the next level with their own set of rules. Women don’t have to listen to the conventional rules about life or about what they wear. The ad plays on feminine desires to be better looking than everyone else, to be different and in control.
A Black Man’s Tribute to His White Mother Essay
James McBride, has a personal element in its origin that is carried throughout the text. The author attempted to discern his race, and uncovered the touching story of his Jewish mother who experienced her own personal Diaspora: she immigrated from Poland to Virginia, and from Virginia to New York City. The latter move took much courage, because she had to abandon both her faith and her family in order to follow her heart, ultimately marrying the titular black man and founding a lasting family. The aforementioned personal element really helps carry the narrative forward: James McBride wishes to tell his own story, but realizes that he cannot tell his own without telling his mother’s. Intentionally or not, this works quite well on a meta-textual level, as it reinforces how tightly tethered his family is to one another, which serves as an extreme counterpoint to her other family (indeed, her other life) that she left behind in Virginia. See more: Homelessness as a social problem Essay The work also serves to broker a much-needed (then, as much as now) discussion regarding racial division within America. A neutral observer might view the subtitle of the work and ask why race is so important to the narrative; as McBride illustrates, one cannot discuss this particular tale of immigration, life, and success in the context of America without discussing the racism that permeated the country†¦how, even in the shadow of civil rights triumphs, many saw race as an excuse to divide, as opposed to an opportunity to come together. Despite the rather serious premise, the book ultimately comes across as more uplifting than depressing. The memoirs of times when race relations are so bad also serve to make one grateful that present day America is much more tolerable regarding matters of race (though not, of course, perfect). McBride cleverly embeds this idea in the very title of his work, implying that the color of waterâ€â€transparent clarityâ€â€can only come through a mixture of race as opposed to segregation. The notion of reconciliation within the work is not limited to matters of race: the epilogue of the story features McBride becoming more in touch with his Jewish heritage, effectively bringing the journey of his mother full circle: as she had to leave Judaism behind in order to forge a new life and a new identity, James McBride has to re-discover it as a way of determining his own identity. Throughout the work, there is an undercurrent of the importance of education. The text emphasizes that all twelve of Ruth McBride’s children become college-educated, and readers feel every bump along the way as she tries to get them through college. However, even while reading about these economic difficulties (a relatively touchy subject in the shadow of near economic collapse), readers are offered a glimpse of hope: the work alternates chapters written by James and chapters written by his mother, so even as the narrative makes one concerned for how the children will turn out, the gripping narrative of James reminds audiences that they will turn out just fine. In a way, that is the pattern of this book: tension and release, tension and release†¦the tension of Ruth’s struggle with her old family, and the release of the success with her new family. There is the tension of financial hardships and the release of financial success. And in a story that is essentially about the American dream, tension comes from the possibility that America may not be ready for Ruth’s dream. In turn, the release is the joy of Ruth not settling for the American dream: rather, she creates and actualizes her own. The Gentle People: A Portrait of the Amish by James Warner provides an intimate look into a group that is still a mystery to many Americans: the Amish. True to its word, the book is primarily comprised of photographs of the Amish that are artificially made to look like washed-out, â€Å"antique†photos. These are usually accompanied by a biblical verse, so one is able to more properly get into the Amish mindset. The old versus combined with the old-timey feel of the photographs really gives a feeling that one has become â€Å"unstuck in time,†as Vonnegut might say. Would-be sociologists will find this book to be a treasure trove of information regarding Amish society, particularly regarding relationships. According to the book, public affection between married individuals is highly frowned upon by Amish society, as their affection for one another is too sacred to be shared with outsiders. As should not be surprising, many of the ideas are founded in Christian writings and have been espoused by Christian writers, though the Amish take things to their logical extreme: John Donne, for instance, counseled lovers not to weep at their beloved’s funeral, because the affection was too valuable to share with outsiders. The Amish have taken Donne’s advice about love after death and have applied it to love during life, which can be something of a shock when one first reads about it. Of course, modern day feminists will find much within the book that is upsetting to their cause. The Amish have taken Ephesians to heart, and strictly expect wives to submit to their husbands in all matters. There are even limits to how much children can be exposed to the school system, with the assumption that only God can provide wisdom, and everything else is foolishness. While these are basic precepts for Mormons and taken for granted in their society, it is jarring for onlookers (particularly liberal onlookers) to first see the number of restrictions that are placed on people and expressions. Fortunately, the author has a built in ethos: James Warner was born to a Mennonite household, so he has quite a bit of background regarding this issue. However, that is what makes the book disappointing on several levels: it does not concern itself with any deep revelations about Amish history, and does not serve well as an introduction to the Amish lifestyle simply because no historical context is offered. The book and its photos are put forth as a kind of â€Å"slice of life†view of the Amish†¦however, considering that it was first printed over four decades ago (and was arguably offering out-of-date content even back then), the work struggles to find a proper audience in the modern day. After all, it is not a book for the Amish: its pictures and passages are simply redundant for them, and more conservative Amish may even consider its author something of a traitor†¦a man who abandoned their private lifestyle, only to make a profit by publically invading that privacy. The book is also not intended for those wanting to fully learn about the Amish: as elaborated on above, it does not delve into their history, and offers no context for the actions taken by the Amish. The ideal audience for this book, interestingly enough, would be modern photography buffs: the pictures are quite striking, and the measures taken to make them seem more ancient than they are may very well offer the aspiring photographer new tricks for his or her toolbox. For everyone else? There are far better books about the Amish, especially for those who wish to know their full story.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Top 7 Free Mind Mapping Tools For Students by Lauren Gartner
Top 7 Free Mind Mapping Tools For Students Mind mapping has been a classroom graphic organizer tool that students have used for years. Long before any software tools for this process were available, students learned how to take pencil to paper and create their own mind maps when they needed to: Brainstorm ideas for an essay or paper Organize ideas into categories or steps Prioritize ideas and concepts Benefits of Mind Mapping The biggest benefit of mind mapping is that students are able to see all of their thoughts on a specific topic or idea as a whole. This makes it easy to then do the following: Combine ideas or sub-topics that are similar Eliminate those that are duplicates or unimportant/irrelevant Organize and prioritize ideas or sub-topics Student use of mind mapping in order to prepare for writing is probably the most important use. Consider some of the possibilities If a student is writing a persuasive essay, the mind map will allow combining and prioritizing the arguments that will be used A character sketch – a mind map can be used to note all of the character traits that will be covered, and, under those, examples from the story or novel that will be used as evidence Research Paper Organization of Sub-Topics, along with reference citations for those sub-topics Plots for narratives can be chronologically organized Technology Comes to Mind Mapping It was only natural that mind mapping tools were be developed, both as independent software programs and as online apps. In fact, there are now a huge number for both educational and business use. Of course, for students, â€Å"free†is always better, and there are plenty of mind mapping tools that have free personal accounts. Freebies: The following is a list of the most popular free mind mapping tools that are easy to use, allow collaboration with other students, and have a number of features that make assignments, organization, and planning much more efficient. Mindmeister This tool is online, so that it can be accessed from anywhere and with any device. You can use it solo or collaborate with other students if you are involved in a group project. The live chat feature makes it even more attractive. Watch the demo on their website. MindMap This is a Google Chrome extension, with Dropbox, Google Drive, and Cloud built in. It can be used locally or in the cloud and allows the printing and exporting of completed maps. The other great feature is that you can add text, images, links, etc. and customize color so that sub-topics and sub-sub topics re easily recognizable. This is one of the simplest mind mapping tools to be found. Once you type your main idea or topic, the tree begins. You may then type in â€Å"sub-level†terms, and they are automatically placed. You can then move the bubbles around. There is also an auto-save feature and, because it is online, you can collaborate with others. The drawback of this app is that you cannot add images, links or files unless you purchase the premium version. Xmind This is an open source tool with some unique features. You can export any map in other formats – PDF, TXT, JPEG, etc. It has tree, logic and fishbone charts, for personal preference and depending upon your project. The basic account is free but, as you add features, the price can go up to $80. Text2Mind If you are a beginner to mind mapping tools, this is a great starter too. You simply type in your main topic or concept and click â€Å"map.†Immediately, you map is generated with the topic in the center. As you type in new text as sub-topics, it is immediately positioned for you. There are built-in keyboard shortcuts and you can download to your own device as a PDF or Image. SpiderScribe This online tool allows you to place notes and files, as well as URL’s and reference citations. Because it is stored in the Cloud, there is easy access from anywhere and the ability to share with others (you can designate â€Å"read only†or â€Å"read and write†). Personal accounts are free. There is a great tutorial/tour video to orient any â€Å"newbie.†iMindQ Interactive mind mapping tool is flexible enough to fit different needs like business, education or personal use. The tool has two appearances - as an application for Windows or Mac and a subscription-based online service, giving you the freedom of choice. Possibilities like MS Office integration and Multi-Language support make this tool even more attractive. For students new to mind mapping, these are probably the easiest to use tools. Once you begin to use mind mapping tools, you will see the benefits!
Mobile Phones Example
Mobile Phones Example Mobile Phones – Coursework Example DEMOGRAPHIC FACTORS AFFECTING MOBILE PHONE INDUSTRY By 26th, November, Mobile Phone Industry The mobile phone industry is one of the most competitive and dynamic industry in the world today. However, several demographic factors affect the mobile phone industry. One of the demographic factors affecting the industry is age (Suttle 2014). Different phones appeal different age groups. The income level is another factor since it determines the types of phones that individuals can afford to buy (Sata 2013, p. 104). Other demographic factors include the level of education of the market niche, the geographical region and the market research and surveys done by the industry (Suttle 2014). The demographic factors are significant to the industry in the long-term since they determine the actual sales in the industry.Technology forces also affect the mobile phone industry. Bluetooth technology, 3G technology, and android technologies affect the industry. Bluetooth technology enhances the sharing of information between phones and various technological devices. The 3G technology offers internet services and more content. The Android technology has led to smartphones that entail more salient and stylish features that influence purchasing decisions (Sata 2013, p. 104). However, we can attribute some negative effects like cybercrime to the technology forces in the mobile phone industry. Moreover, mobile phones with new technologies are very expensive and hence not affordable by everybody.Nevertheless, the impact of demographic factors and technology forces is mostly positive and lead to significant profits in the mobile phone industry (Sata 2013, p. 105). Indeed, the Bluetooth technology, 3G technology, and Android technology enhance the significance of mobile phones in the society. The foster the sharing of information, improves the mobile phone features, and boosts the sales revenues.Sata, M 2013, ‘ Factors Affecting Consumer Buying Behavior of Mobile Phone Devices,†™ Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, vol. 4, no. 12, pp. 103-112.Suttle, R 2014, The Demographic Variables That Affect a Business, Chron, retrieved 26 November 2014,
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
buy custom World War I and America essay
buy custom World War I and America essay World War I was among the challenging moment in the history of America. As much as United States had a stable government, the war would have destroyed the nation if it were not for the progressive reforms. The war brought division of people in their ethnic groups, economic classes and their line of race. Moreover, President Woodrow Wilson conquered this by drafting reforms that united American as they faced the challenges of the war. By this, it was evident that the progressive reforms went hand in hand with the war efforts at home. The impact of the war was felt everywhere as it affected peoples lifestyle ranging from the poor to the rich. As a result, union officials, American civilians, civil right leaders, cooperate executive and women suffragists decided to turn the war to their advantage. The republicans used their resources to repay their efforts inthe war by introducing progressive taxation. This significantly boosted Americas economy as they gained from the war (Jaycox 27). As the war progressed, it was evident that people had started accepting their positions in the war. In other words, Wilsons effort to advocate for democracy may have been appreciated by people more than he anticipated. However, people contributed willingly than Wilson imagined because of the vengeance they had for the enemy. By this, Wilson did not rely on volunteers for the battles; instead, his draft was clear that the war was for all. Moreover, as much as the war was regarded as destruction of progressive reforms, it was the other way round. It was evident that the war fulfilled most of the progressive reforms through the intervention of effort at home and from the military (Carlisle and Golson 32). Through the coallition of prominent businessmen led by the house of Morgan, their interests were pursued by the government. In other words, they took advantage of this period, to heighten the economy, by regulating prices and production, restrict competition, and protect foreign investments. To sum up, the war was a means of social empowerment, social capital rose, activists credited the war to promoting progressive reform, wartime agencies helped corporate profits triple, working people were given eight-hour and living minimum wage as well as it boosted stalled moral move to ban alcohol. Although he declared neutrality, his sympathies lay with Great Britain and France that were being attacked by Germany. Wilson remained absolutely neutral a condition that raised different reactions including resignation of Bryan- secretary of state, protesting Wilsons handling of the situation. Buy custom World War I and America essay
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
5 Reasons Building a Personal Website Will Help You Find a Job
5 Reasons Building a Personal Website Will Help You Find a Job It’s all about the branding†¦how many times have we heard that mantra? How many times have we used it ourselves? Lots, and there’s a good reason: you need to stand out. In life, sure, but especially when you’re looking for a job. When you apply for a job, you know you’re great (confirmed by your fifth grade soccer trophy, among other things), but how do you prove that when there are 10, 20 other applicants with similar resumes? Building a personal website! It seems overwhelming, but a little bit of time up front can yield great results for your job hunt. Read on to find out why.1. It impresses hiring managers.Having a supplemental website that outlines your professional goals and achievements shows that you’re committed to your job search, and are trying to find ways to stand out in the crowd.2. Like your career, a website can evolve.A resume is what it is: a frozen snapshot of you at a particular point in your career. Once you send it out t he door via email or on paper, there’s no taking it back, no making changes in the short term. Having a personal website (which you’d link in the cover letter or the resume itself), gives you the opportunity to update information that hiring managers can see in real time. Think of it as a kind of living resume to supplement the traditional one that goes out.3. It’s easy.Even if you’re not comfortable with doing web design yourself, these days everyone has a brother, cousin, or roommate’s buddy who does freelance web design. And if you don’t go that route, there are plenty of free and inexpensive tools online that can help you get started with a basic website. Sites like Strikingly or GoDaddy can help you get your brand online quickly and easily.4. It’s a way to collect your branding in one place.Chances are, hiring managers are going to Google you. Normally what would come up is a smattering of social media accounts (and hopefully not that blog you started back before people knew they needed to moderate their online presence). Having your own branded site can collect all of those things in one place, creating a hub that’s all about you. (Of course, make sure that only the social media that shows you in your best professional light are included.)5. It can raise your profile.Your website won’t just be accessible to hiring managers- you might be surprised at the opportunities that could come from potential employers searching online. A website can also enhance your social media presence, and start building the kind of network that could introduce new opportunities as well.If you find that you’re struggling to get interviews or stand out from the pack as you apply for jobs, it’s time to shake things up a bit and add something new. Building a website shows a commitment to your professional brand, and could be just the extra edge you need to get in the door for an interview.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Religions in the Modern World Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Religions in the Modern World - Essay Example In his desperate search for a reason to hope, for a reason to believe in a better life now and in the hereafter, man has for time immemorial made recourse to the guidance of a supreme being. He has expressed his belief in this being through diverse forms of worship known as religions. Antiquity had its religions. No period in human history has probably ever witnessed a boom in religions like the modern era. There has been the birth of thousands of religions in the last century, each religion vying for adepts. In an analysis of the number of adherents of the major religions of the contemporary world, the Religious Tolerance website makes allusion to David Barret et al, editors of the â€Å"World Christian Encyclopedia†. According to the editors’ Comparative survey of churches and religions AD 30 to 2200, â€Å"there are 19 major world religions which are subdivided into a total of 270 large religious groups, and many smaller ones. 34,000 separate Christian groups have been identified in the world." According to the same web source, Christianity has the largest (but declining) membership, be it 2,039 million adherents. Islam follows trail with 1,226 million adepts and is a growing religion. Judaism counts 14 million members world wide. Wicca is the smallest religion with only 0, 5 million members. It is interesting to note that the source informs of 775 million persons with no religion. It may not be an overstatement to say that aside Christianity and Islam no other religion has ever attained the degree of fame Judaism has attained, especially in the last century and more so in the last two decades. This is certainly because Judaism is linked to the Jewish nation. This nation has been the object of several controversies. She is the hot pot of political tensions in the Middle East. The Jews or the Israelites believe in their divine right to the land of Palestine. The United Nations (UN) and the Zionists created the state of Israel on 29.11.1947 (E:/ Your last name 2. Peace has never existed between the Israelis and the Palestinians since that date. But the Israeli determination to ensure their sovereignty is more than firm. The source of this unshakeable resolve to ensure their autonomy, aside being backed by the constant support of the Zionist is rooted in the historical background of the Jews presented in the Old Testament of the Holy Bible. In one of his works, Professor S. D. Kunin of the Department of Theology and Religion of the University of Durham wrote; "The biblical depiction of God's promise of the land clearly provided a strong religious and emotional tie to specific geographical location, and continues to provide political and religious motivations for many Zionists" (Kunin). It is interesting to discover the link between religion, sovereignty and territory. The biblical depiction mentioned by Kunin is embedded in what is known as the covenant myth. The rediscovery of this myth in the last two decades by the Jews has added more force to the emotional, religious and political ties mentioned by Kunin. Due to this discovery, the Zionists have had more reason to affirm the right of the Jewish nation to be situated where it is today. A criticism of Kunin's statement would necessitate an eminent discussion of the covenant myth and its rediscovery as well as the role of the Zionists in the Jewish nation before any judgement can be made of the merits of that assertion. Judaism, Jewish politics, Jewish social life and culture all draw their origins and inspirations from the old Testament of the Bible. It probably started with the covenant God made with Abraham. (Genesis 12.) Daniel J. Elazar, explaining the rediscovery of the covenant myth in an article entitled; "Covenant as the Basis of the Jewish Political Tradition" published on the Jerusalem Centre for Political Affairs website states clearly states that, "the covenant is as much a
TEEN DRINKING AND DRIVING Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
TEEN DRINKING AND DRIVING - Research Paper Example As a result, this paper, therefore, explores the issues that are concerned with these problems, the consequences, and suggestions on the best way forward. Background Information Most states within US have a zero tolerance when it comes to teenage drinking where some states even have an outline of the maximum blood and alcohol concentration levels for teenagers. As such, the limit is set to be at 0.001% for all teenage drivers, which translates to no drinking. The law does not allow teenagers and other persons who may not have attained the required drinking age of 21 in all the states to purchase alcoholic beverage or to be found in possession of alcoholic beverages. However, the CDC reports that teenagers in the United States abuse of Alcohol more than tobacco and other illegal drugs, which proves it beyond reasonable doubt that indulgence in alcohol and subsequent driving under the influence of alcohol poses serious problems to them and the society. In addition, CDC reports that the number (percentage) of teenagers who are in high school indulging in alcohol abuse, and driving under the influence of alcohol has reduced by more than half since 1991. ... However, CDC provides facts on teenage drinking in the United States showing that the rate of teenagers who are driving under the influence of alcohol, or who are driving, as well as consuming alcohol to have reduced by 54 per cent as from 1991 (â€Å"Teen drinking and driving†). Currently, the number of high school teenagers engaging in drunk driving is reportedly about 2.4 million persons every month. In the year 2010, reports indicate that one in every five teenage drivers, who were involved in fatal motor vehicle accidents, had alcohol in their blood streams. These important research findings shows that big strides have been taken to eliminate this problem from the society, but a lot needs to be done to reduce it further and consequently eliminate the menace. It has been suggested in some quarters that the key to eliminating the menace revolves around involving the parents of teenagers, lowering the minimum drinking age, and enacting punitive laws that are zero tolerant am ongst others. It has also been suggested that the driving licensing system should adopt the graduated driving licensing system (Peden et al 112). Minimum Drinking Age In the United States, the minimum drinking Age is 21, as opposed to most countries that have set their drinking age at 18, but there have been considerations by most states to lower the drinking age to below 21. Many young people indulging in alcohol abuse and driving under the influence of alcohol most often undergo painful consequences, which have raised concerns as to whether lowering the minimum drinking age is likely to lead to a reduction of the occurrences or eliminate the problem altogether. Maisto et al 417 showed that in 1999, the minimum drinking age in New Zealand was lowered from 20 to18. Consequently, in the
Friday, November 1, 2019
Investigate whether some vocabulary learning strategies are superior Literature review
Investigate whether some vocabulary learning strategies are superior to others - Literature review Example Environmental factors may involve the host culture and available output opportunities. While there are some methods that seem to work more effectively for second language vocabulary acquisition, Many researchers and professionals have recently taken great interest in the strategies for learning second language vocabulary. These include linguists, psychologists, sociologists, and language teachers (Meara 1997). By their studies they examined many different strategies for learning vocabulary: rote memorization with, or without, a language lab, translation exercises, drill and practice, live and digital computer aided conversation, listening to music or stories, with or without the text in hand or on screen, matching and other word games, watching movies and other videos, with or without subtitles, reading books or booklets, with or without looking up unknown words and writing sentences, conversations, scripts and stories, with or without using a dictionary (Cohen, 76, 2001). Crucial to vocabulary, or another, learning is assessment. Even students using self-study need assessment to guide them in what to study. Assessment methods that work without being intrusive or interferin g with learning processes are best (Stahl, Katherine A. DoughertyBravo,Marco A. 2010). Guessing, not mentioned earlier, as a strategy towards vocabulary acquisition in a second language is commonly encouraged (McCarthy, 102, 1990). The first language develops naturally, not as a result of direct instruction, but by trial and error (Ellis, 125, 1997). The child tries a sound and looks for a response. Then the child tries to repeat the sound and looks for the same response. Eventually the child discovers that certain sounds are connected to certain responses, many of which fulfill the needs of the child, some which do little or nothing and some which get undesirable responses. Therefore, second language development should work well following the
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