Sunday, September 15, 2019
Food and Hunger Essay
The most pressing factor now limiting the capacity of the earth to support life is the supply of food. Man’s need for food and his current nutritional requirements are all important for his survival. Nutrition is defined as the science of food and its relationship to health. Some of these nutrients are considered to be essential while others are considered to be non-essential. Essential and Non-essential Food Nutrients Essential nutrients are nutrients that cannot be synthesized by the human body and therefore must be derived from food sources. Essential nutrients include vitamins, minerals, amino acids, fatty acids and some carbohydrates as a source of energy. Non-essential nutrients are nutrients which the body has the ability to synthesis from other compounds, as well as, from food sources. Nutrients are generally divided into 2 categories, macronutrients, and micronutrients. People are heterotrophs. A heterotroph is a creature that must ingest biomass to obtain its energy and nutrition. All heterotrophs have an absolute dependence on the biological products of autotrophs for their sustenanceâ€â€they have no other source of nourishment. 1. Macronutrients are fats, carbohydrates and proteins. All three can serve as source of the energy that we need to survive. These nutrients are generally needed in large quantities. Organic. 2. Micronutrients are the substances that an organism must have in its diet in small quantities because it cannot make them for itself or because it cannot make them as fast as it needs them. The nutrients can be divided into vitamins which organic compounds, and minerals which are inorganic. [pic] Malnutrition and Diet. About 20,000 people die of starvation everyday, and at least 10 million children in the world are so malnourished (poorly fed) that their lives are in danger. 1. Starvation means death from lack of food. Most people who are inadequately fed do not actually die because they take in too few calories to sustain life. 2. Some 45 compounds and elements found in foods are considered essential nutrients necessary for the life and health of human beings. 5. General Categories of Nutrients a. Carbohydrates – is an organic compound that consists only of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen b. Proteins -are large biological molecules consisting of one or more chains of amino acids c. Lipids – constitute a group of naturally occurring molecules that include fats, waxes, sterols, fat-soluble vitamins (such as vitamins A, D, E, and K), monoglycerides, diglycerides, triglycerides, phospholipids, and others. d. Vitamins – is an organic compound required by an organism as a vital nutrient in limited amounts e. Minerals are the chemical elements required by living organisms, other than the four elements carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, and oxygen present in common organic molecules. 3. Human nutritional diet can be met by eating some foods from each of the four groups daily. 4 Food Group Categories a. Milk and dairy products are for calcium, proteins and other minerals. b. Meat, fish, poultry or egg for protein, fats and vitamins. (luxury food) c. Grain and starchy vegetables are for carbohydrates, vitamins and proteins. (staple food) d. Fruits and vegetables are for carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and some proteins. World Food Preference The traditional diet of various people in the world differs tremendously. East Africa – berries, grains, vegetables, milk and blood from cattle. Polynesian – coconut, fish bread fruit, taro, tropical fruits and occasional pork and poultry American and Europe – bread, turkey and beef Filipino – boiled rice, fish or meat with vegetable The Politics of Hunger â€Å"The problem of hunger is largely the problem of poverty†The existing nutritional deficiencies results either from insufficient supplies of some or all these foods, or from poverty to ignorance. To comprehend nutritional problems, one must be aware of the problems of: a. Agricultural development and production b. Food distribution and pattern c. Agricultural economics d. Cultural food preferences e. Public health situation Issues in Nutrition Nutrition is the substrate upon which growth and development feed. It is the basic precondition for the maintenance of good health because of its role in the fight against diseases. It remains to be fundamental issue in health. Quite apart from overt diseases due to or abetted by malnutrition, the profound effects on physical and mental development in growing children and work capacity and performance in adults give rise to corollary problems that are difficult to quantify. How, for example, does one measure a lost opportunity due to mental retardation or decreased productivity in the workplace brought about by marginal or borderline nutritional status? The Current Estate of Nutrition in the Philippines: Children in Focus 16th National Nutrition Survey Pedro MRA. Et. al Food and Nutrition Research Institute Department of Science and Technology Conclusion and Implication of the Program? Under nutrition (underweight, thinness, shortness and increasing prevalence of anemia and VAD) affects a significant of Filipino children; the rate of prevalence of undernutrition to children needs to be accelerated. ? Inadequate infant and young child feeding practices including: †¢ Low prevalence and short duration of exclusive breastfeeding †¢ Decreasing consumption of milk and products ? Usual food intake of young child beyond breastfeeding is inadequate in energy, iron, calcium and vitamin A particularly after 12 months of age when milked intake has by then decreased and intake of other food is not sufficient. ? The only day per capita of Filipino household in 2003 was deficient for the most of the nutrients (iron, calcium, vitamin A, riboflavin a, vitamin C) in spite of the consumption of most food groups except fruits and vegetables, legumes and eggs. ? Under nutrition of children are more prevalent among households and mothers with experiences of food security, relation of poverty and nutrition†¦ Philippines Food and Nutrition Program (PFNP) Provides the mandate, political support, overall program design, manpower, strategies and mechanism. Department Of Health (DOH). Its part has embarked specifically targeted supplementary programs. Food and Nutrition Research Institute (FNRI) The institute continues to provide relevant technologies and scientific information on food and nutrition. National Nutrition Council (NNC) This is the country’s highest policy-making and coordinating body on nutrition. Nutrition Foundation of the Philippines, Inc. (NFP) This is a Philippine private, non-stock, non-profit organization engaged in improving the nutritional status of the Filipino community. MALACANANG M a n i l a PRESIDENTIAL DECREE No. 491 June 25, 1974. CREATING A NATIONAL NUTRITION COUNCIL AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES WHEREAS, malnutrition is seriously affecting millions of our people; WHEREAS, malnutrition retards mental and physical development of our children, weakens their resistance to infections resulting in unnecessary loss of human lives through high infant and child mortality rates; WHEREAS, studies indicate that infants and young children, pregnant women and nursing mothers are most vulnerable to malnutrition; WHEREAS, there is a multiplicity of government agencies engaged in various aspects of nutrition activities; WHEREAS, there are various food programs in the country such as the Green Revolution, Masagana 99, Palayan ng Bayan, Masaganang Maisan and others which are aimed at providing for food sufficiency; WHEREAS, there is a close interlinking relationship between food, education and nutrition; WHEREAS, Executive Order 285, series of 1971, vested in the National Food and Agriculture Council the responsibility to coordinate all nutrition programs in the country; WHEREAS, coordination has proven to be of great value in integrating the food and nutrition efforts of the various agencies; WHEREAS, one of the objectives of the New Society is to bring about social, economic, and political reforms to eventually improve the quality of life of every Filipino; WHEREAS, the nutrition program, being concerned with human resource development, is a vital and integral part of social reform and economic development; NOW, THEREFORE, I, FERDINAND E. MARCOS, President of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by the Constitution do hereby adopt, approve and make as part of the law of the land, the following: Section 1. Title. This decree shall be known as the Nutrition Act of the Philippines. Section 2. Declaration of Policy. The Government of the Philippines hereby declares that nutrition is now a priority of the government to be implemented by all branches of the government in an integrated fashion. Section 3. Philippine Food and Nutrition Program. An Integrated Four-Year Program involving the government and private sector shall be drafted by the National Council is hereby created. The program shall be approved by the President to be implemented by all concerned. Section 4. Creation of a National Nutrition Council. There is hereby created an agency under the Office of the President, the National Nutrition Council, hereinafter referred to as the council, to be composed of the following officials; The Secretary, Department of Education and Culture The Chairman-Coordinator, National Food and Agriculture Council The Secretary, Department of Health. The Chairman, National Science Development Board The Secretary, Department of Social Welfare The Secretary, Department of Local Government and Community Development The Chairman of the Nutrition Foundation of the Philippines President, Philippine Medical Association One other representative of the private sector to be appointed by the President of the Philippines. In the event that any cabinet member cannot attend Council meetings, he shall be represented by an Undersecretary or Assistant Secretary. Section 5. Functions and Powers. The Council shall have the following functions and powers: (a) To formulate an integrated national program on nutrition. (b) To supervise, coordinate and evaluate the implementation of the integrated Philippine Food and Nutrition Program to be implemented by all agencies and instrumentalities of both the government and the private sector concerned with improving the nutrition of our people. (c) To coordinate and integrate policies and programs of all agencies and instrumentalities of the government charged with the prosecution of existing law, policies, rules and regulations concerning nutrition. (d) To coordinate the release of public funds for nutrition purposes in accordance with the approved projects and programs. (e) To coordinate all requests for loans and grants by the government agencies involved in the nutrition program. (f) To call on any department, bureau, office, agency and other instrumentalities of the government for assistance in the form of personnel, facilities and resources as the need arises. Section 6. Officers of the Council. The Chairman-Coordinator of the National Food and Agriculture Council shall be the Chairman of the Council. He shall maintain a close link of the nutrition program with the food programs of the government. In his absence, the Secretary of Health shall be the Acting Chairman. An Executive Director shall be appointed by the Council. He shall implement the policies, programs, projects and decisions of the Council. One or more Deputy Executive Directors may be appointed by the Council and shall assist the Executive Director in the performance of his duties or take charge of special project assigned by the Executive Director. A Management Committee shall be formed, the members of which shall be a representative appointed by each of the members of the Council, which representatives should be the head of the nutrition unit or project of his office. The Executive Director, or in his absence, a Deputy Executive Directors, shall be Chairman of the Management Committee. This Committee shall perform such functions as may be assigned to it by this Council. The Council shall hire such other personnel as may be necessary for the performance of its basic functions. All positions, except the technical and professional staff and such other positions as the Council may declare to be highly technical, policy determining, or primarily confidential, shall be subject to Civil Service rules and regulations and the Wages and Position Classification Office: Provided that, all personnel shall be entitled to the benefits and privileges normally accorded to government employees, such as retirement, GSIS Insurance, leave and similar matters: Provided further, that in the appointment and promotion or employees, merit and efficiency shall serve as basis, and no political test or qualification shall be prescribed and considered for such appointments and promotions. Section 7. Nutrition Month. The month of July shall be designated as NUTRITION MONTH, for the purpose of creating greater awareness among our people on the importance of nutrition. Activities thereto shall be approved and coordinated by the Council. This Nutrition Month of July shall be in lieu of the previously declared Nutrition Week in March. Section 8. Donations. The Council shall be authorized to received donations, grants, or gifts in whatever form and from whatever sources: Provided that, said grants, gifts or donations shall be terms of the grant or donations and in such manner as a majority of the council may in its discretion determine. Section 9. Appropriations. For the first fiscal year, 1974-1975, P3. 4 million pesos shall be appropriated from NFAC funds already stipulated for nutrition programs. Provided that, the sum of ten million pesos is hereby appropriated as operating funds of the National Nutrition Council starting fiscal year 1975-1976. Provided further, that said amount may be increased or deceased in the succeeding years by the Council in accordance with its financial position. This appropriation shall be included in the Annual General Appropriation Act beginning in Fiscal Year 1975-1976. Section 10. All laws, decrees, orders, rules and regulations inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed and/or modified accordingly. Section 11. This Decree shall take effect immediately. Done in the City of Manila, this 25th day of June, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and seventy-four. Factors That Affect State Nutrition Food security. The most basic solution to malnutrition that will assure adequate supply and universal access to food. Poverty & Rapid increase in Population The discrepancy was the population of increase for the same period coupled with the static expenditure on food by the average household. Education Lack of specific knowledge due to poor or deficient education may magnify an already existing state of poor nutrition. Prevalence of Disease Who comes first? Disease or Malnutrition? However, it is established for some diseases, the effect of nutritional status is a major determinant of morbidity. Parasitic worm Diarrhea Malaria Geography Isolated pockets of population may suffer from peculiarities of geography. Due to difficult access to these places, food supply may suffer from time to dip, which results in decrease in consumption. Most of these regions cannot also produce the quantity and variety of food needed for adequate nutrition. The only specific solution for malnutrition is the provision of more food to supply the deficient calorie and nutrient. Definition of Terms Legumes – edible crop Peculiarity – ambiguous Malnutrition – undernourishment Discrepancy – difference Diet – cut down Deficiency – shortage Collar (collary) – line of job Workplace – place of work Marginal/Borderline – medium Mandate- authorization Embarked – board Supplementary – additional Prevalence – occurrence Morbidity – death rate Isolated – lonely. References: http://www. nnc. gov. ph/about-nnc#mission http://www. chanrobles. com/presidentialdecrees/presidentialdecreeno491. html#. UQDU8lsW7Dc http://en. wikipilipinas. org/index. php? title=Food_and_Nutrition_Research_Institute http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Nutrition_Foundation_of_the_Philippines,_Inc. http://www. questformuscle. com/articles/nutrition01. asp http://www. ndap. org. ph/food-pyramids University of Perpetual Help System- GMA CAMPUS Brgy. San Gabriel, GMA, Cavite COLLEGE OF ARTS, SCIENCES AND EDUCATION Environmental Science [pic] [Written Report] Submitted by:Submitted to: Jose Mariano A. EpinoMr. Prony Adrales III – AB PsychologyProfessor.
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