Thursday, October 3, 2019
Detail Explanation And Statistics Of Gangsterism Education Essay
Detail Explanation And Statistics Of Gangsterism Education Essay Problem of gangsterism always concerned by the society, because it is the problem linked to young people. According to the legal dictionary, gangsterism which is a group of three or more people who form in the illegal organization. Those peoples like to stick together and establishment of an assemblage to do something consider as crime in their daily life. Examples are they extort money from shop owners, hawkers and others, receive payment by threatening others or to beat someone up for fun. At the beginning, maybe they are just scrawl in a public place, stealing, speaking vulgar words, force someone to join their own gang and destroy public property. When goes worse they could involve in selling drugs or illegal pills, fighting with others, provide a loan to people, operate gambling house. All this can make them have rest of life in jail or face the death penalty. 2.0 Detail Explanation and statistics of gangsterism According to Utusan Malaysia (1998), the social phenomenon of gangstersim has shown to increase the rate of vandalism threatening and drug addicts among the teenagers.Nowadys, gangsters are a threat to society and people. Gangs also become more dangerous and wild. A gangster is a member of a gang and some of the gangs areconsidering being part of organized crime. Gangsters are also call mobsters, a term derived from mob and the suffix. The statistical figure was brought out by Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin during the Parliamentary session on June 9, 2010 portrays thenumber of students who involved with gangsterism. From the figure, it stated that thenumber of students nearly doubled since 2005.It begins with 32 cases recorded and the numbers reach its high peak on 2008 with the value of 81.Although the number had slightly decreased to 60 cases in 2009 but the number still considered high compared to the earlier cases recorded in 2005.As for figure which provided by ACP Amar Singh Sidhu on his journal title, Journal of the Kuala Lumpur Royal Malaysia Police College, No.4 on 2005, it reveal that majority of delinquents detained in the rehabilitation centre was from India races with the number of 316 people. On the other hand, both Malay and Chinese represent the similar number with 111 people for each race to be detained. 2.1Causes of Gangsterism Time has changed, so do the social issues. Problems arising among the youth are at the alarming state. Most of the teenagers that involved in gangsterism are getting younger and younger, probably from the ages of ten to sixteen years old. Theres many factor to lead the teenagers step in the path of gangsterism. 2.1.1 Caused by the surrounding Many people feel that gangsterism is caused by the teenagers oneself. But, these facts were actually causes by the surrounding matters of the teenagers. Such like the peoples they met in daily, the activity they used to do after school, and the relationship between teenager and their family. The purpose of teenagers is to attract others attention and to protect them because they feel alone, lack of attention and caring from others. So they started to do some gangsters activities to the environment just trying to attract other peoples attention. 2.1.2Caused by school mates and friends Next, in most case,those who involves in gang activities are influenced by their school mates and friends who is also involved in such of activities. Their friends lead them to do the gangs activities such as extort money from others, fighting with the others gang members and received payment from threatening others. During the period, teenagers are very sensitive. In order to they want get respect from their friends, they join the gangs. So, the teenagers are affected by their friends and start to do some gangs activities with them in school. Then they will bully the othersstudents in school or after school. 2.1.3Caused by multimedia Besides, teenagers may also be instilled by the media to become gangster. Nowadays, multimedia such as internet, television and radio are very popular and common among to the teenagers. However, there are many dramas and movies that show out gangsters activities and some even built the character of the gangster as a hero. At the end, the teenagers start to copy the character in the gangsters movie and learn some bad attitude and critical thinking. 2.1.4Caused by parents On the other hand, some teenagers are not good in social activities and they are bore with the family members. To the last they join gangsterism because wanted to attract others attention and no longer feel alone .This idea probably because of their parents are busy with own work or teenager are from single parent family, so they are lack of concerned by their parents. They desire to get attention and caring that could not get from parents or elder when they start to feel helpless and lonely. This is the reason why they join gangsterism. 2.2 Effects of Gangsterism No matter what are the reasons for teenagers to involve in gangsterism, it willbring many negative effects to the teenagers themselves and also to the society. So, there are many effects of gangsterism like towards individual, parents and society. 2.2.1Effect towards individual First of all is the effect towards individual. The teenagers who involve themselves with gangsterism will face bad consequences in their life including have an uncertain future, ignore from others people and their future might be threatened due to the result of their behavior. They will detained because somehow they able to create the chaotic scene in their surroundings. This will also affect their life as they unable to perform well and they will not graduate successfully in their study and they might spend their years in juvenile school. Research shows that teenagers who involve themselves in gang have no real friends in school and are only respected by his group of gangster friends since they always stick together to do illegal activities. 2.2.2Effect towards parents Next, the effects towards parents. In the environment of family, their parents have to face the bad criticism from others people because of their childrens behavior. Most probably, parents might be insulted or become the subject of hatred by others in their surroundings. They also might be blame on what their children had done to the peoples. Some of the parents are trying hard to encourage their children quit gangs in order to make them back to their right path. Although some of them are fail. 2.2.3Effect towards community Peoples are so worrying about the gangsters activities become more and more active in the town. As a result, the society becomes not peaceful anymore and everyone needs to aware of gangsters activities that take place in their town and they will feel insecure with the threatened over this matter because the surrounding is not the safe place anymore due to the violent act of gangster. Their behavior of gangster might endanger their life.Besides that, number of crime in the town increasing as the result of number of teenage gangsters increase. 2.3Recommendations and Preventive Measures In conclusion, gangsterism is caused by many causes and factors. No matter caused bysurrounding, parents, friends or media.Gangsterism also brings a lot of negative effects to the teenagers and the society. So to curb these social ill, parents, educators and community should be aware of what is going on among the youths. Though there are various psychological and physical factors that caused a person to choose to become a gang member, so parents or guardians should help them to give their children with love, respect and always to be concerned them to reduce they join gangsterism. They should provide their children with a good religious and moral background. Thus, teenagersshould also control themselves then often join some healthy social activities such as sports, jungle trekking with friends and listening to the music. So they can far away from gang activities. The parents also must teach them the value of money since they are in puberty, so do not spoil them with a big allowance. B esides, the parents also can set a curfew for their own children so they dont go back home lately. Then they always want be aware of changes in their children whether its their behavior or attitude when they come back from school or the other places. The teenagers also should be caution to choose friends in school or in community.It would be best not to make friends which they involved in gangs activities. The teenagers also avoid visiting discos, snooker and gaming centers because there got many unhealthy activities and gang members. The teenagers also must always think positive in their life. If face any problems in studies or life, they can find their parents, teachers or counselors to solve the problems. They are willing to help the teenagers and enlighten them well with right path and givegoodadvice to them. We must maintain the safety of community in our life and decrease theactivities of gangsterism. 3.0 Introduction to Information Technology According to the Wikipedia, definition of Information Technology is nothing but technology which deals with information. In broaden sense information technology refers to combination of software and hardware products and services that people use to manage, access, communicate, and share information.Therefore,Information Technology is that technology by which the information is processed,communicated,exhibite and retrieved in a fast, error-fee and proper-way. Information Technology also can said is a technology in with both telecommunication computer technologies work together to supply founding.The term Information Technology or simply know as IT is a generic name given to all development that are taking place in our world due to the inter-linked advancement in technology, learning and information. Then, the term refers to modern technological developments that are taking place in the world as a result or better technology due to better information. 4.0Presentation and Analysis of Findings Nowadays, the community becomes more small and small because any information or latest news can be exchanged and spread by people in a few minutes toanother people in the Information Technology. All of this has been possible through ITlike telephone, fax, telex, computers, internet, e-mail, photocopler, printer, scanner, cellularphones, videophone, pagers, multimedia, digital camera, etc.Of course, IT also includedFacebook, twitter, Gmail, YouTube, Google and so on also had influenced to a collegestudent. So that can said our age is known as the age of IT world. IT revolution issweeping our culture to bring about unfathomable changes today. Thats why twentyfirst century belongs to the IT world now. The issue about Information Technology provides powerful catalyst for change.According to the Gloria Hancock, acting executive director of the New Jersey Juvenile Justice Commission, said that emphasized the value of evidence based programs in helping prepare young people in the justice sy stem to function as constructive citizens. Hancock mentioned that Gov. Chris Christies proclamation making September Recovery Month is a sign that there is increasing awareness that education can change lives.Col. Thomas A. Kolditz, Ph.D., head of the department of behavior science and leadership at the U.S. Military Academy, also said, I believe future leaders must be good listeners who use external input as a catalyst. Open-minded learners make great leaders. The ability to listen to one another may be the key to survival in this fast-changing world. 4.1 Advantages of Information Technology Todays world is the world of information and telecommunication.Now, we just want press any button then we can get any information that we want know from everywhere in the world. There are some advantages of information technology to a college student. 4.1.1 Get the information easily First of all, I can get their information and news from IT. I search from the internet because there have many details and data as a reference resource for me when I am doing my assignments, presentation, investigation reports and homework. 4.1.2 Improve knowledge Through the information technology, I will improve my knowledge too since IT always provide healthy and good materials to me. So I will learn some new things and knowledge from there. My knowledge is increasing day by day due to the development of Information Technology. 4.1.3 Communicate around the world Information Technology changed our life to make it easier to communicate between each other such as nowadays I want to contact my friends which are in different country in the world. So I will use IT to contact them and keep in touch with them although they are in different country in the world. Besides that, I also make new friends which come from different country in the world through the information technology like Facebook, Twitter, and so on. So that I can learn different culture, language and race from my friends around the world. Information Technology promotes a good relationship with me and my friends. Sometimes just sending email, follow Facebook status and Twitter also can know about each others situation. 4.2 Disadvantages of Information technology to a college student. Information Technology has become a very important part for our life. Advancements in information technology have many good advantages on society; however, this has not come without its downsides. 4.2.1Waste much time and energy First, I waste much time on Information Technology such as playing games and Facebook. I would be speed too many hours on IT to do useless things. Playing games can be allowing me to more relax but sometimes I had abused it from day to midnight. However, I also waste my energy due to they put more effort on the IT that not assist in their studies. Therefore I definitely lose their force and resources. 4.2.2 Addicted in Information Technology This is also a disadvantage of Information Technology to a college student. Sometimes I face to the IT constantly and is addicted to playing games or playing with a group of friends in cyber cafà ©. Some of the students also will gamble about the games whether they win or not. When long time ago, we will addict in IT and will less get attention in our study. 4.2.3 Effect body and brain health Due to face to the Information Technology for long-term, which could be effect bodys healthy and have some trouble in the body. If maintain to face IT in all the time, it will bring many diseases in the end. So it would be best to discover and to be able to rescue it in time. 4.2.4 Provide laziness Information Technology has made our life more comfortable because we can access information easily and it can help us to save more time but it provides laziness. For example, when a student has a research in school or at home, all he is going to type the words in the internet and they will copy and paste the information and prints it out, rather than they will borrow books from the library and reads it one by one. So, they are getting lazy and importance of books in our life is fading away slowly from now. 4.3 Conclusion and Recommendations Information (IT) is playing a very necessary character in our life today since IT provides us a convenient, easily and rapidly network application to us. Like example, we can use Global Positioning System (GPS) to forecast our location when we are losing our ways on the road or find out the accurate place to arrive our destination. For students, they can explore for any information and data through the information technology to solve their problems and doubts. IT has many advantages to ours if we can use IT correctly. But some of the students misuse the IT that playing games non-stop, searching for sexual film without parents and gambling for some football games through the network. So their parents should control them strictly and teach them with the true IT knowledge. Information Technology also supply for the purpose of business, management, banking, hotel and etc to fulfill their own objective. Development of IT has more and more progress to become a successful IT world for the c oming generations. Finally, our country will turn into a development IT country.
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