Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Does diversity of opinion in the press matter any more, now we have Essay
Does diversity of opinion in the press matter any more, now we have access to participatory and social media - Essay Example As more users are turning towards opting new technologies and social media websites, and are showing reluctant behaviour towards reading newspapers. One possible reason for less circulation of newspaper today can be because of the ease that technology has provided. As with the innovations in the technology and the ease it provided for the masses in terms of using electronic gadgets, mobile phones and connecting online, the productivity of newspapers and print media have undergone decreases. More people are relying on internet and social media websites for the purpose of news, with it they are always connected to the internet and can read timely news, as this new medium (internet) is believe to be the fastest source of providing information or serving the purpose of communication. Furthermore, this medium also enhances the concept of diversification of opinion, as users around the world feel connected with each other and can share their views with the masses in no time. Moreover they can read or listen to the views posted by others, which at times gives them new perception to think about the same issue (Van Djick, 2009). Current Situation: Likewise in a recent past majority of newspapers from the United Kingdom and America were forced to follow the downsizing policy (2008). As a result significant numbers of employees who were working for the different newspapers were terminated, many prophesized the reasons behind these terminations were financial crisis, whereas others convicted internet and social media websites for these firings in the print media industry (Compton and Benedetti, 2010). However, there are many who have different perception in this regard, these individuals optimistically analyze these situations and believe that albeit social media websites and blogs have resulted in confining the role of newspapers and magazines but it has also resulted in providing more information and a variety of difference of opinions for the viewers (Compton and Benede tti, 2010). Meanwhile, it took a while in order to confine the long run and monopoly of newspapers and print media, as the relatively new medium (internet) is garnering more importance on the daily basis and conditions are ameliorating (Compton and Benedetti, 2010). At present print media is facing deteriorating conditions, majority of newspapers around the world are devising strategies in order to cope up with the financial turmoil and are also keen on enhancing or increasing their newspaper circulations. For instance, newspaper industry in the United Kingdom and North America reflect the situation of turmoil as many newspapers are facing bankruptcy, or are in a position where it is hard to manage their current expenses because of high cost involved in the system, there are some who ended their journey in this regard and some are knocking the doors or are in the verge of facing a serious collapse. Some prominent names of the newspaper industry of America, which were enlightening an d were sharing difference of opinions over the passage of time, are the best examples of this catastrophe. American newspaper Denver's Rocky Mountain News are history, on the other hand, The Philadelphia Inquirer, Chicago Tribune and The Los Angeles Times are amongst those newspapers which are facing serious financial catastrophe or in other words are
Evaluate the Approach of Franklin Roosevelt in Dealing With the Essay
Evaluate the Approach of Franklin Roosevelt in Dealing With the Problems of the Great Depression - Essay Example A large chunk of population was using credit to buy the necessities of life and the consumers were losing their buying power. The production levels fell and the businesses failed. The farmers also suffered as a result of this as the food prices fell (Burgan 9) and the primary industries like mining suffered the most. The USA economy also saw the â€Å"Black Tuesday†in this time when the stock market crashed. Other problems associated with the Great Depression were that a lot of banks had to close down as they had invested large part of the people. When this started happening, a panic was seen throughout the entire country as people started withdrawing their own cash from the banks, resulting in turmoil and more bank closure. Since the banks did not have that much money on hands with them, the people who did not reach the banks in time became bankrupt. In this great depression even farmers were not safe because during this time there were severe droughts as the Great Plains we re hit by dust storms. These storms destroyed everything in their path, the farmer’s crops so that they were not even able to feed themselves in addition of being in debt. The Great Depression started in the United States in the presidency of Herbert Hoover who often gave the hopes for a bright future for the USA but majority of people blamed him for the economic crisis that the USA faced and hence his reelection was out of question (Marsh 8). Therefore in 1932 Franklin Roosevelt was elected as the President of the country with the people banking him on hopes to get them out the disastrous situation. As soon as Roosevelt assumed the office he closed down all banks and ordered them to open when the conditions had stabilized. He then initiated the New Deal. He took a series of decisions and the legislations were passed which the historians see as the 3 R’s. They are recovery, relief and reform. The relief part tended to introduce short term programs that were aimed at fi nishing the immediate sufferings of the poor, recovery aimed at the long term programs to bring the economy back at its pre depression level and reform was aimed at bringing in laws and changes that will prevent future depression like these. The ‘new deal’ was broken down into many parts. The first part consisted of policies of the trickledown effect. The programs pointed towards the Keynesian set of economic policies. The first new deal aimed which was a series of acts in 1933 included the agricultural adjustment act which accepted that low prices resulted from an overproduction of crops therefore the government gave subsidies to farmers so that they produce lesser so that the crop prices can go up again. However some people said that this contradicted with the fact that so many people were going hungry in the country. It also failed to deal with the primary problem of the great depression which was the falling consumer demand due to unemployment and continuously decre asing wages. Then again there was a National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA) in 1933 which said centralized planning to combat this crisis (Ruggiero 41). Industries were advised to (The New Deal or Radical Change) avoid the cut throat competition and that they would not be broken up but instead would work in collaboration with each other and be controlled by organizing the labor and the governmental activities. They will plan out the activities of the
Monday, October 28, 2019
Ethnic Differences in USA Essay Example for Free
Ethnic Differences in USA Essay The US is a diverse country racially and ethnically. The six recognized races are: white, American Indian and Alaska native, Asian, African American, native Hawaiian or other pacific islander, and a people of two or more races. Whites alone constitute 75% of the total population in the US according to the American Community Survey (ACS). Hispanic or Latino ethnicity of any race accounts for 15. 4% of the total. Other ethnic groups counted alone constitute the rest. These groups are African Americans (12. 4%), some other races (4. 9%), Asian (4. 4%), two or more races (2. 3%), American Indian or Alaska native (0. 8%) and native Hawaiian or other pacific islander (0. 14%). These figures add up to more than 100% because Hispanic and Latino Americans are distributed among all the races and also listed as an ethnicity category, resulting in a double count. Immigration to the US is what has made it into such a diverse country. The influx of immigrants in the last 100yrs has totally changed the racial/ethnic group’s arithmetic. Look more: ethnicity examples essay It’s projected that by 2050, the whites will no longer be the majority. The relations among racial or/and ethnic groups have not always been calm. Segregation based on race has been rampant since colonial era. Racist altitudes, or prejudice, are still held by a substantial portion of the US population today. There exists today, both covert and overt discrimination against African American, Latin Americans and Muslims. The issues of treatments of certain races have sparked confrontations and even a war. The truth is that all races or/and ethnic groups have at some point in history faced discrimination including whites. Over time institutional discrimination has been overturned and theoretically any American cannot be refused employment, admission to a school because of his race. But as I have indicated above, there is still lingering prejudice against some minorities. There have been many suggestions on how to deal the problem of discrimination. Personally I think that lack of information is what informs prejudice and stereotyping. Therefore, education on other races and/or ethnic groups is important. The government should institute affirmative action to support marginalized groups and support dialogue among groups. I think the student post depicts separateness and alienation among races and ethnic groups. References O’Hare, W. , Pollard, K. (1999). America’s Racial and Ethnic Minorities. Retrieved July 25, 2010, from http://findarticles. com/p/articles/mi_qa3761/is_199909/ai_n8872409/
The female monster Essay Example for Free
The female monster Essay Mary Shelley has constructed her gothic novel, Frankenstein, to include an array of passive female leads. This would not be unheard of in 1818, however Shelley was the daughter of an important feminist, and she herself possessed many of these same values and perspectives. With that in mind it can easily been understood that Shelley has constructed her novel to purposely be almost devoid of strong female leads in order criticise the social stereotypes of her time and the women who conformed to these, while the men in their lives dominated them. Shelley directly contrasts her passive characters to that of Safie, who is a relative success story compared with the fate of the other female characters. Safie embodies the life that women can have if they challenge their inferior role in society and this can be shown through analyses and comparisons of and between her and characters such as Justine, Caroline, Elizabeth and the female creature. Safie is used to highlight the passivity of the other female characters. She contradicts the stereotype that women should adopt a mother-like role as a carer and guardian. She challenges the domesticated, family orientated and victimised imagery of women who are dependant on men to support their lifestyle. Safies contradictory personality is shown through certain quotes in the novel, such as when it is stated that, When alone, Safie resolved in her own mind the plan of conduct that it would be her to pursue. The use of the phrase resolvedin her own mind indicates a level of individual thought that the other females do not posses due to the restraints placed on them by society and the men who exert control over them. A strong contrast can be made between the characterisation of Safie in comparison to other female characters in the novel. This was done with purposeful intent to convey that women can be equal if they challenge their social stereotypes. Of course Safie still displays feminine qualities, which can be seen in Frankenstein when she nurses her ill attendant with devoted attention a compassionate trait that conforms to the expectations of women. Despite this, Safie still remains the only surviving female protagonist of Frankenstein, thus being the embodiment of what women are able to accomplish if only they were to be brave enough to break free of their restraints and strive for change. Justine Moritz is an example of a submissive female character that conforms to societys expectations that women should be weak, beautiful and unrecognised as an important part of society. Justine is the target of pity from both the audience and other characters in the text from the very start because she was rescued from a broken family with an abusive mother and dying siblings. Justine is then wrongly accused of the murder of William Frankenstein; however, despite her innocence she confesses to the crime because it is what is expected of her. Justine represents the stereotype of how women are expected to be well endowed in appearance and she is often described by other characters as very clever and gentle and extremely pretty and Elizabeth spoke of Justines softness and winning mildness. These traits are all representations of Justines conformity to societys expectations. Throughout her trial, Justine makes little effort to protest her innocence and accepts false guilt for the crime, God knows how entirely I am innocent. But I do not pretend that my protestations should acquit me. This is also supported when she states, I must be condemned, although I would pledge my salvation on my innocence. Justine confesses because of her weakness under the judgemental glare of society, and is executed as a result. Through Justines experiences, Mary Shelley is highlighting the negative consequences of giving in to the pressures of society. Shelley is showing that if Justine was to have remained strong and protested her unjust trial, which was a direct result of her gender, then she may have been able to save herself and place the seed of doubt within the judgemental stereotypes of society, to rise above the oppression placed upon her by men. This contrasts with the assertive nature of Safie, who does not allow herself to be oppressed by the men in her life, mainly her father, and instead chooses to create a fate of her own choosing. Even less significant, but still present is the female monster, so passive it does not even achieve life, thus supporting that women have little, if any, outstanding role in Frankenstein. The creation of the female monster is absorbed by Victor in fear of being unable to control her actions. This signifies that women are oppressed in the fear that the will be uncontrollable. This is supported when Victor states, she might become ten thousand times more malignant than her mate signifying his fear of being unable to control her. The importance and expectations of feminine beauty are also impressed upon readers through the female monster. Shelley is conveying the importance that appearance plays in determining our roles and status in society and showing that if a woman should lack this quality then they will face the harsh reality of how truly cruel society can be in its rejection of the ugly. This is also supported when Victor is thinking about his female creation and says, the creaturealreadyloathed his deformity, and might he not conceive a greater abhorrence for it when it came before his eyes in the female form. This expectation for women is also shown when Victor says he is concerned with the outward substance of things. Shelley is therefore criticising the submissive nature of those women in society who both do and do not possess the flattering looks expected of them for not challenging this. Safie, although beautiful, does not allow her appearance to determine the path her life will take and refuses conform and let her father control her.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Hate Crime Laws Essay examples -- Hate Crime Essays
Imagine you are a family member of a man who was chained up to the back of a pickup truck and drug along a gravel road for two miles until he was dead. Then imagine how you would feel after you found out that this happened just because he was a black man. Things like this sicken me. I believe that the people that are responsible for these horrific crimes should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. That is why I strongly support hate crime laws. Now, before I dive into this very controversial subject, I should probably define what hate crime laws are so you will have a better understanding of what I am talking about. As I have understood it, hate crime laws are laws that protect certain minorities or groups from bias motivated violence and harassment, and also more harshly punish people that commit these crimes against them. As I started to do my research on hate crime laws I began to notice that there are many experts that are on my side of this issue, and very few experts that oppose hate crime legislation. According to Issues and Controversies on File some experts that do not support hate crime laws believe that these laws â€Å"perpetuate inequality among U.S. citizens†. They say that hate crime laws â€Å"single out†or pick the minorities that get the special privileges while other groups don’t get any protection. The way they see it is, â€Å"why should it be any more of a crime to attack a gay person, they ask, than a heterosexual person?†(506). Other experts that oppose hate crime laws such as Don Feder, believe that these laws deny another basic concept of democracy (equality before law) by creating different classes of victims†(3). Feder says that â€Å"anti-bias laws punish ideas.†He believes that the... ...ated Violence.†Corrections Today August, 1999; 68 3.†Hate Crime Laws.†Issues and Controversies on File. Dec. 25, 1998. 4.†Hate Speech†. Issues and Controversies on File. June 4, 1999. 5.Hays, Kristen. â€Å"Suspect Charged With Hate Crime.†Vancouver Columbian Mar. 3, 2000:A2. 6.Jacobs, James B. â€Å"Hate Crime Legislation: Challenging Intolerance.†Current Sep. 1992: 7.Jost, Kenneth. â€Å"Hate Crimes.†The CQ Researcher Jan.8, 1993 8.McCafferty, Dennis â€Å"WWW.HATE.COMES TO YOUR HOME: Is it Free Speech? Or Does it Incite Violence?†USA Weekend March 26-28: 6-7 9.McCarthy, Sarah J. â€Å"Fertile Ground For Terrorist?†Humanist Jan./Feb. 1999: 15-16. 10.Sheppard, Nathaniel, Jr. â€Å"Hate in Cyberspace.†Emerge July- Aug. 1996 34-40. 11.Title 9A. Washington Criminal Code: Chapter 9A.36, Assault-Physical Harm. â€Å"West Revised Code of Washington Annotated. 1999.
Understanding and Preventing Child Abuse and Neglect Essay -- Preventi
â€Å"Childhood should be carefree, playing in the sun; not living a nightmare in the darkness of the soul.†-- Dave Pelzer, A Child Called "It"      Child abuse, the physical and/or emotional abuse of a child by a parent, guardian, or other person, is a major problem in the United States. Child abuse, including sexual abuse, beating, and murder have increased and it is believed that many cases go unreported. Another for of child abuse is child neglect, which includes malnutrition, desertion, and inadequate care for a child.      Efforts have increased on the primary prevention of child abuse. This must be started on many different levels before it can be successful. Prevention plans on a social level include increasing the economic self-sufficiency of families, preventing the birth of unwanted children, making health care more accessible, expanding and improving coordination of social services, improving the identification and treatment of psychological problems, and alcohol and drug abuse, and providing more affordable child care. Prevention plans on the family level include helping parents meet their basic needs, identifying problems of substance abuse and spousal abuse, and educating parents about child behavior, discipline, safety, and development. Primary prevention is to prevent the disease before it happens and reduce the chances of child abuse or negligence from happening.      Between 1995 and today child abuse cases have increased by more than fifty percent. More than thirty-five percent of which were confirmed. Each year one hundred and sixty thousand children are abused severely, even to life threatening extents. One thousand to two thousand children are killed resulting form child abuse. One of twenty murder victims is a child. Murder is the fourth leading cause of death in children from ages five to fourteen. The murder of a baby within the first twenty-four hours of life, Neonaticide, accounts for forty-five percent of children’s death.      Most child abuse occurs in the home and is started by someone who is known and trusted by the child. Abuse in day care center and foster car settings are only a small part of confirmed cases, but are more widely publicized. In a household where spousal abuse takes place, child abuse is fifteen percent more likely to occur also. Children are three times more likely to be abused by father rather than mot...      Number of children -Identify families with problems of:      Substance abuse      Domestic Violence      Mental health -Offer new parents      Services of a social worker      Long-term home visitation      Parenting classes -Educate new parents regarding      Developmental tasks of children Age-appropriate anticipatory guidance Nutrition and feeding problems Safety Discipline -Discourage corporal punishment -Survey parents to identity health issues that are of interest to them -Support universal health care for children -Advocate for community respite care for parents -Advocate for community alcohol and drug treatment, mental health, and spouse and child abuse centers.      Child abuse is a complex problem with many causes, it is important that people do not take a negative attitude toward its prevention. Although the absence of strong evidence to guide preventive efforts, society can do things to try to prevent abuse. Showing concern for the parents or care givers and increasing attempts to enhance their skills as parents or care givers may be able to help save our most vulnerable people, the children, from the nightmare of abuse and neglect.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Diabetes Demonstrative Speech Outline
DiaPurpose By the end of my speech and demonstration, the audience should be able tocheck there own blood sugars and be able to inject themselves with insulin. Introduction Diabetes the silent killer. Doesn’t sound very scary does it but don’t be fooled. This disease is very deadly. Could you see yourself engaging in any normal everyday activity, then all the sudden a major organ or organs began to fail and shutdown without any warning sign? And the cause is because you have high blood sugars that go unchecked and unregulated for so long it was silently putting stress and damaging your insides.Well today I’ll show you how a person with type one diabetes keeps there blood sugars in check. Central Idea Knowing how to check your blood sugars and inject yourself with insulin will help you with your health. Preview A person needs to know how to regulate their blood sugars so they won’t become anymore ill than they already are. Body Outline I. Checking Blood sug ars a. First and foremost you need a Glucose meter and strips. Also if necessary code the meter. b. Second you’ll need to load you lancet machine or you may have finger pricks c. Third find a testing site on a finger or your lower arm.I personally use my fingers and use an alcohol wipe to clean the area. d. Fourth prick your finger with the lancet and squeeze your finger until you produce a nice drop of blood. Then let the test strip such up the blood and wait for the reading to be displayed on the glucose meter. II. Administering Insulin to yourself a. First you’ll want pick an injection site with a lot of fat either your stomach, thighs or the back of your arm and clean it with an alcohol wipe. b. Second you’ll get your syringe and depending on how many units you’ll need you draw that much from the bottle.Also make sure there are no bubbles in the tube of the syringe. c. Third inject yourself at the site where you previously cleaned and then after admin istering the insulin remove the syringe from your body. Make sure you’re not bleeding. Conclusion I’ve showed you today how to check your blood sugars and record your findings. And I’ve also taught/demonstrated how to inject yourself with insulin. And always remember to clean all testing sites and injection sites. Plus remember to practice safe disposal of all lancets and syringes.
Communication an organisations Essay
This assessment is to demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of the topics taught in leading and motivating a team effectively module of the ILM Level 3 Course in Leadership and Management. The document will be split into two main sections, the first section will focus on how to communicate an organisations vision and strategy to the team as well as provide an analysis on its importance. The second section will look at the role motivation in the development of a team. Section 1: How to communicate an organisations vision and strategy to the team One of the definitions of the word team (in its verb form) is, come together to achieve a common goal (Oxford University Press, 2014). It is this common goal or purpose that turns a group of individuals into a team without a common purpose or goal to strive toward a team cannot function effectively. For example in a football team each player needs to know their place and role in the team, but also the strategy and vision for wider team, is the team an attacking team, a defensive team, do they attack via the wings etc. without knowing the common goal of the team the players will look to their own role and not know how to support the wider team and therefore are less likely to achieve their common goal. The same holds true within an organisation not just at an individual person level but at a departmental level, if teams do not know the wider vision or strategy of the organisation they can become siloed and retreat upon themselves and just focus on delivering the â€Å"day job†rather than support the organisation in a more holistic role. With the above in mind, it’s clear to see that for a team to perform it needs clarity in its purpose, and from a business point of view this should be given by the vision and strategy of the organisation. The vision tells us what the organisation wants to be, it doesn’t focus on the how that is the role of the strategy, the vision is a simple statement of what it wants to achieve. Below is an example vision statement from Amazon. â€Å"Our vision is to be earth’s most customer-centric company where customers can find and discover anything they might want to buy online†¦ at the lowest possible prices.†It’s a fairly short statement but allows staff and managers to know that the focus of Amazon is on three things †¢Being Customer Focused †¢Providing Online Services †¢Cost effectiveness (for Amazon and the customer) With the vision clearly stated it helps teams understand the direction in which the organisation wants to go, the next step is to explain how team fits in this vision and will help deliver it. Once the vision of an organisation is understood, it’s important about going about explaining how it will achieve this and this is referred to as the strategy. The strategy should be a series of plans that detail how elements of the vision will be achieved; for example Amazon’s vision could be split into two strategies; being customer centric and providing online services with cost effectiveness being a theme that runs across both strategies. These plans would then be broken down into more tactical detail such as action plans and SMART objectives to be carried out an operational level. For example a call centre team will have several objectives/KPI such as Calls answered in less than 5 seconds in a given month or First Time Call Resolution 95% (Year to Date), which without much explanation simply look like tools to ensure staff are doing their jobs when in fact they are SMART objectives that relate to the customer focused strategy of Amazon’s vision and how effec tively that strategy is working. It is the performance of these objectives that dictate future strategy, poor performance may result in a change of strategy (i.e. outsourcing) where as good performance could result in the current strategy being maintained or even expanded (i.e. expansion to provide alternative services) and as such it is vital that staff are informed not only of their objectives and targets but how and why they exist, and what their overall effect on the business is. As we can see the role the vision and strategy plays in the performance of a team or individual is huge but it can be a two edged sword if the vision and strategy are either poorly communicated, misunderstood or simply unknown. As such communication is key, to ensure that the common sense and purpose that the vision and strategy provides is embedded and understood. There are many methods of communication available within an organisation in aid of establishing a common purpose, but the first method is that the vision statement should be one that staff and customers can relate too and understand, if the vision doesn’t make sense the job to communicate it to staff will be twice as hard. A good basis for ensuring good communication is using the seven principles of communication; to ensure the message is clear, concise, concrete, correct, coherent, complete and naturally courteous. Once the message has been developed, it’s a matter of choosing the medium in which it is delivered; there are various methods such as email, telephone, meetings, seminars, presentation, 1-2-1s, newsletters all of which to be effective must be used at the right time and place. As the vision is a supposed to provide a common purpose and understanding of what the company wants to be, it suggests that the best way to communicate this message is via more group/communal methods such as Team meetings, Away days or newsletters where the same message can be relayed to multiple staff at a time and avoids confusion or contamination of the key messages trying to be delivered, that can occur in mores personal communications such as 1-2-1 meetings. For example a team meeting where a contact centre manager for Amazon relays the vision of the company and how the team’s work fits in and helps deliver it to their 10 staff, is likely to be more effective than having 10 1-2-1 sessions in which they deliver they try to deliver the same message which is likely to alter between sessions due to personal relationships coming into play, more two way conversation disrupting the flow of the message, the recipient choosing to understand the message how they see it rather than how it was said and then finally the confusion that can occur when team members compare conversations. This is not to say that group communication is always the best method to use as it does also have its downsides such as; it’s less likely people will ask questions in team/group meetings and could result in misunderstandings/confusion, if the person delivering the message is not clear and does not understand the message being delivered it will have a negative impact on the recipients, they can become side tracked by issues that arise during the meeting and people forget the message being delivered. My own skills actually lend themselves to small groups or 1-2-1 sessions as I struggle to manage wider groups at times, especially when the meeting goes off topic or several conversations start within the meeting. However as I only manage two staff at the moment this hasn’t hampered my ability to communicate a common sense of purpose to my staff as I have my own concepts on what our role is in the business, however as highlighted in our learner session in July we did struggle as a group to find the group’s vision and strategy, which in itself is a failing in that without knowing the true vision and strategy of the business how can I communicate that to my staff and could potentially be providing them with a purpose that is counter to the organisations own goals. In reflection this had led me to book in some time to read the new business plan, and in readiness I’ve booked a team meeting together with my staff to go over it and highlight were we as a team fit in it. I’ve also took some time recently to review our action plans and KPI’s on Covalent, which is a software we use to link action plans and KPI’s together to strategies to see how our objectiv es are linked to the wider organisation and through that hopefully provide better clarity and coherent information to my staff. Hopefully my management of meetings will improve through this course, as one of the modules in on managing meetings effectively. In conclusion I use to think my communication skills were quite good, however through this exercise I’ve noted that while my method of delivery and communication style may be good it doesn’t mean much if you don’t truly know the message you are trying to convey which until I’m up to speed on the business plan and our place in it I can’t say I know what that message should be without retreating into the â€Å"day job†which as mentioned at the beginning is a symptom of a team who doesn’t know the organisations vision or strategy. Section 2: Know how to motivate and develop the team Section 2.1: Describe the main motivational factors in a work context and how these may apply to different situations, teams and individuals. There are multiple models and theories for motivation such as Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, Alderfer’s ERG theory, Acquired Needs Theory by McClellan and Two Factor Theory by Hezberg to name a few and while most can be used to explain motivational factors in a work context some such as Maslow’s and Alderfer’s theory require more adaption or to make it fit as such I’ll be using Hezberg’s Two factor theory to describe the main motivational factors in the work context. According to Herzberg, two kinds of factors affect motivation, and they do it in different ways: Hygiene factors: These are factors that are taken for granted and can be seen as having no positive satisfaction by themselves, however if they were taken away would cause a dramatic down turn in morale and motivation. An example is a policy of free tea and coffee for staff by itself unlikely to motivate staff but if it was removed would have a negative impact. Motivator factors: These are factors whose presence motivates. Their absence does not cause any particular dissatisfaction, it just fails to motivate. An example would be recognition at work for a job well done, achieving a promotion. Looking at the above it would seem that simply applying the motivator factors would cause an increase in motivation and simply ensuring the hygiene factors stayed in place is the sure fire way to succeed in motivating your staff, however the below example shows how by applying one rule to an individual can affect the team as a whole. Person A is doing a good job and as such you wish to increase motivation by recognising their work, which you do by offering a promotion/raise or bonus, this however can impact on the rest of the team as Pay and Benefits also come under Hygiene factors and as such by rewarding one and not everyone in the team this can cause a demotivation or job dissatisfaction. Section 2.2: Explain the importance of a leader being able to motivate teams and individuals and gain their commitment to objectives. Section 2.3: Explain the role that the leader plays in supporting and developing the team and its members and give practical examples of when this will be necessary
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Tender-Invitation to Treat-Contract Law
Contract Law Presented by Kerra Bazzey Contract Law Formation of a Contract Terms of a Contract Discharge of a Contract Remedies for Breach of a Contract Formation of a Valid and Enforceable Contract Offer Acceptance Consideration Intention to Create Legal Relations Privity of Contract Capacity to Contract Must not be illegal or contrary to public policy Formation of a Contract A contract is an agreement which creates legal rights and obligations between the parties to it. It is formed when the parties reach agreement on the essential features of the bargain.Offer – a statement made by a party which manifests an intention to be bound on precise terms. The person who makes an offer is known as the offeror or the promisor. The person to whom the promise is made is the offeree or the promisee. Bilateral contracts – most common form of contract – here there is an exchange of promises. Unilateral contracts – commonly known as an ‘if’ contract †“ here the promise is one-sided as the offeror alone makes a promise. Elements of an Offer (i) An offer can be made to an individual, a group of persons or to the public at large.An offer to the public at large can only be made where the contract is a unilateral one. (ii) An offer should not be vague. Where on the face of it an offer appears to be vague, but the parties have had prior dealings or are operating in a particular trade, then the courts will imply certain terms and conditions to conclude that a statement that initially appeared vague is in fact sufficiently certain. (iii) A response in request to clarification on price or a request for more information is not an offer. Elements of an Offer Consider the following exchange: – H: â€Å"Will you sell us your farm called Bumper Hall Pen? Fax me the lowest price†? F: â€Å"Lowest price for Bumper Hall Pen is $1,200,000. 00†. -H: â€Å"We agree to buy Bumper Hall Pen for $1,200,000. 00 asked by you†. – F never replied to this. H argued there was a valid contract. -The court held that F’s statement was not an offer. – It was merely a response to a request for information which showed the lowest price that F would have been prepared to charge in the event that he chose to sell the Bumper Hall Pen. – H’s last communication could therefore not be regarded as an acceptance. Elements of an Offer (iv) If a person declares that he intends to so something, that statement of intention is not an offer.If someone acts based on what was declared, and the person who made the declaration does not carry out the act he stated he would, but the person who acted based on what was said suffers a loss, the person who suffered the loss cannot bring an action against the person who made the declaration. This is because there was never any offer so there was nothing to be accepted. Consider the following case: – An auctioneer advertised in the newspaper that he would be holding a sale of office furniture. – A broker commissioned to buy office furniture travelled from far to attend the sale but all the furniture was withdrawn. The broker sued the auctioneer for his loss of time and expenses. – Can he recover for his loss of time and expenses? – No. – The court would hold that an intention to do something does not constitute an offer geared towards create a binding contract. Invitations to Treat Invitation to Treat An offer must be distinguished from an invitation to treat. An invitation to treat is an invitation to someone else to make an offer. It is not an offer because there is no intention to be legally bound. It is an invitation to negotiate. There are 4 categories of invitations to treat – advertisements in a newspaper display of goods on a shelf – auction sales – invitations to tender Invitation to Treat Advertisements As a general rule, an advertisement in a newspaper is not an of fer. It is an attempt to induce offers. This general rule is displaced where the advertiser by his word or conduct shows a clear intention to be bound, as is often the case in the unilateral contract. Display of Goods on a Shelf A store owner who displays goods on a shelf with the price attached does not make an offer. He is merely inviting the public to make an offer to buy the goods at the price stated. Auction SaleThe general rule is that in an auction sale, when the auctioneer invites bids, this is not an offer but an invitation to treat. When the bidder responds with a bid, he is in fact making an offer and the auctioneer is then free to accept or reject this. Invitation to Treat Invitation to Tender Generally a request to tender will be considered as an invitation to treat. Any tender document which is submitted in response to this request is an offer and the invitee of the tender is then free to accept whichever offer he chooses. Termination of an Offer (i) Revocation or with drawal of an offer by the offeror (ii) Counter offer (iii)Lapse of time (iv) Death (v) Non-fulfilment of a condition precedent Termination of an Offer (i) Revocation – A revocation is a withdrawal of an offer. An offer can be revoked at any time before it is accepted because there is no binding contract before acceptance. An offer cannot be revoked after it has been accepted. A revocation must be communicated to the offeree to be effective. If it is not, and the offeree accepts, there will be a contract. Termination of an Offer Consider the following: By letter dated 1st October, A offered to sell goods to B. – B received the offer on 11th October and immediately accepted by fax. Prior to that, on 8th October A wrote a letter revoking the offer. He mailed this and B received it on 20th October. – Is there a contract? – Yes. The court would hold that the revocation came too late and was not effective until it had reached B. A contract was made when B faxed his acceptance. Termination of an Offer The revocation does not have to be communicated to the offeree by the offeror himself. It is enough if the offeree learns of the revocation from a source which he believes to be reliable. A mere request for additional information does not destroy an offer. Consider the following example:A offered to sell B goods at $100,000 per ton and stated that the offer would remain open until Monday. – Early on Monday B telephoned A and asked him to indicate whether he would accept ‘$100,000 per ton for delivery over two months or if not, the longest limit he would give. In other words, he was asking whether he could buy the goods on credit. Termination of an Offer – A did not respond. – On Monday afternoon B contacted A to accept the offer and found out that A had sold the goods to a third party. – Was there is breach of contract? – Yes. – The enquiry was not a counter offer but a request for further infor mation.A’s offer had not been terminated. Termination of an Offer Counter Offer Lapse of Time Where an offer is stated to be open for a specified time only, once that time expires and the other party has not responded, then the offer automatically ends. If no time is stipulated, the offer may lapse after a reasonable time. Death Where the offeror dies before the offer is accepted by the offeree, the offer is terminated. If the offer is accepted before the offeror dies, it may be enforceable against the estate if it is not of a personal nature. Elements of a Valid Acceptance AcceptanceA contract can only exist when there is consensus ad idem, that is, a meeting of the minds. This is where the acceptance merges with the offer. An offeror can prescribe that the acceptance must occur in a particular manner, eg by post or hand delivered or by telephone. An acceptance to an offer is only effective if it is communicated to and received by the offeror. If something impacts upon the a bility of the offeror to receive word of the acceptance, for example, because of interference on the phone line or because the offeree is unable to speak clearly, then there is no contract.Elements of a Valid Acceptance Silence does not amount to acceptance. Consider the following example. B placed a house with an auctioneer to find a buyer. Subsequently A began to negotiate directly with B for the purchase of the house. The only outstanding matter was the question of the price. A stated â€Å"if I do not hear from you I shall assume that the house is mine at $X. †When B heard this he told the auctioneer not to sell the house. In error, the auctioneer sold it to another person. A sued in conversion (a tort alleging wrongful disposal of property).Although B’s actions suggested that he was in effect accepting B’s offer, the court held that there was no contract because he never communicated this acceptance to A. His silence did not amount to acceptance. There was therefore no contract. Elements of a Valid Acceptance An acceptance of an offer must be absolute and unqualified. If it does not accept all the terms of the contract as originally set out, it will be a rejection of the offer. Where the offeree introduces a new term which the offeror never mentioned he introduces a counter offer.A counter offer effectively puts an end to the original offer and it cannot be accepted later. Example – A offers to sell a house to B for $1,800,000. 00. B asks A whether he will accept $1,500,000. This request by B is a counter offer which has effectively brought the original offer to an end. There is therefore nothing open for B to accept and A is free to sell to a 3rd party. Acceptance When a counter offer is accepted then its terms and not the terms of the original offer become the terms of the contract. Example B and M agreed to enter into a formal contract after a series of negotiations.M sent the terms of the contract to B for signature. B sig ned the agreement but amended it by inserting the name of an arbitrator who would be used to settle any disputes. The contract was never formally executed but each party acted in accordance with the agreed terms. When a dispute arose under the contract, B sought to argue that there was no binding contract. The court held that the insertion of the name of the arbitrator was in fact a counter offer. Once M took delivery of goods in accordance with the terms of the contract, its conduct amounted to an acceptance of the counter offer. Acceptance Subject to Contract’ means that the parties do not intend to bind themselves until a formal document has been drafted and signed. The effect is no rights or legal obligations are imposed on either party. Acceptance The Postal Rule A distinction is drawn between an acceptance through instantaneous means and one in a contract by post. The post office rule constitutes the post office as an agent of the offeror. It states that when an accepta nce is placed under the lawful control of the post office, it is effective even without actual physical delivery to the offeror. The postal rule applies to acceptance only and not to offers.Acceptance Consider the following example: A posted an offer to B on 2nd September. That letter contained a clause which stated that A expected a response by the post. The letter was incorrectly addressed and reached B on the 5th September. B sent off a letter at once agreeing to all the terms contained in the offer. On the 8th September, A not having heard from B, sold the item to a third party. Was there a breach of contract? Yes, because a contract had been completed on the 5th September when B posted the letter of acceptance. The post office was the agent of A, the offeror and had received the acceptance on his behalf.
Hero Definition Essay
How do you know when you’ve seen a hero before your eyes? Most likely in real life they won’t be wearing a cape or suit that identifies themselves as this well known hero. Realistically you’ve never or even possibly ever will see that kind of hero. Why is it that that kind of hero always seems to be the first thing that pops into one’s mind when the word â€Å"hero†is said; that stereotypical hero that always features in movies? We often forget that we’re actually surrounded every single day by heroes.Teachers, firefighters, you name it, are all considered heroes in one or more peoples’ eyes based on the things they’ve done. A hero not only goes beyond their needs and boundaries to help and encourage others, but also have a strong mind set. Heroes can be looked in the eye and show that they will not back down or give in to the defeat of something they’ve put their mind to. One important quality of heroism is stepping out from their comfort zone to help others in need, as they put aside their own demands.Often times a hero has a choice whether to go and help others or focus on themselves and pay attention to their only needs, but the fact that they put down their focus on themselves to help another shows how a true hero can be distinguished from amongst the crowd. For instance, an example of this quality can be found in the story Love Triumphs: 6 Year Old Becomes a Hero to Band of Toddlers, Rescuers by Ellen Barry.In this story, a little 6 year old boy named Deamonte Love takes on the responsibility of taking care of several other children, including his baby brother and cousins when they all were separated from their parents due to Hurricane Katrina. Deamonte â€Å"promised he’d take care of his brother†after seeing â€Å"his mother cry when he was loaded onto the helicopter†along with the other children to be taken to safety(SB 20). Even if Deamonte was scared, he took the l ead role in directing and watching over the children, putting his focus only on the children, encouraging and making them feel safe till they were all reunited again with their parents.This quality of heroism can not only be seen in boys, but also in girls, movies, and real life. Another example that shows this quality is from the movie Mulan. In this particular movie, a young woman, named Mulan poses as a young man and son of his (Mulan’s) father in order to save him from fighting in the war forcefully. Mulan then goes out pretending she is one of the many soldiers in the army and saves her father from serving. What Mulan did not only showed courage but also some determination as well.She had courage to pose as a man in order to save her father from fighting in the war, where also she placed herself in dangerous positions being in the army with no training at all. Doing that Mulan showed how she went beyond her own abilities to help her father. Mulan also showed some determi nation in how when she was in the army she wanted to prove to many of the other soldiers that she can be considered a real warrior. She also showed determination in which she impersonated a fake son of her father and continued out with her plan just so she knew that her own father with his old age and disabilities would be safe at home.As you can see, Mulan definitely went outside of her limits and surpassed her zone of security and comfort to help and meet the needs of her father. Heroism often calls for the hero to have a strong mind set. Having this quality in a hero means that they are able to change their outlook or attitude on something for the better so they can accomplish their goal. For example, this quality of heroism can be clearly shown in the poem A Man by Nina Cassian. In this poem, a soldier who loses his arm while fighting for his country must overcome his new challenge, continuing life with one arm.Undoubtedly, in the beginning of the poem the soldier recognizes in a very negative way how his life will forever be changed and impacted. Despite his sadness and physical limitations he rises above and looks at being positive, setting â€Å"himself to do everything with twice as much enthusiasm (line 15). †This soldier’s optimism is what helped him conquer the battles both physically and emotionally having to deal with just one arm. He decides to push through this challenge and enjoy life as it comes.His strong mind set was the determination and optimism of bouncing back from what he only thought of negative things and how he was able to change his outlook on his situation. Another example of this quality are the firefighters and policemen doing their job every single day. They portray this trait of a hero by how they have the certainty and bravery to go into any situation knowing that they are there to protect people from harm. One last quality of heroism is how a hero doesn’t give in to the defeat of something. An example of this characteristic of a hero is from October Sky.In this movie, a young teenage boy named Homer Hickman Jr. is expected to work in the coal mines after graduating from high school, just like all the other boys, but dares to refuse that job and instead pursues a passion for science. His passion all started when he wanted to build a rocket. Although nobody believed that he would actually build one, Homer goes on with no support in building a small rocket with the help of a smart classmate. Despite the first failure of his small rocket, Homer continued to chase after his dream of building a rocket until he finally does.His persistent determination and motivation to keep going after having no support in the beginning and having many fail attempts gets him to win a national science fair with a college scholarship. In the very beginning of the movie though, Homer had perseverance when he wanted to make the football team, even though the chances of him making it were clear that he wouldn ’t. Despite this though Homer tried and tried over again getting back up after each tackle he received on the football field knowing that football could have gotten him into college. Heroism can be identified and seen in multiple ways.A definition of heroism varies from person to person and can mean more personal to one that has actually identified a hero in their life. A hero not only goes beyond their needs and boundaries to help and encourage others, but also have a strong mind set. Heroes can be looked in the eye and show that they will not back down or give in to the defeat of something they’ve put their mind to. Even though a definition can start or end differently they all have one message that can interpret differently to several people. It comes down to the fact of how you look at the idea of a hero and maybe apply that to your own life.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Enzyme Catalase Essays
Enzyme Catalase Essays Enzyme Catalase Paper Enzyme Catalase Paper Enzymes are proteins that function as biological catalysts (Perry, Morton 2007). They maintain the body’s stable internal balance, and without them life would be impossible (Sullivan, 2013). Enzymes are capable of speeding up reactions that otherwise would happen at a slower rate. Even though we have hundreds of different enzymes in our cells, each enzyme is specific for one particular reaction that occurs in the cell (Fuentes, 2011). A catalyst is responsible for lowering the amount of energy needed for a chemical reaction to occur. The activation energy is then lowered enough to the affect called a molehill. In an enzyme-catalyzed reaction the substrate, which is the substance being reacted upon, is the reactant (Perry, Morton 2007). The substrate only fits in a specific active site, and is later broken down by the enzyme (Lab Report). Enzyme molecules and substrate molecules merge together to form an enzyme-substrate complex, however this is only temporary. Once the molecules are bound the enzyme-substrate complex changes shape slightly. This allows the chemical reaction to process faster. The molecule is then released unchanged and is capable of catalyzing the same reaction over and over (Perry, Morton 2007). Catalase is a specific enzyme that is found in many animal and plant tissues (Sullivan, 2013). It is used to speed up reactions that break down hydrogen peroxide. For example, the enzyme is catalase and the substrate is hydrogen peroxide (Lab Report). Hydrogen peroxide is a byproduct of numerous cellular reactions that happen in our body, however this byproduct is very toxic to our cells. When catalase breaks down hydrogen peroxide it is converted into two harmless substances, water and oxygen (Fuentes, 2011). The purpose of this study is to test certain factors, and how they affect the rate of the reaction that it catalyzes. The test factors include: substrate concentration, pH, and temperature.
The eNotes Blog Exquisite Commencement Speeches by FamousAuthors
Exquisite Commencement Speeches by FamousAuthors A lot of the literary geniuses who penned the top one hundred literary works are dead- but a surprising number of them aren’t, and have thankfully stuck around long enough to see the invention of YouTube. Check out the funny, profound, tragic, and sometimes surprising revelations offered by the authors you think you know in their commencement addresses. Lois Lowry, The Giver Lesley University, 2014 To be honest, I can’t think of a single reason why you would want to listen to advice or heed any so-called wisdom from somebody who has dropped out of college not once, but three separate times, three different universities. But I’m going to try nonetheless. And I’m going to do it by telling you a story, a story of hubris, betrayal, and despair†¦ Season 2 Episode 7 of Game of Thrones. No, I made that up. Actually, this is a true story from my own childhood. In 1947, Giver author Lois Lowry spent her entire allowance on an â€Å"echo box,†an orange cardboard container the size of a paperback book with a hole in it. The manufacturer claimed that one need only speak into the echo box, and when the button was depressed the speaker would hear her voice again, exactly as she had spoken. The device seemed magical to the ten-year-old who â€Å"never had a voice, never felt important, never felt heard.†Yet when she decided to display her impressive new voice to her family one night at dinner, she pressed the button only to find a needle had popped out and pricked her in the finger so deeply she bled. Never invest all your money in a place that deals in deception. But more importantly, even though you will encounter some hideous and very painful failures during the process of learning how it works, your voice does have power. I’ve spent my entire life since 1947 learning that about my own voice. †¦ I’ve learned that the words that I say which are thereafter contained in something †¦ those words are powerful and important and I must choose them with care, sometimes even with reverence, and always with caution. J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter Series Harvard, 2011 The first thing I would like to say is thank you. Not only has Harvard given me an extraordinary honor, but the weeks of fear and nausea I have endured at the thought of giving this commencement address have made me lose weight. †¦ Now all I have to do is take deep breaths, squint at the red banners and convince myself that I am at the world’s largest Gryffindor reunion. Rowling recalls the occasion of her own graduation and the struggle she experienced with parents who hoped she would use her education to escape poverty. Her studies in Classics didn’t exactly fulfill their expectations- and seven years after her graduation she â€Å"had failed on an epic scale †¦ by any conventional measure.†Her marriage had fallen apart, she had no job, she was a single parent, and was â€Å"as poor as it is possible to be in modern Britain without being homeless.†So why do I talk about the benefits of failure? Simply because failure meant a stripping away of the inessential. I stopped pretending to myself that I was anything other than what I was, and began to direct all my energy into finishing the only work that mattered to me. Had I really succeeded at anything else, I might never have found the determination to succeed in the one arena I believed I truly belonged. I was set free, because my greatest fear had been realized, and I was still alive. Ray Bradbury, Fahrenheit 451 Caltech University, 2000 Read the full commencement speech transcript. Now, right after graduation today, make a list of the people who don’t believe in you. And you have a few, don’t you? I had plenty of people who told me not to do what I was going to do. You make a list this afternoon of the people who don’t believe in you, and you call them tonight, and tell them to go to hell! It’s not surprising to hear from the man who described in such vivid detail the ill-effects of the â€Å"parlor walls†that no one should ever have to watch the local television news again. â€Å"Don’t look at it ever. Because it tells you how bad you are.†More surprising are anecdotes of rollerskate adventures as a poor boy in Hollywood, comic strips torn up after the young author gave way to peer pressure, rejections by editors, and dire financial straits. Beneath his yearbook photo, a penniless unpublished Bradbury had them put â€Å"Headed for Literary Distinction†- and he was right. For the next four or five years, move into the future. And don’t listen to any more damn fools after this. And that’s what I did. John Green, The Fault in Our Stars Butler University, 2013 first I have to deliver terrible news, which is that you are all going to die. But, as John Green points out, it’s not bad to recognize how temporary things are. And one thing we should recognize is that the hero’s journey isn’t one from weakness to strength- but rather one from strength to weakness. As you graduate, you start over and become the rookie, the nobody. It’s not easy but it is heroic. And it reminds us to be empathetic, to remember â€Å"that the lives and experiences of others are as complex and unpredictable as your own†- they, like you, â€Å"contain multitudes.†I am going to hazard a guess that relatively few of us closed our eyes and thought of all the work and love that Selena Gomez or Justin Bieber put into making this moment possible for us. We may be taught that the people to admire and emulate are actors and musicians and sports heroes and professionally famous people, but when we look at the people who have helped us, the people who actually changed actual lives, relatively few of them are publicly celebrated. We do not think of the money they had, but of their generosity. We do not think of how beautiful or powerful they were, but how willing they were to sacrifice for us- so willing, at times, that we might not have even noticed that they were making sacrifices. Toni Morrison, Beloved Wellesley College, 2004 Regarding the future, I would have to rest my case on some bromide, like the future is yours for the taking. Or, that it’s whatever you make of it. But the fact is it is not yours for the taking. And it is not whatever you make of it. The future is also what other people make of it, how other people will participate in it and impinge on your experience of it. The future, Ms. Morrison argues, is hardly a certain thing- not with the â€Å"burgeoning mà ©nage trois of political interests, corporate interests and military interests†that threaten life as we know it. Neither is the past safe; as we analyze and reanalyze what came before, not even events long gone offer stable footing. She says she can’t even talk about happiness; she hopes these aren’t, as most graduates are told, the best years of their lives, since they have so many to come. In the end she offers this: The theme you choose may change or simply elude you, but being your own story means you can always choose the tone. It also means that you can invent the language to say who you are and what you mean. But then, I am a teller of stories and therefore an optimist, a believer in the ethical bend of the human heart, a believer in the mind’s disgust with fraud and its appetite for truth, a believer in the ferocity of beauty. So, from my point of view, which is that of a storyteller, I see your life as already artful, waiting, just waiting and ready for you to make it art. Elie Wiesel, Night Wagner College, 2012 When I came, some of you stopped me and said, â€Å"I read your book,†in singular. The naà ¯f in me would have asked, â€Å"Which one?†But I am generous, and I didn’t. Oh, of course, I knew which one you meant: â€Å"Night.†Political activist and holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel tells the students of Wagner College that the world will never learn if it has not already- if Auschwitz did not cure the world of racism, anti-semitism, and hatred, then he thinks it is unlikely that anything will. Yet â€Å"despair is never a solution†and â€Å"hatred is never an option.†All he can offer the graduating class is hope- an enormous gift. Remember that hope is not a gift given from God to us; hope is a gift, an offering, that only we human beings can give to one another.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Panopticism and Society Today
Panopticism and Society Today What is Panopticism and what in the world does it pertain to? These are some of the questions that I asked myself as I began to read this interesting essay by Michel Foucault. His work is central to many of the Humanities and social science parts of life. He came up with idea that people govern themselves, and his Panopticism essay revolves basically around this central idea. There are many panoptic examples in society today that have both positive and negative connotation. Generally I believe the panoptic theory is associated with negative experiences.The panoptic idea was started by Jeremy Betham, who is a famous architect that created original panopticon. This idea is a particular layout of a prison that was exceptionally well thought out. A tower stands in the middle of the cells with a big window above to let sunlight in, while the cells are circled around this huge tower in the middle.From left to right: Agents Brown, Smith, and JonesThis forces the prisoners to have their eyes focused on the tower and the guard in the tower at all times. There is one particular thing about this set up that Bentham made very tricky. The sun shines down through the tower and shines directly into the prisoners eyes. As a result of this the prisoners always think someone is watching them.In the first part of this essay he begins to talk about the people of Europe being infected with the plague. This plague infected nearly half of the European societies. In order to keep the disease from being spread through the air, the people infected were under strict surveillance and had to be locked in their homes. Many military men guarded the gates that surrounded the infected villages, while many other militia guarded the town hall to ensure the obedience of the...
Definition and Examples of Language-Style Matching
Definition and Examples of Language-Style Matching In conversation, texting, emailing, and other forms of interactive communication, the tendency of participants to use a common vocabulary and similar sentence structures. The term linguistic style matching (also called language style matching or simply style matching) was introduced by Kate G. Niederhoffer and James W. Pennebaker in their article Linguistic Style Matching in Social Interaction (Language and Social Psychology, 2002). In a later article, Sharing Ones Story, Niederhoffer and Pennebaker note that people are inclined to match conversation partners in linguistic style, regardless of their intentions and reactions (The Oxford Handbook of Positive Psychology, 2011). Examples and Observations Robin: To an outsider listening to their conversation, very healthy families are less easy to understand than average ones. John: Less? Because? Robin: Their conversation is quicker, more complicated. They interrupt and finish each others sentences. There are big jumps from one idea to another idea as though bits of the argument are missed out. John: But its only outsiders that find it confusing? Robin: Exactly. The conversation isnt as tidy and logical and carefully structured as it can be with somewhat less healthy families, nearer the middle of the range. Ideas are coming so thick and fast that they keep interrupting and capping each others statements. They can do that because everyone grasps what other people are trying to say before theyve finished saying it. John: Because they understand each other so well. Robin: Right. So what looks like lack of control is actually a sign of their unusually good communication.(Robin Skynner and John Cleese, Life and How to Survive It. W.W. Norton, 1995) Linguistic Style Matching in Relationships Attraction is not all about good looks; a pleasant conversation is important too. To test the idea, [Eli] Finkel, [Paul] Eastwick, and their colleagues [at Northwestern University] looked at language-style matching, or how much individuals matched their conversation to that of their partner orally or in writing, and how it related to attraction. This verbal coordination is something we unconsciously do, at least a little bit, with anyone we speak to, but the researchers wondered if a high level of synchrony might offer clues about what types of people individuals would want to see again.In an initial study the researchers analyzed forty speed dates for language use. They found that the more similar the two daters language was, the more likely it was that they would want to meet up again. So far, so good. But might that language-style matching also help predict whether a date or two will progress to a committed relationship? To find out, the researchers analyzed instant messages from committed couples who chatted daily, and compared the level of language-style matching with relationship stability measures gathered using a standardized questionnaire. Three months later the researchers checked back to see if those couples were still together and had them fill out another questionnaire. The group found that language-style matching was also predictive of relationship stability. People in relationships with high levels of language-style matching were almost twice as likely to still be together when the researchers followed up with them three months later. Apparently conversation, or at least the ability to sync up and get on the same page, mattered. (Kayt Sukel, Dirty Minds: How Our Brains Influence Love, Sex, and Relationships. Free Press, 2012) Patterns of Linguistic Style Matching [P]eople also converge in the ways they talkthey tend to adopt the same levels of formality, emotionality, and cognitive complexity. In other words, people tend to use the same groups of function words at similar rates. Further, the more the two people are engaged with one another, the more closely their function words match.The matching of function words is called language style matching, or LSM. Analyses of conversations find that LSM occurs within the first fifteen to thirty seconds of any interaction and is generally beyond conscious awareness. . . .Style matching waxes and wanes over the course of a conversation. In most conversations, style matching usually starts out quite high and then gradually drops as the people continue to talk. The reason for this pattern is that at the beginning of the conversation its important to connect with the other person. . . . As the conversation rolls on, the speakers begin to get more comfortable and their attention starts to wander. There are times, however, that style matching will immediately increase. (James W. Pennnebaker, The Secret Life of Pronouns: What Our Words Say About Us. Bloomsbury Press, 2011) Linguistic Style Matching in Hostage Negotiations Taylor and Thomas (2008) reviewed 18 categories of linguistic style in four successful and five unsuccessful negotiations. They found that at the conversational level successful negotiations involved more coordination of linguistic styles between the hostage taker and negotiator, including problem-solving style, interpersonal thoughts, and expressions of emotion. When negotiators communicated in short, positive bursts and used low sentence complexity and concrete thinking, hostage takers would often match this style. . . . Overall, the driving factor that determined linguistic style-matching behavior depended on the dominant party in the negotiation: Successful cases were marked by the negotiator taking the dominant role, implementing a positive dialogue, and dictating the hostage takers response.(Russell E. Palarea, Michel G. Gelles, and Kirk L. Rowe, Crisis and Hostage Negotiation. Military Psychology: Clinical and Operational Applications, 2nd ed., ed. by Carrie Kennedy and Eric A . Zillmer. Guilford Press, 2012) Historical Style Matching Recently the style matching among historical figures has been examined using archival records. One case involves the poetry of Elizabeth Barrett and Robert Browning, a 19th century English couple who met and eventually married in the middle of their writing careers. By tracking their poetry, a sense of their oscillations in their relationship emerged.(James W. Pennnebaker, Frederica Facchin, and Davide Margola, What Our Words Say About Us: The Effects of Writing and Language. Close Relationships and Community Psychology: An International Perspective, ed. by Vittorio Cigoli and Marialuisa Gennari. FrancoAngeli, 2010) Linguistic Style Matching in Fiction People dont talk the same way unless they are joined together in some common purpose, have common lives, goals, desires. The great mistake of so many prose writers in their transcription of speech is to record its syntactical eccentricities and habits carelessly; e.g., theyll have an uneducated laborer speak the same way as an uneducated thug. Or, a cop will speak the same way as those he bullies and arrests. The mark of brilliance and honesty in speech transcription resides in the differentiation of language patterns.(Gilbert Sorrentino, Hubert Selby. Something Said: Essays by Gilbert Sorrentino. North Point, 1984)
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Writing an Inquiry Business Letter for ESL Students
Writing an Inquiry Business Letter for ESL Students When you want to ask a business for more information concerning a product or service or for other information, you write an inquiry letter. When written by consumers, these types of letters are often in response to an advertisement seen in a newspaper, magazine, or commercial on television. They can be written and mailed or emailed. In a business-to-business setting, a companys employees can write inquiries to ask the same types of questions about products and services. For example, a company representative may want information on buying products wholesale from a distributor, or a growing small business may need to outsource its bookkeeping and payroll and want to contract with a firm. For further types of business letters, you can find examples of different types of business letters to refine your skills for specific business purposes, such as making inquiries, adjusting claims, writing cover letters, and more. Hard-Copy Letters For professional-looking hard-copy letters, place your or your companys address at the top of the letter (or use your companys letterhead stationery) followed by the address of the company you are writing to. The date can either be placed double-spaced down (hit return/enter twice) or to the right. If you use a style that has the date on the right, indent your paragraphs and do not put a line of space between them. If you keep everything flush to the left, dont indent paragraphs, and put a space between them. Leave a line of space before your closing, and four to six lines of space for you to have room to hand-sign the letter. Emailed Inquiries If you use email, its easier on the readers eyes to have paragraphs with a line of space between them, so flush everything left. The email will automatically have the date of when it was sent, so you do not need to add the date, and youll need only one line of blank space between your closing and your typed name. Place your company contact information (such as your telephone extension so someone can get back to you easily) at the bottom after your name. Its easy to be too casual with email. If you want to appear professional to the business youre writing to, stick with the rules and tone of formal letter writing for the best results, and proofread your letter before sending it out. Its so easy to dash out an email, hit Send right away, and then discover a mistake upon rereading. Correct errors before sending to make a better first impression. Important Language for a Business Inquiry Letter The start: Dear Sir or Madam or To Whom It May Concern (very formal, used when you do not know the person to whom you are writing). If you know your contact already, thats better than being anonymous.Giving reference: With reference to your advertisement (ad) in... or Regarding your advertisement (ad) in... Give the company context to why youre writing, right away.Requesting a catalog, brochure, etc.: After the reference, add a comma and continue could you please send me information on...Requesting further information: If you have more that youre seeking, add, I would also like to know... or Could you tell me whether...Summary call to action: I look forward to hearing from you... or Could you please give me a call between the hours of...Closing: Use Sincerely or Yours faithfully to close.Signature: Add your title on the line following your name. An Example Hard-Copy Letter Your NameYour Street AddressCity, ST Zip Business NameBusiness AddressCity, ST Zip September 12, 2017 To Whom It May Concern: With reference to your advertisement in yesterdays New York Times, could you please send me a copy of your latest catalog? Is it also available online? I look forward to hearing from you. Yours faithfully, (Signature) Your Name Your Job TitleYour Company Name
Definition and Examples of Aspect in English Grammar
Definition and Examples of Aspect in English Grammar In English grammar, aspect is a verb form (or category) that indicates time-related characteristics, such as the completion, duration, or repetition of an action. (Compare and contrast with tense.) When used as an adjective, its aspectual. The word comes from Latin, meaning how [something] looks The two primary aspects in English are the perfect (sometimes called perfective) and the progressive (also known as the continuous form). As illustrated below, these two aspects may be combined to form the perfect progressive. In English, aspect is expressed by means of particles, separate verbs, and verb phrases. Examples and Observations Perfect AspectThe perfect aspect describes events occurring in the past but linked to a later time, usually the present. The perfect aspect is formed with has, have, or had the past participle. It occurs in two forms:​ Perfect Aspect, Present Tense:History has remembered the kings and warriors, because they destroyed; art has remembered the people, because they created.(William Morris, The Water of the Wondrous Isles, 1897)​ Perfect Aspect, Past Tense:At fifteen life had taught me undeniably that surrender, in its place, was as honorable as resistance, especially if one had no choice. (Maya Angelou, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, 1969) Progressive AspectThe progressive aspect usually describes an event that takes place during a limited time period. The progressive aspect is made up of a form of be the -ing form of the main verb.​ Progressive Aspect, Present Tense:Shes loyal and is trying to wear her thin flippy hair in cornrows.(Carolyn Ferrell, Proper Library, 1994) Progressive Aspect, Past Tense:I was reading the dictionary. I thought it was a poem about everything. (Steven Wright) The Difference Between Tense and AspectTraditionally . . . both aspects [perfect and progressive] are treated as part of the tense system in English, and mention is made of tenses such as the present progressive (e.g. We are waiting), the present perfect progressive (e.g. We have been waiting), and the past perfect progressive (e.g. We had been waiting), with the latter two combining two aspects. There is a distinction to be made, however, between tense and aspect. Tense is concerned with how time is encoded in the grammar of English, and is often based on morphological form (e.g. write, writes, wrote); aspect is concerned with the unfolding of a situation, and in English is a matter of syntax, using the verb be to form the progressive, and the verb have to form the perfect. For this reason combinations like those above are nowadays referred to as constructions (e.g. the progressive construction, the present perfect progressive construction). (Bas Aarts, Sylvia Chalker, and Edmund Weiner, Oxford Dictionary of English Grammar, 2nd ed. Oxford University Press, 2014) present perfect progressive: God knows how long Ive been doing it. Have I been talking out loud? past perfect progressive: He had been keeping it in a safety deposit box at the Bank of America. For months she had been waiting for that particular corner location. Present Perfect Progressive and Past Perfect ProgressiveThe perfect aspect most often describes events or states taking place during a preceding time. The progressive aspect describes an event or state of affairs in progress or continuing. Perfect and progressive aspect can be combined with either present or past tense...Verb phrases can be marked for both aspects (perfect and progressive) at the same time: The perfect progressive aspect is rare, occurring usually in the past tense in fiction. It combines the meaning of the perfect and the progressive, referring to a past situation or activity that was in progress for a period of time. (Douglas Biber, Susan Conrad, and Geoffrey Leech, Longman Student Grammar of Spoken and Written English. Longman, 2002)
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Marketing Management class discussion wk11 Coursework
Marketing Management class discussion wk11 - Coursework Example The first name is always the easiest to remember a person by. The campaign make use of diverse communication modes, such as advertising, sales promotion and public relations and publicity (Kotler & Keller, 2015). Coca cola has invested heavily in advertising the campaigns. Television advertisement is rampant to alert the product consumers of what they have to offer. Other advertising methods includes use of brochures at the sales points, billboard along busy streets, point of sales displays and packaging inserts. Prior to campaign, the company did massive streets campaign, trade shows and fairs to promote their product (Coca-Cola, 2013). The use of names in the brand was symbolic of social interactions. One could have a psychological connection with the brand. Consequently, the right brain possessing the dire need to consume the drink is hyper-activated. Pleasure effect activation leads to an intense feeling to purchase more. Concisely, there is development of an element of ownership via the name on the bottle. Personalisation transfers the eventual meaning to the brain, hence one have a total notion of Coca cola as a true brand. The success of the campaign is evident with the escalation in consumption by 9%, with further increase in Facebook page
None Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 36
None - Essay Example Thus, Socrates sees wisdom primarily a practice of the moral life, in which the main role is played by such realization. Socrates connects wisdom with ethics, since he considers man as a social being living among other people, and therefore obliged to follow the ethical principles of harmonious coexistence with them. Socrates believes that morality and the truth provided by wisdom are identical concepts. A good man is both a moral and intelligent in his/her actions, since he/she is guided by moral principles. All actions that are based on virtue are good. A man who knows the essence of such acts does not want to commit a bad act, while a person who has no idea of morality can make a mistake, even trying to do good. Every virtue is wisdom, and only wise men are able to commit good deeds. Considering wisdom, Socrates argues that the first step to wisdom involves ignorance (Plato 26). Its task is to justify the need to search for the truth that is possible using dialogue as a comparison and analysis of the various points of view. Wisdom requires an active search for the truth that suggests a denial from ready-made answers. Based on this understanding, Socrates says the following: â€Å"I am very conscious that I am not wise at all†(Plato 26). Socrates makes demands not only to himself but also to other people so that they could understand that there is nothing worse than to assume that they know everything (Plato 33). Nevertheless, there is evidence to suggest that Socrates thinks that he is much closer to wisdom than all other people. In particular, when in the Apology the oracle calls Socrates a wise man, the philosopher demonstrates faith in relation to the words of the oracle. Though he attempts to verify the validity of these words, nevertheless, given th at the wisdom presupposes the recognition of personal ignorance, Socrates gives a hint that he has the wisdom. The main reason of this is in the fact that
Managing Information in Toyota Motor Corporation Research Paper
Managing Information in Toyota Motor Corporation - Research Paper Example The objective here is to achieve optimum cost control so that it will reflect positively on the bottom - the line of the company’s profits and give maximum returns to the stakeholders of the company. Efforts at cost control, without compromising on quality, are an everyday effort within the company Cost control can be defined as â€Å"Application of (1) investigative procedures to detect variance of actual costs from budgeted costs, (2) diagnostic procedures to ascertain the cause(s) of variance, and (3) corrective procedures to effect realignment between actual and budgeted costs.†The type of information that is required to achieve cost control is wide-ranging and has to be acquired from a variety of sources. The types of cost that are incurred in a typical manufacturing concern include direct costs, indirect costs, hidden costs, future liability costs, intangible costs, external costs etc.a. Direct costs: Direct cost is costs that can be readily identified as those d irectly incurred in them the manufacturing process. It includes raw materials, wages depreciation etc. b. Indirect costs: Costs, which cannot be attributed directly to production, are termed as indirect costs. These include salaries, rent, marketing expenses etc. c. An example would be where customers are not satisfied with the product which results in a fall in sales. â€Å"Some examples of hidden quality costs are customer dissatisfaction with a product or defects in a product that causes a loss of sales.
Friday, October 18, 2019
A Discussion and Analysis of the Seven Sins of Memory Essay
A Discussion and Analysis of the Seven Sins of Memory - Essay Example Whereas the memory is a complex process that each and every human being possesses, the fact of the matter is that it cannot succinctly be described in general terms. Rather, understanding he unique ways in which different types of memory and memory loss relates to the individual is a fundamental step in attempting to grasp a further understanding of the way in which memory is governed and integrated within the human being. Remembers as a means of drawing inference from the discussion of these seven distinct types of memory loss. The first of these which Schacter introduces to the reader is that which is termed transient memory loss; or the type of memory loss that relates to a particular memory fading over a period of time. In this particular type of memory loss, the subject is able to recall a great deal more with relation to recent events than with regards to those that took place a long while ago. As the author notes, this particular type of memory loss is especially related to episodic memory in the fact that each and every time a particular episode is recalled it is, re-written, as it were; thereby altering the memory and making it more difficult to recall within the future (Renk et al, 2007). This type of memory loss most specifically affects the hippocampus. The second sin of memory, as the author dubs these failings, is that of absent mindedness. This is perhaps the most widely discussed and well known of the memory loss issues as it relates to attention span and issues with the memory interface. This type of memory loss most intimately affects the short term memory and can of course be exhibited in situations such as forgetting where one placed the remote control, leaving one’s keys inside the car, or forgetting about important dates or appointments.
At aparticular period in American history, explain why i consider it Term Paper
At aparticular period in American history, explain why i consider it so important - Term Paper Example Slavery and slave trade thrived in the US greatly in the periods preceding and during the 1800s. However, with the turn of the new century, many political leaders came to realise the nature of activity that was slavery (Olsen 25). They appreciated slavery as an ill, something that went against the fundamental human rights. The leaders saw the need to free slaves, mostly Africans, and give them an opportunity to return to their native land. This change of ideals saw the American Colonization Society establish Liberia as a centre for freed slaves. Although the idea of repatriating slaves from white society was rejected in the 1840s, based on the principles propagated during the great awakening, the central idea of freedom of slavery remained a core issue in the administration of the nation. For the first time in the history of the United States, African Americans took a central role in the determination of their history as they participated actively and in some cases actually led aboli tionist movements. The 1860s marked a major turn in the history of the US as it was the climax of the war against slavery as marked by the American Civil War (Chambers 54).
Introduction to business Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Introduction to business - Assignment Example As indicated above, the environment of a business is dynamic and most noticeably complex. Therefore, these environmental aspects are considered crucial to a business, because they have an impact on the growth of business and generally, its survival in a competitive market. These aspects are not only critical because of a business’ survival in the market, but also because they are a gauge against changes in the market. These are changes that may be technological or economical in nature such as recessions or bank interests. When an organization is able to detect these changes, it becomes easier to adapt or work on how to evade any undesirable results. Business adaptability is crucial in a competitive market, and businesses that are not able to adapt to change soon operate on losses. According to Goodman, Ladzani, Bates, Botha, and Vries a market is defined as a place where trade takes place and based on the participation of sellers and buyers. Sellers and buyers participate by trading in goods or information. In my opinion, this definition is simple and based on the physical location of a market. However, today’s markets are rather different and more virtual rather than physical. An excellent example of this is the internet, which is now a large market and one which is most liquid. In defining the market, it is crucial to also mention that the market is not only focused on products and services, but also satisfies the needs of customers (Goodman, Ladzani, Bates, Botha, and Vries 16). In my opinion, the most appropriate way of defining the market is to think about the needs of customers before making any other business related move. After this, the next best step to take is to identify the products which meet the customer needs. In the contemporary society, companies use marketing tools to convince the buyers to buy goods from the market. The nonprofit organizations use the marketing tools to encourage buyers in the market. Hence, in
Reciprocity and extensive reading Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words
Reciprocity and extensive reading - Assignment Example The use of authentic, engaging materials should be the basis for class activity (Murcia 2006: 110). Authenticity is a term that loosely implies as close to approximation as possible to the world outside the classroom, in the selection of both language materials and of the activities and methods used for practice in the classroom (McDonough and Shaw 2003:40). Further, problems arise because of classroom methods and materials used in the classroom. Although language teachers have the same goal – to enable learners to use the target language proficiently whether in academic, personal, or professional life, it is not unusual for teachers to report a sense of isolation from colleagues in other countries (McDonough and Shaw: 1). As what Richards (1983: 219 - 239) reminds us, the current state of English has turned a significant percentage of the world’s population into part-time users of English. Thus, experts all over the world have developed strategies and approaches to lan guage teaching that would best address the problems on L2 learning and teaching. One of the outcomes of the Communicative Language Teaching is interactive listening and speaking: negotiating Meaning through Questioning-Answering Routines. This is also known as reciprocal teaching (Murcia 2006:13-27). The concept of Reciprocal Teaching is based on the concept of Reciprocity. In communication, there is what we call taking-turns. A variety of question-types can be used: repetition, paraphrasing, verification, clarification, elaboration, extension, and challenge. Reciprocal Teaching or RT is a strategy that attempts to establish an active and relatively expanded dialog between teacher and students and among students themselves (Izquiendo 2004: 20-25). Paliscar and Brown (1984: 117-175) developed this strategy to reinforce comprehension in L1 and the reading classes. According to Izquiendo (2004: 20-25), when RT is used, the classroom is not a one way street, in which the teacher maintai ns strict control of the environment, but rather, a two-way street that allows active participation by students. The teacher serves as a facilitator or monitor. Reciprocity is manifested in Reciprocal Teaching (RT) because it promotes the teacher-student (T-S), student-teacher (S-T), and student – student (S-S) exchange (Izquiendo 2004:20-25). One example to show this is when the teacher asks a student to recite and when the student has recited, the teacher calls on another student to repeat through paraphrasing what his or her classmates just mentioned. The concept here is to allow students to listen well during class discussion because at any point in time, the teacher may call one to elaborate or challenge the statements given by a classmate. In RT, there is what we call, short-term and long term exchanges. A short-turn is often referred to as language for informational purposes while long-turn is often referred to as language for transactional purposes (Brown and Yule 198 3a). The same authors stress that training students to produce short-turns â€Å"will not automatically field students who can perform satisfactorily in long turns. The point is, teachers should do all they can to encourage students to produce complete sentences and long utterances. This is supported by the survey conducted by Ferris and Tagg (1996: 31 - 55) conducted among university faculty which suggest that, in general, what
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Civil Liberties Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
Civil Liberties - Essay Example While civil liberties are protective in nature, it is still imperative for the police to make sure that all American citizens are entitled to these liberties. While on assignment with The New York Police, various cases relating to civil liberties were presented. On such occasions, the simulation training comes to mind. The police have to deliver correct judgments without contravening the constitution. While still on duty with the NYPD, striking students emerged rioting from their college. Controlling rioting students can be quite a challenge. They were protesting because one of their own had been run over by a hit and run motorist. They have right to assemble and speak their mind, but the manner of their protest was more likely to disrupt various activities and inconvenience other motorists (McReynolds 322). The situation presented below is sandwiched between upholding civil liberties for students, and a possible confrontation with the same liberties to the public and the motorists. The police simulation program comes in handy at such situations. ... Getting such students, with infuriating tempers, to calm down is a beg test for police simulation capacities. Explaining to them that they have to execute the constitutional rights in a manner that freedoms to other people are curtailed at their expense is necessary. Motorists are inconvenienced because the students are causing traffic build up. The freedom of movement of the motorists is curtailed at the expense of the freedom of speech being exercised by the students. Reaching an agreement with the students, without necessarily having to put them under control using force is the best solution. In the end, the students clearly understand that their rights have been respected as stated in the constitution while they too have to act in a way that will show their respect for other citizens. This decision warrants a promotion. The assignment brings with itself various benefits. First, the civil liberties create awareness that these are constitutional rights available to any citizen of t he Unite States of America. The police are a key factor in promoting the spirit of these liberties. It is in the authority of the police to ensure that all people have equal access to these constitutional rights. Civil liberties develop a unifying feeling between blacks and whites. The majority (white) and the minority (blacks) all have equal rights in the constitution. This helps to curb the superiority feeling of the white Americans while trying to reduce the inferiority feeling within the blacks. The government too has the power to uphold civil liberties. This can be reached effectively by dispensing justice equally to all citizens in courts without partiality or favor. The government also has to provide equal employment opportunities to all citizens, improve equal
Offshoring Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Offshoring - Essay Example Methods: In a bid to ensure the data collected is accurate, a quantitative approach has been employed. Once collected, the data is analyzed by running a regression using the Statistical Package for the Social Science (SPSS). Findings: the research has found 93% R-Square value that essentially implies that close to 93% of the variation in the value of the dependent is well explained by the variation in the independent variation. Also, the results showed a 0.000137 p-value for the off-shoring coefficient, so the p-value is lower than 0.05. In essence, this is interpreted to mean that a change in the percentage of material off shoring indeed has an effect on labor and productivity. This research paper has been made in order to complement to pass of bachelor degree in business administration program. I would like to start by thanking God for helping me to finish my thesis, also I would like to say thanks to whoever have helped me directly or indirectly with my thesis and studying and that includes a very special thank for my supervisor (PhD. ShlairAbdulkhaleq) and Dean (PhD Fatih Çura). Also I would like to thank my parents whom supported me from the start, and of course I would like to say thanks to my husband for everything .In the end, I would like to tell you that I’m really happy from the bottom of my heart that I was able to do this thesis and it’s just a step towards the success that I’m dreaming of, and I hope that it will help the upcoming student in their studies and they can benefit from the information below. Modern businesses are driven by innovation. Outsourcing is one of the methods of innovation undertaken by different business enterprises. Outsourcing enables to open new horizons that in turn lead to increased productivity. However, any new idea brings along its own set of conditions and parameters with it. Outsourcing is no exception in this regard and it has certain prerequisites and parameters that need to be
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