Tuesday, May 26, 2020
How to Find the Best College Research Paper Writing Service
How to Find the Best College Research Paper Writing ServiceThe cost of college research paper writing service reviews is definitely high. It's very competitive out there. One of the reasons that the college research paper writing service review companies are priced so high is because they are competing with each other to get your business. They know how many of your resumes they can get without you needing to be competing with them.For these reasons, if you are looking for a college research paper writing service to work with you, you can be confident that they will have done the job to your satisfaction. You can be sure that you are working with someone who will be giving you the personal attention you need to complete your paper. That can't be easy work.These college research paper writing service reviews really help you determine which of the writing companies you want to do business with. These companies also know that people like you when they are willing to give you their perso nal attention. So you have to be sure that you will be receiving that personal attention from a writing company.What you want to look for in a college research paper writing service is a company that you feel comfortable around. You will want to know that they are professional and you can trust them. You want to feel comfortable when you are working with these companies. You don't want them to take advantage of you, so you want to feel like you can trust the writing service you are working with.For a college research paper writing service to feel good about you, you should always be able to find them. The writing companies you choose should feel like you are their biggest client and they work for you. This means they should feel like they will treat you with respect.When you do a college research paper writing service review, you are going to find that these companies are going to give you honest and accurate college research paper writing service reviews. You want to make sure you are working with a writing company that you can rely on and trust to be honest with you.There are plenty of college research paper writing service reviews to choose from. They can help you find the best college research paper writing service.
Monday, May 25, 2020
Young People Essay - 14812 Words
Standard 1: understanding the principles and values essential for working with children and young people. 1. Principles and values a. Show how you promote the principles and values essential for working with children; young people their families and their carers. .At Clayfields house all children, young people their families and carers are all treated with respect. Families and carers are always updated on children’s or young people’s progress during their time at Clayfields and any deterioration in their behaviour or health will be notified to carers and families. Young people and children are always treated with respect as we call them by the name they want to be called, offer culturally food for them, we always ask young†¦show more content†¦c. Understanding different types of prejudices and discrimination and how they can be challenged. There are many types of prejudice and discrimination, some are listed below Disability Racial Ageism Sexism Class (snobbery - elitism) Poverty Different (lifestyle – looks – accent If any young person is found to be being prejudice or discriminating people they are put on the bullying policy. At Clayfields house we have a bullying policy in place to make sure that these kinds of prejudice and discrimination are not tolerated. 3. Person-centred approaches Explain how your work relates to any of the five outcomes in â€Å"every child matters†Being healthy: enjoying good physical and mental health and living a healthy lifestyle. Staying safe: being protected from harm and neglect and growing up able to look after them. Enjoying and achieving: getting the most out of life and developing broad Skills for adulthood. Making a positive contribution: to the community and to society and not engaging in anti-social or offending behaviour. Economic well-being: overcoming socio-economic disadvantages to achieve Their full potential in life. Clayfields house work towards all of these outcomes, how Clayfields does this are listed below. Being healthy: All young people and children are given a Varity of meals which work towards a healthy diet, they are also have the opportunities to do plenty of exercise downShow MoreRelatedYoung People Essay893 Words  | 4 Pages1.1 Explain why working in partnership with others is important for children and young people Partnership is driven by a desire for collaborative advantage and can offer many positive outcomes, like benefits for staff and services such as less replication between different service providers. It helps them see others point of view and it keeps them from being selfish, it helps young people interact with others to achieve a goal, and it helps them develop socially. It’s important to work in partnershipRead MoreTraining Young People2071 Words  | 9 Pages†¢ Details about the young person, including energy needs, protein needs and carbohydrate needs. It is important for anyone of any age to be eating the right foods; but it is even more important for a young person. This is because they are growing and their bodies are still developing; sometimes even up to the age of 25! Each individual has different energy requirements; these depend on a number of things, such as - age, gender, height and weight. These requirements can be calculated by usingRead MoreThe Generation Of Young People2189 Words  | 9 PagesTechnology has seen a breed of â€Å"dumb†people continue to increase in the society as the younger generation continues to grow. There seems to be a great need to ensure that a skilled and smart generation is developed and brought up for the sake of the future of humanity. One of the common propositions that have been made across the world is that there has been the existence of tradition that involves distrust of the younger generation, with the feeling that the young people are not hardworking, knowledgeableRead MoreChildhood and Young People Essay686 Words  | 3 Pageswhy working in partnership with others is important for children and young people When childcare settings and anyone involved in working with children and young people come together and work in partnership with one another, the outcome can only be a positive one for both the children and young people and those providing a duty of care to a child. Working in partnership with others is important for children and young people so outcomes can be improved for children and their families through aRead MoreMessage to Young People Summary701 Words  | 3 Pagesago, but it still applies to our young people today. It would not hurt for our older people to read and apply to their lives. This book speaks on the topics of character, sin, health, our devotional life, witnessing for Christ, courtship and Christian relationships. It gives the formula to be a successful young person in the world of today. While it gives a formula for living, it also covers many other topics and answers questions that our young Christians people are seeking advise for. MyRead MoreWorking With Children And Young People1748 Words  | 7 PagesUnit 087: Work with Children and Young People in a Residential Care Setting 1 Understand the legal, policy, rights and theoretical framework for residential care for children and young people 1.1 Explain Current theoretical approaches to residential provision for children and young people: Attachment theory – a model of psychology that tries to how long-term and short-term interpersonal relationships between people develop. Separation/Loss theory tries to explain the insecure attachment behaviourRead MorePsychology and Young People Essay1551 Words  | 7 PagesName________________________ Assessment Plan 304 Promote children and young people’s positive behaviour Evidence requirements | Complete() | 1.Signed completed assessment plan (in plastic wallet) | | 2.Review of City and Guilds | | 3.Discussion with Assessor | | 4.Completed assessment form | | 5.Reflective journal | | 6.Checklist signed and completed | | Assessment plan issued date by: | Assessor:Learner: | Date: | | Assessment plan submission plan agreed by: | Assessor:Learner:Read MoreSupport Children And Young People1931 Words  | 8 PagesSupport children and young people to have positive relationships 1.1 Identify the different relationships children and young people may have There are many different relationships that children develop as they grow, babies know that they cry to get attention from their parent for food or just a cuddle this is the beginning of learning to build relationships. Every child and family are different in how they believe relationships should be made and who children are allowed to talk to or be around soRead MoreWorking With Children And Young People2042 Words  | 9 Pagesand young people it is important to know the aims and responsibilities for your setting. The government frame work, Every Child Matters (ECM) places great importance on partnership working. The five outcomes for ECM are †¢ Be healthy †¢ Stay safe †¢ Enjoy and achieve †¢ Make a positive contribution †¢ Achieve economic well-being It is very important that everyone working together with children and young people finds out about the five outcomes and bases their working practice on them. When people workingRead MoreThe Importance Of Safeguarding Children And Young People1421 Words  | 6 PagesExplain the importance of safeguarding children and young people. Children and young people are vulnerable in nature. As their journey of life is in initial stages of development. They lack experience to understand and handle certain situations. Their lives can be severely affected by the risk, danger and fear from unknown or from people who are considered closest. If they are not taken care during their childhood, they may suffer from difficult young age and adulthood. Victoria Climbie’s tragic death
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
The Problems With Childhood Obesity - 955 Words
The Problems with Childhood Obesity A growing problem in America is childhood obesity which literally gets over looked every day. Children who are obese are more likely to have cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes and other serious health risk when they get older. Childhood obesity has increased highly over the generations. In my opinion causes for childhood obesity includes, not having enough physical activity at home or in schools, and food habits, which the parents is in control of when it comes to their children. Before we can talk about the causes of childhood obesity we must know what obesity is. Obesity is when a person has too much body fat for their height and weight. Too much body fat especially around the heart can cause life threatening effects if not reduce. Doctors check their patients to see if they are normal, overweight or obese by checking their BMI. This medical term stands for a person’s body mass index. Doctors have to divide a person’s weight in kilogram by their height in meters squared to indicate if their patients are obese or not. If the person’s BMI is equal to or greater than 30 than that’s a problem that must be solved to decrease high health risk. So why is this a problem, and how does childhood obesity start? One of the most important causes for obesity is food habits. Food habits deal with what children eat on a daily basis. Proper nutrition isn’t taken seriously. Just because it looks good, smell good and taste good doesn’t mean it’sShow MoreRelatedThe Problem Of Childhood Obesity1261 Words  | 6 Pagesfast food that led him to childhood obesity. In his article, Zinczenk states that â€Å"according to the National Institutes of Health, Type 2 diabetes accounts for at least 30 percent of all new childhood cases of diabetes in this country†(242). Childhood obesity is increasing and is causing serious health problems. I believe that Americans are not educated that fast food consists of high amounts of fats, sugar and sodium, which can lead to obesity, and other health problems. The fast food industry shouldRead MoreChildhood Obesity. Childhood Obesity Is A Growing Problem1085 Words  | 5 PagesChildhood Obesity Childhood obesity is a growing problem in the United States. Childhood obesity is defined as a child being at or above the 95th percentile for the child’s age and sex (Dietz, 1998). According to the Center of Disease Control â€Å"Childhood obesity has more than doubled in children and quadrupled in adolescents in the past 30 years. The percentage of children aged 6–11 years in the United States who were obese increased from 7% in 1980 to nearly 18% in 2012†(CDC, 2017). There areRead MoreThe Problem Of Childhood Obesity925 Words  | 4 PagesAaron Millikin Problem Solution Essay Composition II 11/14/14 The Problem of Childhood Obesity Childhood obesity has more than doubled in children and quadrupled in adolescents in the past 30 years (CDC). It is estimated that, on our current track, in about 50 years 1 out of 2 Americans will develop diabetes. These are startling facts, and it gets even weirder when you look into the causes for this sudden change. Since the 1980s, the amount of added sugar in our diets has increased exponentiallyRead MoreThe Problem Of Childhood Obesity1199 Words  | 5 PagesIt is a widely recognized fact that childhood obesity, which is defined as a body mass index (BMI) greater than or equal to the 95th percentile in children, is a continually growing epidemic in this country. There are several factors causing obesity, with poor diet and physical inactivity being two of the major contributors. The policy problem that will be addressed is the lack of access to healthy food in certain areas of the community. Addressing this problem will improve the health status of aRead MoreThe Problem Of Childhood Obesity2817 Words  | 12 PagesAccording to The State of Obesity (Trust for America’s Health, 2014), in the United States today, 31.8% of children are obese or overweight, 16.9% of that number are obese. Nurses are at the forefront of promoting health, so what can they do to eradicate this prevalent disease? Research by Ogden, Carroll, Kit, Flegal (as cited in the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2014) states that from 1980 to 2012, the percentage of overweight or obese children more than doubled, totaling to greaterRead MoreThe Problem Of Childhood Obesity1920 Words  | 8 Pagesare many problems in the world. Each country has special problems. The one problem that all the world has is childhood obesity . It’s one of the biggest problems in America. Obesity has become more than usual in the US . The definition of obesity is having an excessive amount of body fat. Obesity will raise the number of children’s health and diseases prob lems such as heart disease, diabetes and high blood pressure unless children do physically activity (â€Å" Diseases and Conditions Obesity†par. 1)Read MoreThe Problem Of Childhood Obesity2039 Words  | 9 Pagesof the world. The growing problem of childhood obesity is slowly rising to the surface in various ways. Whether it be by the new network of MyPlate or the new program of bringing the farm to the kitchen. Both of which are now being implemented in schools K-12.. Michelle Obama is the one at the head of the impactful programs. She has greatly in forced the nutritional changes to school lunches. Whether the changes are actually an improvement, who is to blame for the obesity increase, or whether itRead MoreThe Problem of Childhood Obesity638 Words  | 3 Pages Childhood obesity Perhaps the most notable campaign recently created to deal with the problem of childhood obesity is the brainchild of First Lady Michelle Obama entitled Lets Move. Online, the Lets Move campaign provides resources such as My Plate to encourage children to eat a balanced diet within a normal calorie range, and gives advice about appropriate exercise daily requirements. The approach is fairly conservative (the dietary and exercise advice is accepted by mainstream scientists)Read MoreThe Problem Of Childhood Obesity2042 Words  | 9 Pagesthe world. The growing problem of childhood obesity is slowly rising to the surface in various ways. Whether it be by the new network of My Plate or the new program of bringing the farm to the kitchen. Both of which are now being implemented in schools K-12.. Michelle Obama is the one at the head of the impactful programs. She has greatly in forced the nutritional changes to school lunches. Whether the changes are actually an improvement, who is to blame for the obesity increase, or whether itRead MoreChildhood Obesity : A Developing Problem1197 Words  | 5 PagesObesity in America is a developing problem, and not just in adults. Today, one in three American children and teens are either overweight or obese; almost triple the rate previously in 1963. Child obesity has expeditiously become one of the most genuine health challenges of the 21st century (â€Å"10 Surprising Facts About Childhood Obesity†). Physical inactivity, race, junk food in schools, the mass media, and the child’s parents flaws are all factors that have resulted in the prevalence of childhood
Friday, May 15, 2020
Organic Solvents A New Approach For Organic Synthesis
â€Å"ON WATER†REACTIONS: A NEW APPROACH FOR ORGANIC SYNTHESIS Technically, water is considered as the universal solvent in Nature. However, the prevalent notion among today’s chemists is that water is often forgotten in organic synthesis; many considerations are taken in the process of selecting solvents, reagents, and conditions which are water-free. In addition to the obvious problem that concerns about the surrounding water-sensitive reactants, the main problem is solubility which is the requirement for reactions to occur, and it is a justification for the use of many organic solvents at the exclusion of anything else in organic synthesis. Nevertheless, many living biochemical reactions mostly happen in an aqueous medium. The concern about environment and safety is another reason that has flamed up the interest in Green Chemistry, which prompted more researches into alternatives to traditional organic solvents. Therefore, water is a very promising candidate for the future choice of solvent as it is cheap, reusable, nonvolatile and saf e to handling of exothermic or heat-releasing reactions. Even though water has many advantages in organic synthesis, the low solubility of organics reagents has prevented the expanding utilization of water as a standard solvent. In the past, water was not quite a common choice in the process of organic synthesis. However, one of the earliest experiments that took advantages of water as solvent was Wohler’s urea synthesis in 1828, as well asShow MoreRelatedThe Effect Of Nanometer Sized Molecules On The Scale Of Nanometer1615 Words  | 7 Pages Introduction The advancement in technology has resulted in new and intriguing applications for the materials that in the past were considered inconceivable. This is evidenced in the rapidly emerging nanotechnology field. The distinctive size-dependent characteristics of substances on the scale of nanometer have led to their applications in various disciplines, for instance, solar cells, bio-imaging, drug delivery, wavelength-tunable lesser and catalysis. Nanometer-sized materials are materialsRead MoreZeolitic Imidazolate Lab Report1130 Words  | 5 PagesMetal-organic frameworks (MOFs); hybrid organic-inorganic (inorganic metal centers and organic linkers), crystalline, flexible, highly tunable pore structure materials (pore windows 3 Ã… to ~100 Ã…), offer a great variety of nanomaterials in membrane separation application [30]. Although the structural diversity and highly tunable hybrid structure make a promising filler for aqueous separation, the majority of the MOF structures degrad ed even exposure to ambient moisture [30]. Owing to the explorationRead MoreOrganometallic Reactions : Identification Of An Unknown Bromide1317 Words  | 6 Pagesatom possessing a partial positive charge (RÃŽ ´---MÃŽ ´+). The partial negative charge on the carbon allows it to act as a strong nucleophile or base similar to carbanions. As a result, Organometallic reagents are very important in organic synthesis because they can be used to form new carbon-carbon bonds through nucleophilic addition. There is a plethora of Organometallic reagents with various preparation methods and reactivities based on their different metal atoms; three of the most common reagents are:Read MoreDonepezil Hydrochloride : The Active Ingredient4587 Words  | 19 PagesDonepezil Prices). The Alzheimer’s drug market is expected to fall 1.5% every year until 2017 due to loss in profits as a result of the increased availability of generics. It is then forecasted to rise again after 2017 at which time the release of new Alzheimer s drugs are expected to be approved (Caroll, Chemical Business). Figure 3: The projected growth for all Alzheimer’s drugs. (Report Linker, Caroll). 5 If donepezil follows this trend, which can be reasonably expected, drug sales will declineRead MoreUsing Porous Organometallic Compounds For Various Material Applications2175 Words  | 9 Pagesstructural collapse of the host. 1,2 Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) have shown to be a valuable class of newer materials that can support permanent porosity upon the evacuation of the framework. Unlike zeolites, which are fully inorganic, the flexibility in the choice of the organic linker comprising the backbone of the MOF structure makes the size of the poragen formed tunable for a wider variety of purposes.3 As depicted in Figure 1, a metal-organic framework consists of two main components;Read MoreEssay On Nanoparticles1066 Words  | 5 PagesGupta, 2005; Laurent et al., 2008), antimicrobial agents (Behera et al., 2012) and currently, there is rapid development in the field of magnetic nanoremediation (Adeleye et al., 2016; Carlos et al., 2013; Xu et al., 2012), in order to removal of organic and inorganic pollutants from aquatic systems (Xu et al., 2012) and degradation of dyes (Shahwan et al., 2011). Nonetheless, as points of nanobiocompatibility, one of the alternative techniques for naturally obtaining nanoparticles is phytofabricationRead MoreRole of Chemistry in Human Welfare1394 Words  | 6 PagesChemistry is the science of matter and the changes it undergoes. The science of matter is also addressed by physics, but while physics takes a more general and fundamental approach, chemistry is more specialized, being concerned with the composition, behavior (or reaction), structure, and properties of matter, as well as the changes it undergoes during chemical reactions. It is a physical science which studies various substances, atoms, molecules, crystals and other aggregates of matter whether inRead MoreExperimental Techniques For The Synthesis And Characterization Of Nanomaterials1019 Words  | 5 PagesCHAPTER 2 EXPERIMENTAL TECHNIQUES FOR THE SYNTHESIS AND CHARACTERIZATION OF NANOMATERIALS. In order to explore novel physical properties and phenomena and realize potential applications of nanostructures and nanomaterials, the ability to fabricate and process nanomaterials and nanostructures is the first corner stone in nanotechnology. There exist a number of methods to synthesize the nanomaterials, which are categorized in two techniques â€Å"top down and bottom up†. Solid state route, ball millingRead MoreApplication Of Magnetic Polymer Nanocomposites1720 Words  | 7 Pagesbiocompatible, and can be remotely heated by alternating magnetic fields. The magnetic induction heating behavior provides a great benefit in biomedical applications, such as targeted drug delivery, and magnetic separation. In situ formation of an organic or polymer layer on their surface is one of the efficient methods for decreasing the aggregation between the nanoparticles, as well as providing functionality on the surface and allowing further functionalization with drugs and therapeutic agentsRead MoreEnergy Consumption Spectrum And Its Impact On The Global Warming Issue2909 Words  | 12 Pagesaverage global temperature increase, compared with pre-industrial levels, must be held below 2 â °C, by reducing the greenhouse gas emissions (ref). In addition to this, a deadline was set at COP-18 in Doha, Qatar in 2012 for agreeing and enacting a new global climate agreement to come into effect in 2020 (ref). There is broad international acceptance that stabilizing the atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2) at below 450 parts per million (ppm) is a near 50% chance of achieving the 2 â °C
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Essay on Internet Communication - 693 Words
Since the invention and popularization of the internet, computer mediated communication has become an increasingly common mode of socialization. Many people have voiced the concern that the move away from physical communication might have negative repercussions for society; however, socialization on the internet has a number of advantages over traditional socialization. The internet provides a larger pool of potential social contacts compared to physically seeking people, creates means for people to easily communicate when spatially or temporally disconnected and allows a comfortable atmosphere for communication. At any given moment there are more people available for socialization on the internet then there are people with which one†¦show more content†¦When communicating through an instant messenger, one can send messages while conversational partners are away from their computers and the partners will still see the messages when they return. Not only do they not need to be physically present, they do not even need to be participating in the conversation at the exact same time. This makes computer mediated communication one of the easiest means of transmitting information. Physical communication is more intimidating them communicating through typing. Typing allows one more time to think and reword ones thoughts before communicating them. Further, the fact that people cannot see the physical reaction of their conversational partners makes it easier to communicate about difficult topics. This is especially helpful shy people. Shy individuals who do not use the internet for communication have less social contacts then shy people who do socialize on the internet3. Most people have some degree of shyness; communicating through the internet helps alleviate the negative effects of shyness and makes socializing more comfortable. Some would argue that the above benefits are irrelevant because online social encounters rarely result in a social relationship. A lthough it is true that many encounters on the internet do not lead to meaningful social relationships, the same can be said about physical social encounters. For example, two people who meet while riding a bus might speak during theShow MoreRelatedThe Impact Of The Internet On Communication1339 Words  | 6 PagesHave you every thought about life without internet and how daily communication would be severely affected without it? In today’s society, the internet is treated like a basic need or necessity for survival. Especially when it comes to conversating, the internet is a must have. However, does the internet actually help or harbor communication between people? Of course, the internet is very convenient for many tasks. It helps make interpersonal communication a lot easier. It also helps keeping in touchRead More The Impact Of The Internet On Communication Essay1000 Words  | 4 Pagesof the Internet on Communication The internet has revolutionized all forms of communication since the beginning of its existence. The world has now become ‘smaller or more like a ‘global village, so to speak. The internet was first used by the U.S military for communications purposes. The internet, from the communication point of view, has brought on new developments and techniques to keep in touch not only for individuals, but for businesses as well. An example of how the internet has impactedRead MoreEffects of the Internet on Interpersonal Communication3943 Words  | 16 PagesBatangas City, 4200 Final Paper: The Effects of the Internet On Interpersonal Communication Presented to Dr. Neil P. Balba In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the subject Advanced Educational Technologies (MA 709) Master of Arts Major in English Language Studies by: Ma. Anna Corina G. Kagaoan-Pablo April 29, 2011 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The influence of the Internet has caused a change in the way we communicate, learn and shop. The Internet is probably most famous for the ability to spreadRead MoreInternet And Common Communication Problems1320 Words  | 6 Pages1. How can the Internet reduce some of the common communication problems that couples experience in face-to-face conversations? How have social network services changed communication patterns particularly on today’s college campuses? What do you see as the advantages and disadvantages of these services? a. One way that the Internet reduces some of the common communication problems that couples experience in face-to-face conversations is by confirming with other people whether the behavior is normalRead MoreAnonymous Communication On The Internet1728 Words  | 7 Pagesideas they might be afraid to express otherwise’†(Rosenberry 13). These statistics are enforced by the observation that, â€Å"†¦anonymous communication also creates positive dynamics on the Internet. Feeling protected and secure, some people are more likely to share important but sensitive information online†(Johnson 12). The everyday users admire anonymity on the internet because they feel it can be used to protect their own professional identities and others around them. â€Å"Communicative anonymity encouragesRead MoreInternet Is More Important Part For Communication1195 Words  | 5 PagesINTRODUCTION: Internet is getting more important part for communication. Internet is very powerful platform that has changed way we communicate. The internet has become a globalized communication media. But at the same time, computer hacking is increasing very rapidly. Hackers are people, who try to get unauthorized access to the system. We can protect our systems by using firewall and anti-virus software. But some users access internet for some very confidential work, using firewall and antivirusRead MoreDoes the Internet Ruin Communications? Essay953 Words  | 4 PagesThe Internet was only created about thirty years ago, yet it is has incorporated itself into the daily life of nearly everyone. One of the most conventional uses for the Internet is communication. Most cannot live a day without using the Internet to communicate with others; co-workers, peers, and family. Several embrace this technology by enjoying the ability to communicate with others where ever they are, whether they are at home, work, or even school. Communicating on the Internet can be usedRead MoreThe Internet Is The Leading Means Of Communication Worldwide1057 Words  | 5 PagesMalcolm spent his life on the Internet. Sara was tired of hearing the tap, tap of his compu ter. She wanted to feel loved, to feel needed, but she wasn’t going to get his attention while he was locked away in the office with that dang computer. There was only one thing for Sara to do, and that was to get a computer herself. She desire to find someone online that would love her, need her, give her attention and who would listen to her. There were plenty of websites for finding love. Sara posted herRead MoreThe Internet Is The Core Of A Technological Communication Revolution1848 Words  | 8 PagesCastells describes the Internet as the core of a technological communication revolution which brings about a new, post-industrialinformation age. While not the cause of this transformation, the internet provides the material support needed to sustain and spread it. This is characteristic of Castells thinking about the internet, as he suggests that it tends to intensify existing social and cultural trends rather than create new ones. (Gelerenter, L., Regev, M., 2013) The internet plays an integralRead More The Internet as a New Medium of Communication Essay1920 Words  | 8 PagesThe internet, a new medium of communication that allows us to communicate over large distances with an impressive outcome, the internet has improved long distance communication with its ever growing means of communicating. In this essay I will elaborate on my understanding on the internet as a new medium of communication, I will also state relevant theories and examples to back up my result. â€Å"The paradigm of the new mode of communication and clearly the emerging infrastructure for the hypermedia
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Non Renewable Energy Sources - 2309 Words
Connexions module: m16730 1 NON-RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES âˆâ€" University of California College Prep University of California This work is produced by The Connexions Project and licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License †Abstract Sucient, reliable sources of energy are a necessity for industrialized nations. Energy is used for heating, cooking, transportation and manufacturing. Energy can be generally classied as non-renewable and renewable..... 1 NON-RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES 1.1 INTRODUCTION Sucient, reliable sources of energy are a necessity for industrialized nations. Energy is used for heating, cooking, transportation and manufacturing. Energy can be generally classied as non-renewable and†¦show more content†¦If consumption continues at the same rate, the current reserves will last for more than 200 years. The burning of coal results in signicant atmospheric pollution. The sulfur contained in coal forms sulfur dioxide when burned. Harmful nitrogen oxides, heavy metals, and carbon dioxide are also released into the air during coal burning. The harmful emissions can be reduced by installing scrubbers and electrostatic precipitators in the smokestacks of power plants. The toxic ash remaining after coal burning is also an environmental concern and is usually disposed into landlls. 1.3 OIL Crude oil or liquid petroleum, is a fossil fuel that is rened into many dierent energy products (e.g., gasoline, diesel fuel, jet fuel, heating oil). Oil forms underground in rock such as shale, which is rich in organic materials. After the oil forms, it migrates upward into porous reservoir rock such as sandstone or limestone, where it can become trapped by an overlying impermeable cap rock. Wells are drilled into these oil reservoirs to remove the gas and oil. Over 70 percent of oil elds are found near tectonic plate boundaries, because the conditions there are conducive to oil formation. Oil recovery can involve more than one stage. The primary stage involves pumping oil from reservoirs under the normal reservoir pressure. About 25 percent of the oil in a reservoir can be removed during thisShow MoreRelatedRenewable And Non Renewable Energy Sources1966 Words  | 8 PagesRenewable and non-renewable energy sources are used daily in our lives. According to Conserve Energy Future (n.d.), â€Å"Renewable energy is the energy from natural sources i.e. sun, wind, rain, tides and can be generated again and again as and when required [...] Non-Renewable energy is the energy which is taken fr om the sources that are available on the earth in limited quantity and will vanish fifty-sixty years from now.†Finding ways to use renewable energy sources rather than non-renewable sourceRead MoreEnergy Sources And Non Renewable Energy Source Essay2240 Words  | 9 Pagessomewhat skeptical of this renewable energy source. The second group that I wish to address are those who are deemed to be environmentalists, who have a very strong faith in wind energy and other forms of renewables. Since these two audiences can be quite different the way in which I address concerns are going to have to be comprehensive to both. With focusing first on locals, I wish to include the basic information on wind turbines so that all aspects of this renewable energy source can be fully understoodRead MorePetroleum Is A Non Renewable Source Of Energy1526 Words  | 7 Pagesnatural gases; petrol occurs naturally in the ground and was formed millions of years ago. (National Geographic Society, 1996) The crude oils and natural gases are extracted by giant drilling machines. Petrol, like coal is a non-renewable source of energy. Non-renewable energy can’t be re-generated within a short span of time and isn’t environmentally friendly as when it is burnt it emits greenhouse gases. The crude oils and natural gases have taken millions of years to form and when it is extractedRead MoreEssay The Various Renewable and Non- Renewable Energy Sources1951 Words  | 8 PagesThankfully, however, not all sources of energy are non-renewable (although the renewable sources do have their downsides). Some sources are more prevalent in certain areas, while they may be extremely scarce in others; on the contrary, some sources are found all over the world, but only in trace amounts. The world around us uses many different types of electrical energy and a variety of sources from which that energy may be extracted. Solar power, biomass, wind, oil, gas and coal energy all have their positiveRead MoreNuclear Energy : Nuclear And Non Renewable Sources Of Energy2249 Words  | 9 PagesNuclear Energy Nuclear energy has always been considered as one of the best options to replace petroleum and other non-renewable sources of energy since the scientific research begin on it more than half a century ago. With the passage of time, scientists came up with ideas and systems to utilize this energy practically for the benefit of the mankind so that it can be an alternate to the non-renewable sources of energy adding to that some other uses as well (eg. Nuclear medicine). This off courseRead MoreFossil Fuels Are A Non Renewable Source Of Energy1635 Words  | 7 Pagesâ€Å"86% of the energy the USA uses comes from fossil fuels like petroleum and coal that provide electricity and gas to power our growing energy needs.†Fossil fuels are a non-renewable source of energy, meaning that we will eventually run out one day in the near future. When we drive our cars to work, taking long showers, and leaving the lights on, we usually don’t realize how much of our resources we are us ing. Fossil Fuels, Power Plants and Fracking cause many of our environmental problems that theRead MoreShould The Usage Of Non Renewable Source Of Energy Decrease?1241 Words  | 5 PagesShould the Usage of Non-Renewable Source of Energy Decrease? Energy is defined as the ability to do work that can neither be created nor be destroyed, can only be transfer from one form of energy to other. There are many kind of energy such as mechanical energy, potential energy etc. In our daily life we need different types of energy resource in each and every time to do our work such as we need electricity to run our electrical devices, gasoline to drive our vehicle and so on. Energy are produced fromRead MoreOil Spills Is An Insoluble And Non Renewable Sources Of Energy1782 Words  | 8 PagesOil, also known as petroleum, is an insoluble and non-renewable sources of energy used by a significant amount of people all around the world. According to the Energy Information Administration, U.S. Petroleum Consumption in 2001 mostly consist of gasoline (used to fuel cars), heating oil (used to heat buildings), diesel fuel, propane, residual fuel oil (powering factories, fueling large ships, and making electricity), and items that we come across every day (such as clothing, furnitures, kitchenRead MoreRenewable And Non Renewable Sources Essay1604 Words  | 7 PagesSimply put, energy is â€Å"a driving force behind all socio-economic activities†(Wesseh, Lin, 2016). Therefore energy is highly demanded and various sources must be used in order to meet the market’s needs. Within energy, there are two categories of sources: renewable and non-renewable. Renewable sources being naturally replenishable in the short term and non-renewable sources being exhaustible (Wesseh, Lin, 2016). Non-renewable energy sources include mainly fossil fuels and renewable energy resourcesRead MoreNew And Alternative Sources Of Energy1311 Words  | 6 Pages Today s society uses enormous amounts of energy. *The shadow of our presence on this planet is a result of generations upon generations of production and utilization of energy*. New and alternative sources of energy are being developed to replace the declining accessibility of coal and fossil fuels. Use of renewable energy is a key component in combatting the climate change that has become a major issue in the 21st century. Reducing our impact on the climate as a result of greenhouse gas emissions
The People s Republic Of China - 997 Words
On October 1, 1949 General Mao Zedong stood upon the steps of the Zhang Zhenshi, and announced Zhongguo will become the People’s Republic of China. This act propelled China into a closed market, red country. Later on, China would become a closed market country; this would end in the late 1980’s when China became an open market country. Since then China’s economy has been growing faster than any other economy in the world, and creating relationships with many countries including the United States. As China continues to boom and increase relations with the United States, fear in the U.S. has increased as well. The sudden thrust into communism for the people China lead to many issues. One of which was noticed right away. One of the largest problems of communism is the idea that all people make the same amount of money despite their profession. This lead to unrest of the citizens; riots started to occur, and the demand for change was high. Along with the communistic ideas, China became cut off from the rest of the world. Trade was minimal and their economy was closed to the rest of the world. This in itself lead to tremendous amounts of problems as the population of China kept growing. There was little food to feed the massive population, or enough goods and supplies. As the 1980’s approached, and the death of Zedong in 1976, change was needed. In 1986 ‘New China’ emerged, the closed market economy opened back up to the world, and China was a time capsule closed since the 50’sShow MoreRelatedThe People s Republic Of China Essay1954 Words  | 8 PagesINTRODUCTION. With the population of 1.35 billion people, area of 9.6 million square kilometers, 4000 years of cultural and historical preservation, The People’s Republic of China (PRC) is not only known as one of the most populous, fastest-growing economic countries but also sustaining a rich depth of tradition all over the world (â€Å"China country profile†, 2016). Being established in 1949 following the form of Communist Party, the world’s largest political party, China gradually repulsed Maoist radicalism, whichRead MoreChina s Influence On The People s Republic Of China859 Words  | 4 Pagesupon the People’s Republic of China. This is due to both China’s size and influence, along with its ranking as the leading producer of CO2 worldwide. Present day China is not a purely Communist country according to the teachings of classical/neo-Marxism or orthodox Communism. Rather it’s more of political Stalinism infused with market-oriented economic reform. Resulting from Deng Xiaoping’s attempt to save the country from Mao Zedong’s failing social and economics in the early 1970’s. This is importantRead MoreThe Old People s Republic Of China1373 Words  | 6 Pagesis one kind of important psychological, social cultural phenomena, as a member of the society, the standard of choosing a mate will reflects the direction of the whole social culture. In the old People’s Republic of China (PRC) society, which is before the great reform and opening (before 1970’s), Chinese think marriage is not a personal thing, to chose who will be the one to spend the life with is not completely depends on the favors and wills from both two parties, but more to the restriction ofRead MoreThe People s Repu blic Of China1761 Words  | 8 PagesThe People’s Republic of China = The Republic â€Å"Communism is not love. Communism is a hammer in which we use to crush the enemy.†–Mao Zedong. This quote is saying that communism is a way to conquer your enemies. The People’s Republic of China shares many similarities with the Republic in the book Legend. They are both communist, militarily run nations, where the citizen’s rights are oppressed, and they are both totalitarian states. They both have authoritarian leadership, and they deny many of theirRead MoreThe On The Peoples Republic Of China s Economy3088 Words  | 13 PagesThe Peoples Republic of China’s economy is now the second largest in the world with an estimated gross domestic product of $9.24 trillion USD (China, 2014). This is the result of a strict economic reform policy put into place in 1978, which removed emphasis on the agricultural sector and moved to the energy intensive sector of manufacturing. The growing demand for energy often came in the form of highly polluting coal-fired power plants, but in 1992 the Three Gorges Dam was approved with constructionRead MoreBeijing, People s Republic Of China Essay1670 Words  | 7 Pages Taoism in china Omar Rmaili University of Business and Economics 2016 Beijing, People’s Republic of China Introduction Taoism is a very broad movement, it isnt a doctrine as such, nor a belief system, but is more like a personal experience. It is a way of living and understanding the world, away from the systematization and dogmas, which caused numerous trends. It was the historian Sima Tan (or Sima Qian) in the -I century who brought together all these trends under the name ofRead MoreThe Rise Of The People s Republic Of China2149 Words  | 9 PagesThe rise of the People’s Republic of China (China) in today’s world has evolved into a new reality. In this essay, it will be noted that although China is increasing its prominence in international politics, China will not be a dominant global actor in the near future. In this evaluation, the phrase â€Å"dominant global actor†will be defined, and the parameters for â€Å"near future†will be set to the next two decades from now. This essay will then outline examples on how China has increased its presenceRead MorePeople s Republic Of China Under Mao2151 Words  | 9 PagesPeople’s Republic of China under Mao The Great Leap Forward was a program designed as an economic stimulus model heavily focused on industry. Under this economic program, individual agricultural areas were merged into larger people’s communities and many of the peasants were ordered to work on enormous infrastructure projects and on the manufacture of iron and steel. Most privatization was banned; personal wealth was confiscated while livestock and farm implements were brought under collective ownershipRead MoreModern State Of The People s Republic Of China1908 Words  | 8 Pages1949, the developed intrusive modern state of the People’s Republic of China or â€Å"PRC†has increasingly incorporated rule from Beijing over the autonomous region of Xinjiang, an area that used to be populated with over 95% Muslim Turkic-speaking residents known as the â€Å"Uyghurs†. Though the Uyghurs speak and practice their own language and culture, they are politically citizens of the PRC and the use of t erms such as â€Å"Han†and â€Å"Uyghur†people, are only used as constructions to generalize groups thatRead MoreThe People s Republic Of China, Serving As China s Head Of Government1373 Words  | 6 PagesDear Balram, Who says your way is right? I am Wen Jiabao the sixth Premier of the State Council of the People s Republic of China, serving as China s head of government. I have received your letters and must say I thoroughly disagree with your perspective. I, Wen Jiabao, am the man behind Beijing’s economic policy. I have been labeled the â€Å"people’s premier†as I have repeatedly advocated for a more balanced approach in developing China’s economy. I have given agency to impoverished regions, those
Why I Was A Registered Nurse - 980 Words
I was very popular in high school, because I was very nice and sociable and involved in lots of activates we had. I did not bully kids because I knew how it made me feel when I was younger. I joined a group called S.A.D.D and that stood for students against destructive discussions. We reached out to kids who felt alone and students who lacked the self-confidence. After I graduated my goal was to attend a community college not too far and not too close. So I chose Kirkwood. I wanted/ want to be a registered nurse. I was very determined in high school, I made sure I was on honor roll every semester! I did not have a social network because I saw all the drama it cause in school. I have always been Bi sexual, I did have a couple of girl friends in my past. I knew I liked girls in 8th grade I thought it was just a phase. I never told my mother or father because they are both Christians and I grew up in a church. I kept it quiet for as long as I could! I was forced to tell my mother I was gay. It was my senior year and I was on the basketball team for the school. Mesha is another team mate on my team who I was dating and still currently dating. We never let our feelings distract the way we played in practice or on the court. We knew how my coach felt about Gay people so we kept our relationship a secret from her. One day after school in the lunch room, we were in study table doing homework before practice. Mesha came up to me and kissed me as she pulled away I could see my coachShow MoreRelatedNursing a Successful Career Essay1013 Words  | 5 PagesRegistered nursing is among the top 10 occupations with the largest job growth’’ according to Th e Bureau of Statistics but why? Registered nursing is all over the world. In every hospital you will find many registered nurses because it is a good career to get into. A job industry that will never run out of jobs is the heath industry because everyone in the world needs health care treatment. Students should look into healthcare careers id they want a successful life and career. Registered nursingRead MoreProfessional Career As A Registered Nurse1744 Words  | 7 PagesA professional career as a registered nurse can be very rewarding, but it entitles hard work and dedication. The main purpose of a registered nurse is to provide care, education, and support to their patients. Their responsibilities mainly depend on the type of file they work in. For example, an emergency nurses, labor and delivery nurses, and school nurses each have specific duties they need to perform in accordance to their job. Though, in general, Registered Nursing responsibilities are very similarRead Mor eA Goal Makes Us Become A Better Person1298 Words  | 6 PagesA goal makes us become a better person. I have three goals that I need to achieve in the future. There are independence life, good hospital to practice the mission of nursing, and have a strong relationship. All of them sound really easy, but I do not think I cannot do all of them if I do not have a good plan because â€Å" a goal without a plan is just wish.†Among of three goals, practice the mission of nursing is my number one goal, so what is the mission of nursing? â€Å"BRN Turns 100†by Hedy DumpelRead MoreWhy I Become A Nurse895 Words  | 4 PagesWhy I Want to Become A Nurse When people ask me the question, â€Å"Jas, why do you want to be a nurse?†The first answer that comes to mind would be the generic answer, â€Å"Because I want to help people.†However, during the process of being in Lower Division and competing with almost 400 other students with the hopes of being accepted into Upper Division my mindset has changed. After studying my hardest through each class I am in and overcoming the challenges that come with each one, I am more determinedRead MoreBeing A Registered Nurse And Pass The Nclex Exam851 Words  | 4 Pages There’s always been one career or profession on my mind since I was a little girl. A job where your love and enjoyment of helping people is utilized. What job do you ask? Being a registered nurse is a rewarding and beneficial occupation to have. I can’t wait till I finish school and find my first job as a nurse so that I can help others and start a wonderful career. I have done plenty of research on registered nurses and have found useful and informing information on various websitesRead MoreNursing Is A Highly Respected Career1230 Words  | 5 PagesRegistered Nursing is a highly respected career. Many people want to become nurses but are turned off when they find out how hard it is to become one. Nursing is a very competitive practice. Not many people that go through the classes to get into nursing school are accepted because of the competition in the nursing program. Registered nurses are paid depending on how educated and experienced they are and many people don’t have to time or money to get a higher degree in order to get a higher salaryRead MoreA Study On An Advanced Nurse Is The Protection, Promotion, And Optimization Of Health And Abilities1411 Words  | 6 Pagesin agreeance that all practicing nurses must obtain a bachelor’s degree in nursing. This idea comes from the perspective that baccalaureate prepared registered nurses are more equip to manage the demand of the hospital patient population that is being seen today. A bachelor’s degree in registered nursing is now being considered as the entry level degree for all practicing nurses and those new nurses who are now entering the field. According to the American Nurses Association, â€Å"Nursing is the protectionRead MoreImproving High Quality Nursing Care1285 Words  | 6 PagesNursing is a high pressured and ever changing environment in hospitals and aged care which can lead to communication breakdowns and other errors. While on placement, I witnessed one of these errors which happened to be a medication error. This could have been as a result of miscommunication between nurses and not following the guidelines for identifying a patient by using the ten rights. To ensure high quality nursing care is provided, communication between fellow healthcare workers should at allRead MoreEffective Communication And Constructive Fee dback For Managing Conflict1607 Words  | 7 PagesConflict is inevitable in the workplace. Where there are people, there will be conflict. Nurses work in highly stressful and demanding environments which is why it is important that student nurses learn to adopt techniques and skills that will assist them in managing conflict. Assertive communication and constructive feedback are strategies that can assist in managing conflict. It is important that student nurses be taught strategies on how to cope with conflict as poorly managed conflict can resultRead MoreA Brief Note On The Health Related Field1743 Words  | 7 Pagesposting funny YouTube videos. As for me, I want to touch the lives of those around me by helping those who can no longer help themselves. This is why I wish to go into the health-related field. Although I have my mind set on becoming a physician, there are hundreds of other professions that are categorized under health care. So, therefore I decided to research on a field that I have never intended on pursuing; which was nursing. By researching a new practice, I can open my mind to different options
Global Rise of Religious Violence System †Free Samples to Students
Question: Discuss about the Global Rise of Religious Violence System. Answer: Introduction Christianity has faced many criticisms and many philosophical arguments as to what they believe or even into their actions. Among them is the statement claim that Christianity is false because most Christians are hypocrites, violent and intolerant. However, this statement may be analyzed from the different lens by understanding the rational part of the report, the logical understanding as well as the biblical account or the Christian apologetic lens. According to the philosophical lens this statement may be considered to be a fallacious statement or an ad hominem. It presents an argument where the discussion of the topic of concern is usually avoided but instead attacks the character or even the motive and attributes of the person making the case or associated with the argument management. It is therefore essential to have a distinction of the subject under discussion in any state with the character of the person making the case. Most critics of Christianity and even philosophers such as Karl Marx used this fallacy to criticize Christianity and specifically religion by saying that religion is the opium of the people. Therefore it is of no essential proving to hold a statement that Christianity is false because Christians are hypocrites. This may be considered as an ad hominem fallacy statement as well as a generalization statement[2]. Logically hypocrisy can be understood as having a behavior that is contrary or does not agree with what someone claims or believes in or even feels. This implies that Christians have somethings they think in and its logically for anyone to refer to them as hypocrites if according to them they behave in a manner that speaks different of them or their actions do not reflect of what they believe[3]. However, this does not account for the generalization fallacy that Christianity false based on an individuals behavior which does not provide sufficient evidence. For instance, John 8:11 speak of Christian believers being urged to go and sin no more. From this biblical account, it is the Christian faith that they should uphold a holy life and stay away from sin. However, the scripture does not stop there but continues to give them a quick reassurance of having a God who understands their weaknesses for it is not possible to them to live a life free of sin. Hypocrisy can only result in this verse when a group of Christians behaves like they are better than the non-Christians[4]. But again other than attacking the issue of hypocrisy most critics will go about criticizing Christianity on account of the behavior of one person or a character of an individual without necessarily understanding the scriptures say. Therefore the statement is more of battle cry man used by non-believers to poke holes in Christianity. The lack of understanding of the Bible has brought about these criticisms, and somehow Christians have allowed the criticisms come their way in their way of living. Most Christians believe that yes Christ did everything for them which are right according to the scriptures in 1st Peter 2:21-22. However, it is hypocritical for them to say that they have nothing to do as Christ did everything (4). The Bible in James 2:17 give an account of Faith which Christians should have, and its said to be dead if it does not have any actions. It implies to the fact that Christians have a responsibility to play; having faith alone is not enough to justify their actions. Also 1st Peter 1:14 provide an account of Christian living which requires them to be holy in all their conduct. Therefore there is more to the understanding of the scriptures and what they say that listening to preachers and what they have to say[5]. This also translates to the fact that it is inappropriate to conclude a statement th at Christianity is false just because some Christians have a hypocritical behavior. Philosophers would love to generalize the accounts but do not hold any truth centrally to what is written in the scriptures. It is also important to dispose of the stamen that Christianity is false because some Christians are violent management. Violence is a character of a human being. Anyone can be violent whereas on the other hand violence can result as a result of different factors. However, most philosophers have provided some research ideas claiming that Christianity plays a more significant role in enhancing violence in society[6]. This is popularly advanced in a research writing entitled the violent legacy of monotheism. The main argument in this contest is the claim that Christianity believes in monotheism despite having other religions such as Hindu, Islam as well as Judaism is a dividing factor in society. Further argues that Christianity through the birth of the new creation has divided people into us and refers to the other non-believers to them and terms this as the source of conflict and violence in the society[7]. However, this is not a justification of the claim states that Christianity is false. It only depicts ignorance fallacy and significant lack of understanding. Believe in monotheism by Christians is a command to them and everyone is given a free will to choose to believe or not. Just like any other religion like Islam believes in the account of Mohammed and does not account or recognize the Birth of Christ Jesus. Christian faith is therefore misused when it is used to underwrite violence but does not give a justification of Christianity being false. Christianity cannot be false based on the statement claim that most Christians are intolerable. The basis for this claim is usually due to their strict belief in the scripture that no one comes to me except through the father as found in John 14.6 in the account of Jesus words[8]. The main criticisms, in this case, are not even believed to be religious but have been found to be ethical. When Christians firmly believe in monotheism and against the worship of other gods they are criticized for being intolerant haters. The basis for this criticism is based on their faith and therefore does not justify the claim that Christianity is false. How would one find or establish the foundation of finding a doctrine to be false, I believe if it does not ascribe to think in that doctrine[9]. Therefore logical reasoning of the word intolerance is the acceptance of belief in an action of something in which one does not agree. Christian faith is self-will, and neither do Christians force each other t o believe in things they do not consider. This statement is, therefore, a fallacy of ignorance and doesnt form any basis not an even philosophical basis to claim that Christianity is false because Christians are intolerable[10]. Yes, indeed they are unacceptable into what they believe in and forms part of Christian faith but dont justify any reason to claim that Christianity is false. The basis of Christian apologetic lens was as a result of the many criticisms of Christianity faith. And therefore many have used it as a basis for protecting their religion and reaffirming their beliefs. However, the doctrine of apologetics is centered on understanding the truth, and that truth is the word of God. Just as Christians view the reality that is how Christianity should be seen through the lens of truth[11]. No one can run from the truth, and therefore the criticism of Christianity has been used by Christians to grow their faith with the belief that only the fact can be criticized as no one would bother criticizing something which is false to them since they dont believe in it[12]. The claim states that Christianity is wrong based on the accounts of some Christians being hypocrites; intolerable or even violent is an ad hominem aimed at avoiding the critical issues of discussion and focusing on attacking the character of Christianity faith or poking holes to believers by m ost non-believers. Bibliography Eaton, John. The Honey-Combe of Free Justification by Christ Alone. Lulu. com, 2016. Nokes, David. Jonathan Swift: a hypocrite reversed. Faber Faber, 2014. Yancey, G. (2015). Hostile environment: Understanding and responding to anti-Christian bias. InterVarsity Press. Praet, Danny. "Violence against Christians and violence by Christians in the first three centuries: direct violence, cultural violence and the debate about Christian exclusiveness." In Violence in ancient Christianity: victims and perpetrators, vol. 125, pp. 31-55. Brill, 2014. Juergensmeyer, Mark. Terror in the mind of God: The global rise of religious violence. Vol. 13. Univ of California Press, 2017. Syed, Jawad, Edwina Pio, Tahir Kamran, and Abbas Zaidi, eds. Faith-based violence and Deobandi militancy in Pakistan. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016. Griffith, Sidney H. "Disputes with Muslims in Syriac Christian texts: from patriarch John (d. 648) to Bar Hebraeus (d. 1286)." In Doctrine and Debate in the East Christian World, 3001500, pp. 173-196. Routledge, 2017. Frame, John M. Apologetics: A Justification of Christian Belief. P R Publishing, 2015. Moser, Paul K. "New Testament Apologetics, Arguments, and the End of Christian Apologetics as We Know It.." Philosophia Christi 17, no. 2 (2015). Craig, William Lane. "How Can Christ Be the Only Way to God?." Reasonable Faith (2016). Hitchcock, David. "Is There an Argumentum ad Hominem Fallacy?." In On Reasoning and Argument, pp. 409-419. Springer, Cham, 2017. Hitchcock, David. "The practice of argumentative discussion." In On Reasoning and Argument, pp. 323-334. Springer, Cham, 2017.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Introduction Four Types of Discursive Writing free essay sample
But part of it is a simple treated for writing you essays and articles quickly and expertly, a strategy that allows you to plan your entire essay as you write it, and thus to allow you to make your first draft your final draft. This article describes that strategy. Begin by writing in your head, at least your second paragraph (that would be the one you Just read, above). Your second paragraph will tell people what your essay says. Some people write abstracts or executive summaries in order to accomplish this task. But you dont need to do this.You are stating your entire essay or article in one arcograph. If you were writing a news article, you would call this paragraph the led. A person could read Just the one paragraph and know what you had to say. But how do you write this paragraph? Reporters will tell you that writing the led Is the hardest part of writing an article. We will write a custom essay sample on Introduction: Four Types of Discursive Writing or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Because If you dont know what the story Is, you cannot write it in a single paragraph. A reporter will sift through the different ways of writing the story- the different angles and find a way to tell it. You, because you are writing an article or essay, have more options.You have more options because there are four types of discursive writing. Each of these types has a distinct and easy structure, and once you know what sort of writing you are doing, the rest of the article almost writes itself. The four types of structure are: argument, explanation, definition, and description. So, as you think about writing your first paragraph, ask yourself, what sort of article are you writing. In this article, for example, I am writing a descriptive article. These are your choices of types of article or essay: Argument: convinces someone of somethingExplanation: tells why something happened instead of something else Definition: states what a word or concept means Description: identifies properties or qualities of things to convince the reader that something is he case. Perhaps you want to convince people to take some action, to buy some product, to vote a certain way, or to believe a certain thing. The thing that you want to convince them to believe is the conclusion. In order to convince people, you need to offer one or more reasons. Those are the premises. So one type of article consists of premises leading to a conclusion, and that s how you would structure your first paragraph.An explanation tells the reader why something is the case. It looks at some event or phenomenon, and shows the reader what sort of things led up to that event or phenomenon, what caused it to happen, why it came to be this way instead of some other way. An explanation, therefore, consists of three parts. First, you need to identify the thing being explained. Then, you need to identify the things that could have happened instead. And finally, you need to describe the conditions and principles that led to the one thing, and not the other, being the case.And so, if you are explaining something, this is how you would write your first paragraph. A definition identifies the meaning of some word, phrase or concept. There are different ways to define something. You can define something using words and concepts you already know. Or you can define something by giving a name to something you can point to or describe. Or you can define something indirectly, by giving examples of telling stories. A definition always involves two parts: the word or concept being defined, and the set of sentences (or propositions) that do the defining.Whatever way you decide, this will be the structure of your article if you intend to define something. Finally, a description provides information about some object, person, or state of affairs. It will consist of a series of related sentences. The sentences will each identify the object being defined, and then ascribe some property to that object. The ball is red, for example, were the ball is the object and red is the property. Descriptions may be of unary properties like color, shape, taste, and the like, or it may describe a relation between the object and one or more other objects.
Awareness Of Climate Change Impacts Samples †MyAssignmenthelp.com
Question: Discuss about the Awareness Of Climate Change Impacts. Answer: Introduction: Increasing awareness of climate change impacts around the globe has led to companies to adopt CDP disclosures(Sussman, 2008). Climate Change Information Request a program of CDP analyses greenhouse gas emissions of company activities. Such disclosures norms strive to attain reduced exposure to climatic change and to mitigate effects that cause climate change. The CDP body works along with various corporates and investors to study and analyse ways such that positive impact can be caused on the environment. In such disclosure norms companies are required to provide details regarding their greenhouse gas emissions in their CDP by means of an Online Response System (ORS). Australian regulatory boards are striving to attain positive climatic impacts through disclosure norms. Qantas Airways, a leading airline in Australia and is the flag carrier in Australia. The Company was established in the year 1921 in Winton, Queensland(Bulkeley, 2015). Currently it flies to most parts of the world an d has its headquarters in Mascot, Sydney, Australia. It enjoys a 65% Australian market share and 14.4% of passengers flying inside or outside of Australia. The Company is focused on reduction in emission targets such that it can make positive impact globally. It has been rated as a A-grade Company in its Climate score, due to its carbon related activities undertaken. The scope of this report analyses carbon related impact on the climate caused by the Company. Practical Motivation: Climate change information request 2015 aims at obtaining several data and information in regards to carbon emissions done by the Company. Qantas Airways is a well-known airline that is focused on reducing its emissions, which is target driven by the Climate change procedures. The Company is committed to reduce its emissions and make use of sustainable resources as much as possible(1037-1070, 2008). Though the several airplanes that belongs to the airline functions on fossil fuel, which is a non-renewable and non-sustainable source, it is planting trees and reducing its carbon footprints in other activities. Most office of Qantas are adopting renewable sources of energy for their regular functionality and reducing wastages of energy. All sources that leads to climatic impact are analysed and their carbon footprints are calculated. Each of such items are taken and transformed in an endeavor to reduce impact. The Company is focused on innovation and sustaining renewable mechanisms for every purposes, also devising means by which fossil fuel can best be replaced. Except for where necessary, the Company is not making use of fossil fuel adapting to efficient energy usages(Karim, 2008). At various offices it is making use of solar panels and wind energy sources to reduce its impact on the climate. The Company has adopted all possible means to store and publish data that are in accordance to its Climate impact. Its disclosure agreement provides detailed data and procedures regarding each and every heads that are provided by the CDP. The high scoring potentiality of the Company is reflected by the valuable perspective it attaches to the activities that is being performed by the Company for responding to climate change. Through operational excellence and energy efficient usage, it has been able to make considerable impact on creating an innovative measure. Theoretical Motivation: The Paris Agreement has been ratified at a very fact pace determining heavy reliance on developing Sustainable Developmental Goals (SDGs) on corporates. The new agreement makes it clear that for climate change to be impacted, corporates needs to adapt to norms and procedures that prevents further degradation of the environment. Business strategies needs to revolutionize their businesses based on low-carbon that can limit rise in temperatures(Cotter, 2012). Preventing global warming has become a heavy task, with generation of reliance on everyone to contribute towards the cause in an unprecedented manner. For the scope of the current analysis of Qantas Airlines, legitimacy theory has been adopted. Legitimacy theory considers generalized perception in regards to beliefs and actions of an entity on basis of socially constructed norms. Legitimacy theory applied on this study will consider that climate degradation has been initiated and, Qantas is trying to make a positive impact to resto re such degradation. There is a tremendous amounts of stress that is caused on the climate due to carbon emissions from several activity that can be reduced by socially accepted norm of legitimacy theory(Mills, 2009). The theory allows development and consideration of several facts and figures that will help development of the study and to reach its goals and objectives. Literature Review - Summary Climate change has been a grave concern around the world, with its various grieve facets faced globally. costs of climate change is being borne by humanity in all forms, as floods, rising ocean levels, rising global temperatures, increasing incidence of skin related diseases due to ultra-violet ray exposures and so on(Archel, 2009). Selecting a path today will help shape the future tomorrow to transit the entire economy towards a more sustainable future. Businesses in general and also in particular continue to face immense risks from climate changes experienced globally due to climate change from rising regulations and norms to growing awareness of consumers. Airlines have been considered to be one of the worlds leading polluting industry that directly combusts harmful gases in high atmospheric levels(Gibson, 2008). Such high levels of pollutants by the airlines have been known to cause several diseases including lung related disorders. Thus, airlines needed to adopt disclosure norms that proves their intentions in reducing their carbon emissions and impacting the environment in a net positive manner. Such disclosure norms are undertaken by companies in CDP format containing several heads regarding possible transformations or processes they are adopting(Hhne, 2011). Qantas Airways in Australia has been able to make an overall positive impact on its environment by reduction in its overall carbon emissions. This scope of literature review includes relevant and potential theoretical concepts that has been adopted by the Company. Motivation: Practical The dependent variable in this construct comprises of the climate change that is being impacted by activities of the corporation(Pinkse, 2009). Qantas Airlines in connection with its external as well as internal stakeholders have adopted several procedures that can provide positive impact on the climate change. Internal stakeholders along with Investors of the Company are committed to the long term effect that climate change can create hence have made a financial provision that is dedicated to creating a positive impact. The Company has a strong Board of Corporate Governance that provides yearly disclosures on ground of total financial commitment to back initiatives and innovation for creating a positive impact on the climate(Rankin, 2011). Along with planting of trees, adapting to renewable sources of energy, the Company is also taking other initiatives that can go a long way to create sustenance. It investors have also supported the joint initiative program and innovation technique s for the Company. Customers are growing their awareness regarding the impacts that they can cause to the environment by joining hands with corporates that are interested in making a positive impact on the environment(Milne, 2011). Theoretical Qantas Airlines in its recent CDP disclosures and target development have committed to saving of bird life and preserving natural fauna. It has also committed to measure targeted outcome on measurement of reduction in melting of Southern Polar Ice-Caps. Through joint programs with investors and other stakeholder groups it has aimed at preserving the environment and committing a sustainably achievable goal that can generate greater impacts. Polar ice cap melting have been associated with rising sea-levels. Various shores in Australia have recently experienced submerging of shores and advancing of beaches(Lawrence, 2009). This can directly be linked to commercial activity along with emissions that has led to rising of temperatures in Southern hemisphere. Qantas cannot depict achievement of its environmental targets similar to financial ones but can analysis data and disclose requirements related to them. Conflicting previous results Earlier research and analysis of data reveal that impact and harm already done on the climate is way beyond reversible. Qantas endeavors in order to create a positive impact on the environment might not be able to yield positive results within sufficient periods of time. As climate change has been precedent from a long period of time, impact it has already created is irreversible hence, probably corporations around the world needs to create an effort to be carbon negative such that effects of climatic change can be reversed. This theoretical construct is aimed at depicting the various hypothesis Qantas has adopted in order that positive impact on the environment can be generated. Assigned Theory According to CDP it contains various points and headings which can generate a positive impact on the climate and on the environment. The theoretical and conceptual analytical model for the purpose and scope of analysis deals in getting information in the brochure from the companies that can develop a positive and sustainable impact on the environment. This brochure can be assessed by investors and other stakeholders of the Company in order to evaluate the impact generated on the environment. Key theoretical constructs Theoretical construct is meant to meant to analyse models, theories and concepts in order to analyse the study. The study will encompass two primary variables namely dependent variables and independent variables(b8f65cb373b1b7b15feb-c70d8ead6ced550b4d987d7c03fcdd1d.ssl.cf3.rackcdn.com, Retrieved on 7th September 2017). Dependent variable in this scope of study has been determined to climate change. Climate change is a prolonged impact that is caused from pollutants and emissions, which gives rise to carbon. Emissions caused by burning of fossil fuel from airplanes have further added to levels of pollution causing climatic impact. Through this theoretical construct it can clearly be understood that endeavors undertaken by Qantas for reducing impact from carbon footprints add to positivity. The independent variable which are several efforts made by Qantas in Australia have been considered to generate immense effect on the dependent variable in reducing the harnessing causes degrading the climate. The scope of this study through several theoretical and conceptual framework aims to establish a connect between the Dependent Variable (DV) and the Independent Variable (IV). Qantas has undertaken several efforts to draw on a connection that can establish relation between DV, which is climate change with that of independent variable (IV) which are all efforts made by the Company towards making of a positive impact. The scope of the research also envisages another prominent variable which includes the time duration during which such efforts are made to reduce the impact of pollution(Mills, 2009). More the prolonged time period for which activities are undertaken to reduce impact from pollution more is the effect on the climate. Such prolonged efforts made by Qantas can lead to reduction in global temperature and create a positive impact on the environment. Hypotheses The research hypothesis for the study is aimed at researching the following questions. Research Question 1: What is climatic impact from various emissions by Qantas Airways? Research Question 2: What ways has Qantas Airways strategized climatic impacts into business objectives? Research Question 3: How are the endeavors made by Qantas Airways focused? Research Question 4: What is the targeted emissions reduction in the current year against past years? For the purpose of this study, there will be two hypothesis that will be assumed in the scope of discussion. Null Hypothesis (H0) and the alternate Hypothesis (H1), which will be governed by the variables. In the Null Hypothesis the basis of assumption lies that climatic change will not be impacted through any endeavors undertaken by Qantas. Whereas in the Alternate Hypothesis, it has been assumed that DV which is the climate change will be a function of the IV which are several activities undertaken by Qantas. The study will aim to establish truth of alternate hypothesis and reject null hypothesis in totality. Proxy Measures for Theoretical Constructs Theoretical Construct Proxy measure Dependent (DV), Independent (IV), or Control Variable (CV) Source Impact on Southern Ice-Caps Rate at which ice-caps are melting DV-Climate Change IV-Activities undertaken by Qantas Airways Qantas Airways CDP data Rising water levels in Australian shores Flooding and rising sea-levels along sea-shores DV-Climate Change IV-Activities undertaken by Qantas Airways Scientific data measures and collection Research Method A research method is important for the purpose of undertaking any type of study. For purpose of analysis it is integral that data is collected, which can be done from sources primary and secondary in nature. This study has progressed on the basis of inductive analysis of explorative research philosophy. A research philosophy is one which a scholar adopts for the purpose of conducting his research. In explorative research philosophy, various theories and concepts in accordance to legitimacy theory has been adopted and explored. Further data has mostly been obtained from CDP brochure of Qantas Airways in ways such that all relevant and critical information can be obtained. Primary data collection has been avoided due to lack of time and lack data availability for Qantas Airways. Secondary data obtained from Qantas Airways and CDP format reveals several facts regarding the corporation. The research method has adopted mostly analysis of qualitative data and quantitative data has been ign ored in totality for the sake of simplicity of analysis. Qualitative procedures have been initially analysed in this proposal post, which quantitative measures has been adopted and analysed. 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